require_relative '../spec_helper' describe "ruby -E" do it "sets the external encoding with '-E external'" do result = ruby_exe("print Encoding.default_external", options: '-E euc-jp') result.should == "EUC-JP" end platform_is_not :windows do it "also sets the filesystem encoding with '-E external'" do result = ruby_exe("print Encoding.find('filesystem')", options: '-E euc-jp') result.should == "EUC-JP" end end it "sets the external encoding with '-E external:'" do result = ruby_exe("print Encoding.default_external", options: '-E Shift_JIS:') result.should == "Shift_JIS" end it "sets the internal encoding with '-E :internal'" do ruby_exe("print Encoding.default_internal", options: '-E :SHIFT_JIS'). should == 'Shift_JIS' end it "sets the external and internal encodings with '-E external:internal'" do ruby_exe("puts Encoding.default_external, Encoding.default_internal", options: '-E euc-jp:SHIFT_JIS'). should == "EUC-JP\nShift_JIS\n" end it "raises a RuntimeError if used with -U" do ruby_exe("p 1", options: '-Eascii:ascii -U', args: '2>&1', exit_status: 1).should =~ /RuntimeError/ end end