describe :array_iterable_and_tolerating_size_increasing, shared: true do before do @value_to_return ||= -> _ { nil } end it "tolerates increasing an array size during iteration" do # The goal is to trigger potential reallocation of internal array storage, so we: # - use elements of different types, starting with the less generic (Integer) # - add reasonably big number of new elements (~ 100) array = [1, 2, 3] # to test some methods we need several uniq elements array_to_join = [:a, :b, :c] + (4..100).to_a ScratchPad.record [] i = 0 array.send(@method) do |e| ScratchPad << e array << array_to_join[i] if i < array_to_join.size i += 1 end ScratchPad.recorded.should == [1, 2, 3] + array_to_join end end