require_relative '../spec_helper' describe "The -l command line option" do before :each do @names = fixture __FILE__, "full_names.txt" end it "chomps lines with default separator" do ruby_exe('puts $_.end_with?("\n")', options: "-n -l", args: " < #{@names}").should == "false\nfalse\nfalse\n" end it "chomps last line based on $/" do ruby_exe('BEGIN { $/ = "ones\n" }; puts $_', options: "-W0 -n -l", args: " < #{@names}").should == "alice j\nbob field\njames grey\n" end it "sets $\\ to the value of $/" do ruby_exe("puts $\\ == $/", options: "-W0 -n -l", args: " < #{@names}").should == "true\ntrue\ntrue\n" end it "sets $-l" do ruby_exe("puts $-l", options: "-n -l", args: " < #{@names}").should == "true\ntrue\ntrue\n" end end