require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'mspec/runner/mspec' require 'mspec/runner/filters/profile' describe ProfileFilter, "#find" do before :each do @filter = nil File.stub(:exist?).and_return(false) @file = "rails.yaml" end it "attempts to locate the file through the expanded path name" do File.should_receive(:expand_path).with(@file).and_return(@file) File.should_receive(:exist?).with(@file).and_return(true) @filter.find(@file).should == @file end it "attempts to locate the file in 'spec/profiles'" do path = File.join "spec/profiles", @file File.should_receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(true) @filter.find(@file).should == path end it "attempts to locate the file in 'spec'" do path = File.join "spec", @file File.should_receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(true) @filter.find(@file).should == path end it "attempts to locate the file in 'profiles'" do path = File.join "profiles", @file File.should_receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(true) @filter.find(@file).should == path end it "attempts to locate the file in '.'" do path = File.join ".", @file File.should_receive(:exist?).with(path).and_return(true) @filter.find(@file).should == path end end describe ProfileFilter, "#parse" do before :each do @filter = nil @file = + "/b.yaml", "r") end after :each do @file.close end it "creates a Hash of the contents of the YAML file" do @filter.parse(@file).should == { "B." => ["b", "bb"], "B::C#" => ["b!", "b=", "b?", "-", "[]", "[]="] } end end describe ProfileFilter, "#load" do before :each do @filter = nil @files = [ File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/a.yaml", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/b.yaml" ] end it "generates a composite hash from multiple YAML files" do @filter.load(*@files).should == { "A#" => ["a", "aa"], "B." => ["b", "bb"], "B::C#" => ["b!", "b=", "b?", "-", "[]", "[]="] } end end describe ProfileFilter, "#===" do before :each do @filter = nil @filter.stub(:load).and_return({ "A#" => ["[]=", "a", "a!", "a?", "aa="]}) @filter.send :initialize, nil end it "returns true if the spec description is for a method in the profile" do @filter.===("The A#[]= method").should == true @filter.===("A#a returns").should == true @filter.===("A#a! replaces").should == true @filter.===("A#a? returns").should == true @filter.===("A#aa= raises").should == true end it "returns false if the spec description is for a method not in the profile" do @filter.===("The A#[] method").should == false @filter.===("B#a returns").should == false @filter.===("A.a! replaces").should == false @filter.===("AA#a? returns").should == false @filter.===("A#aa raises").should == false end end describe ProfileFilter, "#register" do it "registers itself with MSpec for the designated action list" do filter = :include MSpec.should_receive(:register).with(:include, filter) filter.register end end describe ProfileFilter, "#unregister" do it "unregisters itself with MSpec for the designated action list" do filter = :exclude MSpec.should_receive(:unregister).with(:exclude, filter) filter.unregister end end