require 'pp' require 'mspec/helpers/io' require 'mspec/helpers/scratch' # Remove this when MRI has intelligent warnings $VERBOSE = nil unless $VERBOSE class MOSConfig < Hash def initialize self[:loadpath] = [] self[:requires] = [] self[:flags] = [] self[:options] = [] self[:includes] = [] self[:excludes] = [] self[:patterns] = [] self[:xpatterns] = [] self[:tags] = [] self[:xtags] = [] self[:atags] = [] self[:astrings] = [] self[:target] = 'ruby' self[:command] = nil self[:ltags] = [] self[:files] = [] self[:launch] = [] end end def new_option config = return"spec", 20, config), config end # Just to have an exception name output not be "Exception" class MSpecExampleError < Exception end def hide_deprecation_warnings MSpec.stub(:deprecate) end def run_mspec(command, args) cwd = Dir.pwd command = " #{command}" unless command.start_with?('-') cmd = "#{cwd}/bin/mspec#{command} -B spec/fixtures/config.mspec #{args}" out = `#{cmd} 2>&1` ret = $? out = out.sub(/\A\$.+\n/, '') # Remove printed command line out = out.sub(RUBY_DESCRIPTION, "RUBY_DESCRIPTION") out = out.gsub(/\d\.\d{6}/, "D.DDDDDD") out = out.gsub(cwd, "CWD") return out, ret end