require_relative '../fixtures/encoded_strings' describe :array_inspect, shared: true do it "returns a string" do [1, 2, 3].send(@method).should be_an_instance_of(String) end it "returns '[]' for an empty Array" do [].send(@method).should == "[]" end it "calls inspect on its elements and joins the results with commas" do items = do |i| obj = mock(i.to_s) obj.should_receive(:inspect).and_return(i.to_s) obj end items.send(@method).should == "[0, 1, 2]" end it "does not call #to_s on a String returned from #inspect" do str = +"abc" str.should_not_receive(:to_s) [str].send(@method).should == '["abc"]' end it "calls #to_s on the object returned from #inspect if the Object isn't a String" do obj = mock("Array#inspect/to_s calls #to_s") obj.should_receive(:inspect).and_return(obj) obj.should_receive(:to_s).and_return("abc") [obj].send(@method).should == "[abc]" end it "does not call #to_str on the object returned from #inspect when it is not a String" do obj = mock("Array#inspect/to_s does not call #to_str") obj.should_receive(:inspect).and_return(obj) obj.should_not_receive(:to_str) [obj].send(@method).should =~ /^\[#\]$/ end it "does not call #to_str on the object returned from #to_s when it is not a String" do obj = mock("Array#inspect/to_s does not call #to_str on #to_s result") obj.should_receive(:inspect).and_return(obj) obj.should_receive(:to_s).and_return(obj) obj.should_not_receive(:to_str) [obj].send(@method).should =~ /^\[#\]$/ end it "does not swallow exceptions raised by #to_s" do obj = mock("Array#inspect/to_s does not swallow #to_s exceptions") obj.should_receive(:inspect).and_return(obj) obj.should_receive(:to_s).and_raise(Exception) -> { [obj].send(@method) }.should raise_error(Exception) end it "represents a recursive element with '[...]'" do ArraySpecs.recursive_array.send(@method).should == "[1, \"two\", 3.0, [...], [...], [...], [...], [...]]" ArraySpecs.head_recursive_array.send(@method).should == "[[...], [...], [...], [...], [...], 1, \"two\", 3.0]" ArraySpecs.empty_recursive_array.send(@method).should == "[[...]]" end describe "with encoding" do before :each do @default_external_encoding = Encoding.default_external end after :each do Encoding.default_external = @default_external_encoding end it "returns a US-ASCII string for an empty Array" do [].send(@method).encoding.should == Encoding::US_ASCII end it "use the default external encoding if it is ascii compatible" do Encoding.default_external = Encoding.find('UTF-8') utf8 = "utf8".encode("UTF-8") jp = "jp".encode("EUC-JP") array = [jp, utf8] array.send(@method) == "UTF-8" end it "use US-ASCII encoding if the default external encoding is not ascii compatible" do Encoding.default_external = Encoding.find('UTF-32') utf8 = "utf8".encode("UTF-8") jp = "jp".encode("EUC-JP") array = [jp, utf8] array.send(@method) == "US-ASCII" end it "does not raise if inspected result is not default external encoding" do utf_16be = mock(+"utf_16be") utf_16be.should_receive(:inspect).and_return(%<"utf_16be \u3042">.encode(Encoding::UTF_16BE)) [utf_16be].send(@method).should == '["utf_16be \u3042"]' end end end