require_relative '../../spec_helper' require_relative 'fixtures/classes' require_relative '../enumerable/shared/enumeratorized' describe "Array#sort_by!" do it "sorts array in place by passing each element to the given block" do a = [-100, -2, 1, 200, 30000] a.sort_by!{ |e| e.to_s.size } a.should == [1, -2, 200, -100, 30000] end it "returns an Enumerator if not given a block" do (1..10).to_a.sort_by!.should be_an_instance_of(Enumerator) end it "completes when supplied a block that always returns the same result" do a = [2, 3, 5, 1, 4] a.sort_by!{ 1 } a.should be_an_instance_of(Array) a.sort_by!{ 0 } a.should be_an_instance_of(Array) a.sort_by!{ -1 } a.should be_an_instance_of(Array) end it "raises a #{frozen_error_class} on a frozen array" do -> { ArraySpecs.frozen_array.sort_by! {}}.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) end it "raises a #{frozen_error_class} on an empty frozen array" do -> { ArraySpecs.empty_frozen_array.sort_by! {}}.should raise_error(frozen_error_class) end it "returns the specified value when it would break in the given block" do [1, 2, 3].sort_by!{ break :a }.should == :a end it "makes some modification even if finished sorting when it would break in the given block" do partially_sorted = (1..5).map{|i| ary = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] ary.sort_by!{|x,y| break if x==i; x<=>y} ary } partially_sorted.any?{|ary| ary != [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}.should be_true end it "changes nothing when called on a single element array" do [1].sort_by!(&:to_s).should == [1] end it_behaves_like :enumeratorized_with_origin_size, :sort_by!, [1,2,3] end