require_relative '../spec_helper' describe "The -I command line option" do before :each do @script = fixture __FILE__, "loadpath.rb" end it "adds the path to the load path ($:)" do ruby_exe(@script, options: "-I fixtures").should include("fixtures") end it "adds the path at the front of $LOAD_PATH" do lines = ruby_exe(@script, options: "-I fixtures").lines if File.basename(ruby_exe[0], ".*") == "miniruby" # In a MRI checkout, $PWD ends up as the first entry in $LOAD_PATH. # So just assert that it's at the beginning. idx = lines.index { |l| l.include?("fixtures") } idx.should < 2 idx.should < lines.size-1 else lines[0].should include("fixtures") end end it "adds the path expanded from CWD to $LOAD_PATH" do ruby_exe(@script, options: "-I fixtures").lines.should include "#{Dir.pwd}/fixtures\n" end it "expands a path from CWD even if it does not exist" do ruby_exe(@script, options: "-I not_exist/not_exist").lines.should include "#{Dir.pwd}/not_exist/not_exist\n" end end describe "The -I command line option" do before :each do @script = fixture __FILE__, "loadpath.rb" @fixtures = File.dirname(@script) @symlink = tmp("loadpath_symlink") File.symlink(@fixtures, @symlink) end after :each do rm_r @symlink end it "does not expand symlinks" do ruby_exe(@script, options: "-I #{@symlink}").lines.should include "#{@symlink}\n" end end