# -*- encoding: binary -*- describe :array_pack_string, shared: true do it "adds count bytes of a String to the output" do ["abc"].pack(pack_format(2)).should == "ab" end it "implicitly has a count of one when no count is specified" do ["abc"].pack(pack_format).should == "a" end it "does not add any bytes when the count is zero" do ["abc"].pack(pack_format(0)).should == "" end it "is not affected by a previous count modifier" do ["abcde", "defg"].pack(pack_format(3)+pack_format).should == "abcd" end it "raises an ArgumentError when the Array is empty" do -> { [].pack(pack_format) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an ArgumentError when the Array has too few elements" do -> { ["a"].pack(pack_format(nil, 2)) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "calls #to_str to convert the element to a String" do obj = mock('pack string') obj.should_receive(:to_str).and_return("abc") [obj].pack(pack_format).should == "a" end it "raises a TypeError when the object does not respond to #to_str" do obj = mock("not a string") -> { [obj].pack(pack_format) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "returns a string in encoding of common to the concatenated results" do f = pack_format("*") [ [["\u{3042 3044 3046 3048}", 0x2000B].pack(f+"U"), Encoding::BINARY], [["abcde\xd1", "\xFF\xFe\x81\x82"].pack(f+"u"), Encoding::BINARY], [["a".dup.force_encoding("ascii"), "\xFF\xFe\x81\x82"].pack(f+"u"), Encoding::BINARY], # under discussion [ruby-dev:37294] [["\u{3042 3044 3046 3048}", 1].pack(f+"N"), Encoding::BINARY] ].should be_computed_by(:encoding) end end