require_relative '../../../spec_helper' require_relative '../fixtures/classes' require_relative 'shared/basic' require_relative 'shared/taint' describe "Array#pack with format 'P'" do it_behaves_like :array_pack_basic_non_float, 'P' it_behaves_like :array_pack_taint, 'P' it "produces as many bytes as there are in a pointer" do ["hello"].pack("P").size.should == [0].pack("J").size end it "round-trips a string through pack and unpack" do ["hello"].pack("P").unpack("P5").should == ["hello"] end it "with nil gives a null pointer" do [nil].pack("P").unpack("J").should == [0] end end describe "Array#pack with format 'p'" do it_behaves_like :array_pack_basic_non_float, 'p' it_behaves_like :array_pack_taint, 'p' it "produces as many bytes as there are in a pointer" do ["hello"].pack("p").size.should == [0].pack("J").size end it "round-trips a string through pack and unpack" do ["hello"].pack("p").unpack("p").should == ["hello"] end it "with nil gives a null pointer" do [nil].pack("p").unpack("J").should == [0] end end