require 'spec_helper' require 'mspec/runner/tag' describe SpecTag do it "accepts an optional string to parse into fields" do tag = "tag(comment):description" tag.tag.should == "tag" tag.comment.should == "comment" tag.description.should == "description" end end describe SpecTag, "#parse" do before :each do @tag = end it "accepts 'tag(comment):description'" do @tag.parse "tag(I'm real):Some#method returns a value" @tag.tag.should == "tag" @tag.comment.should == "I'm real" @tag.description.should == "Some#method returns a value" end it "accepts 'tag:description'" do @tag.parse "tag:Another#method" @tag.tag.should == "tag" @tag.comment.should == nil @tag.description.should == "Another#method" end it "accepts 'tag():description'" do @tag.parse "tag():Another#method" @tag.tag.should == "tag" @tag.comment.should == nil @tag.description.should == "Another#method" end it "accepts 'tag:'" do @tag.parse "tag:" @tag.tag.should == "tag" @tag.comment.should == nil @tag.description.should == "" end it "accepts 'tag(bug:555):Another#method'" do @tag.parse "tag(bug:555):Another#method" @tag.tag.should == "tag" @tag.comment.should == "bug:555" @tag.description.should == "Another#method" end it "accepts 'tag('" do @tag.parse "tag(" @tag.tag.should == "tag" @tag.comment.should == "" @tag.description.should == "Another#method" end it "accepts 'tag(comment):\"Multi-line\\ntext\"'" do @tag.parse 'tag(comment):"Multi-line\ntext"' @tag.tag.should == "tag" @tag.comment.should == "comment" @tag.description.should == "Multi-line\ntext" end it "ignores '#anything'" do @tag.parse "# this could be a comment" @tag.tag.should == nil @tag.comment.should == nil @tag.description.should == nil end end describe SpecTag, "#to_s" do it "formats itself as 'tag(comment):description'" do txt = "tag(comment):description" tag = txt tag.tag.should == "tag" tag.comment.should == "comment" tag.description.should == "description" tag.to_s.should == txt end it "formats itself as 'tag:description" do txt = "tag:description" tag = txt tag.tag.should == "tag" tag.comment.should == nil tag.description.should == "description" tag.to_s.should == txt end it "formats itself as 'tag(comment):\"multi-line\\ntext\\ntag\"'" do txt = 'tag(comment):"multi-line\ntext\ntag"' tag = txt tag.tag.should == "tag" tag.comment.should == "comment" tag.description.should == "multi-line\ntext\ntag" tag.to_s.should == txt end end describe SpecTag, "#==" do it "returns true if the tags have the same fields" do one = "tag(this):unicorn" two = "tag(this):unicorn" one.==(two).should == true [one].==([two]).should == true end end describe SpecTag, "#unescape" do it "replaces \\n by LF when the description is quoted" do tag = 'tag:"desc with\nnew line"' tag.description.should == "desc with\nnew line" end it "does not replaces \\n by LF when the description is not quoted " do tag = 'tag:desc with\nnew line' tag.description.should == "desc with\\nnew line" end end