# Removes old version guards in ruby/spec. # Run it from the ruby/spec repository root. # The argument is the new minimum supported version. def dedent(line) if line.start_with?(" ") line[2..-1] else line end end def each_spec_file(&block) Dir["*/**/*.rb"].each(&block) end def remove_guards(guard, keep) each_spec_file do |file| contents = File.binread(file) if contents =~ guard puts file lines = contents.lines.to_a while first = lines.find_index { |line| line =~ guard } comment = first while comment > 0 and lines[comment-1] =~ /^(\s*)#/ comment -= 1 end indent = lines[first][/^(\s*)/, 1].length last = (first+1...lines.size).find { |i| space = lines[i][/^(\s*)end$/, 1] and space.length == indent } raise file unless last if keep lines[comment..last] = lines[first+1..last-1].map { |l| dedent(l) } else if comment > 0 and lines[comment-1] == "\n" comment -= 1 elsif lines[last+1] == "\n" last += 1 end lines[comment..last] = [] end end File.binwrite file, lines.join end end end def search(regexp) each_spec_file do |file| contents = File.binread(file) if contents =~ regexp puts file contents.each_line do |line| if line =~ regexp puts line end end end end end version = Regexp.escape(ARGV.fetch(0)) version += "(?:\\.0)?" if version.count(".") < 2 remove_guards(/ruby_version_is (["'])#{version}\1 do/, true) remove_guards(/ruby_version_is (["'])[0-9.]*\1 *... *(["'])#{version}\2 do/, false) remove_guards(/ruby_bug "#\d+", (["'])[0-9.]*\1 *... *(["'])#{version}\2 do/, true) search(/(["'])#{version}\1/) search(/^\s*#.+#{version}/)