# -*- encoding: binary -*- describe :array_pack_float_le, shared: true do it "encodes a positive Float" do [1.42].pack(pack_format).should == "\x8f\xc2\xb5?" end it "encodes a negative Float" do [-34.2].pack(pack_format).should == "\xcd\xcc\x08\xc2" end it "converts an Integer to a Float" do [8].pack(pack_format).should == "\x00\x00\x00A" end it "raises a TypeError if passed a String representation of a floating point number" do -> { ["13"].pack(pack_format) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "encodes the number of array elements specified by the count modifier" do [2.9, 1.4, 8.2].pack(pack_format(nil, 2)).should == "\x9a\x999@33\xb3?" end it "encodes all remaining elements when passed the '*' modifier" do [2.9, 1.4, 8.2].pack(pack_format("*")).should == "\x9a\x999@33\xb3?33\x03A" end it "ignores NULL bytes between directives" do [5.3, 9.2].pack(pack_format("\000", 2)).should == "\x9a\x99\xa9@33\x13A" end it "ignores spaces between directives" do [5.3, 9.2].pack(pack_format(" ", 2)).should == "\x9a\x99\xa9@33\x13A" end it "encodes positive Infinity" do [infinity_value].pack(pack_format).should == "\x00\x00\x80\x7f" end it "encodes negative Infinity" do [-infinity_value].pack(pack_format).should == "\x00\x00\x80\xff" end it "encodes NaN" do nans = ["\x00\x00\xc0\xff", "\x00\x00\xc0\x7f", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\x7F"] nans.should include([nan_value].pack(pack_format)) end it "encodes a positive Float outside the range of a single precision float" do [1e150].pack(pack_format).should == "\x00\x00\x80\x7f" end it "encodes a negative Float outside the range of a single precision float" do [-1e150].pack(pack_format).should == "\x00\x00\x80\xff" end end describe :array_pack_float_be, shared: true do it "encodes a positive Float" do [1.42].pack(pack_format).should == "?\xb5\xc2\x8f" end it "encodes a negative Float" do [-34.2].pack(pack_format).should == "\xc2\x08\xcc\xcd" end it "converts an Integer to a Float" do [8].pack(pack_format).should == "A\x00\x00\x00" end it "raises a TypeError if passed a String representation of a floating point number" do -> { ["13"].pack(pack_format) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "encodes the number of array elements specified by the count modifier" do [2.9, 1.4, 8.2].pack(pack_format(nil, 2)).should == "@9\x99\x9a?\xb333" end it "encodes all remaining elements when passed the '*' modifier" do [2.9, 1.4, 8.2].pack(pack_format("*")).should == "@9\x99\x9a?\xb333A\x0333" end it "ignores NULL bytes between directives" do [5.3, 9.2].pack(pack_format("\000", 2)).should == "@\xa9\x99\x9aA\x1333" end it "ignores spaces between directives" do [5.3, 9.2].pack(pack_format(" ", 2)).should == "@\xa9\x99\x9aA\x1333" end it "encodes positive Infinity" do [infinity_value].pack(pack_format).should == "\x7f\x80\x00\x00" end it "encodes negative Infinity" do [-infinity_value].pack(pack_format).should == "\xff\x80\x00\x00" end it "encodes NaN" do nans = ["\xff\xc0\x00\x00", "\x7f\xc0\x00\x00", "\x7F\xFF\xFF\xFF"] nans.should include([nan_value].pack(pack_format)) end it "encodes a positive Float outside the range of a single precision float" do [1e150].pack(pack_format).should == "\x7f\x80\x00\x00" end it "encodes a negative Float outside the range of a single precision float" do [-1e150].pack(pack_format).should == "\xff\x80\x00\x00" end end describe :array_pack_double_le, shared: true do it "encodes a positive Float" do [1.42].pack(pack_format).should == "\xb8\x1e\x85\xebQ\xb8\xf6?" end it "encodes a negative Float" do [-34.2].pack(pack_format).should == "\x9a\x99\x99\x99\x99\x19A\xc0" end it "converts an Integer to a Float" do [8].pack(pack_format).should == "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20@" end it "raises a TypeError if passed a String representation of a floating point number" do -> { ["13"].pack(pack_format) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "encodes the number of array elements specified by the count modifier" do [2.9, 1.4, 8.2].pack(pack_format(nil, 2)).should == "333333\x07@ffffff\xf6?" end it "encodes all remaining elements when passed the '*' modifier" do [2.9, 1.4, 8.2].pack(pack_format("*")).should == "333333\x07@ffffff\xf6?ffffff\x20@" end it "ignores NULL bytes between directives" do [5.3, 9.2].pack(pack_format("\000", 2)).should == "333333\x15@ffffff\x22@" end it "ignores spaces between directives" do [5.3, 9.2].pack(pack_format(" ", 2)).should == "333333\x15@ffffff\x22@" end it "encodes positive Infinity" do [infinity_value].pack(pack_format).should == "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\x7f" end it "encodes negative Infinity" do [-infinity_value].pack(pack_format).should == "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf0\xff" end it "encodes NaN" do nans = [ "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf8\xff", "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xf8\x7f", "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x7F" ] nans.should include([nan_value].pack(pack_format)) end it "encodes a positive Float outside the range of a single precision float" do [1e150].pack(pack_format).should == "\xaf\x96P\x2e5\x8d\x13_" end it "encodes a negative Float outside the range of a single precision float" do [-1e150].pack(pack_format).should == "\xaf\x96P\x2e5\x8d\x13\xdf" end end describe :array_pack_double_be, shared: true do it "encodes a positive Float" do [1.42].pack(pack_format).should == "?\xf6\xb8Q\xeb\x85\x1e\xb8" end it "encodes a negative Float" do [-34.2].pack(pack_format).should == "\xc0A\x19\x99\x99\x99\x99\x9a" end it "converts an Integer to a Float" do [8].pack(pack_format).should == "@\x20\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" end it "raises a TypeError if passed a String representation of a floating point number" do -> { ["13"].pack(pack_format) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "encodes the number of array elements specified by the count modifier" do [2.9, 1.4, 8.2].pack(pack_format(nil, 2)).should == "@\x07333333?\xf6ffffff" end it "encodes all remaining elements when passed the '*' modifier" do [2.9, 1.4, 8.2].pack(pack_format("*")).should == "@\x07333333?\xf6ffffff@\x20ffffff" end it "ignores NULL bytes between directives" do [5.3, 9.2].pack(pack_format("\000", 2)).should == "@\x15333333@\x22ffffff" end it "ignores spaces between directives" do [5.3, 9.2].pack(pack_format(" ", 2)).should == "@\x15333333@\x22ffffff" end it "encodes positive Infinity" do [infinity_value].pack(pack_format).should == "\x7f\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" end it "encodes negative Infinity" do [-infinity_value].pack(pack_format).should == "\xff\xf0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" end it "encodes NaN" do nans = [ "\xff\xf8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x7f\xf8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", "\x7F\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" ] nans.should include([nan_value].pack(pack_format)) end it "encodes a positive Float outside the range of a single precision float" do [1e150].pack(pack_format).should == "_\x13\x8d5\x2eP\x96\xaf" end it "encodes a negative Float outside the range of a single precision float" do [-1e150].pack(pack_format).should == "\xdf\x13\x8d5\x2eP\x96\xaf" end end