require 'spec_helper' require 'mspec/expectations/expectations' require 'mspec/matchers' RSpec.describe MatchYAMLMatcher do before :each do @matcher ="--- \nfoo: bar\n") end it "compares YAML documents and matches if they're equivalent" do expect(@matcher.matches?("--- \nfoo: bar\n")).to eq(true) end it "compares YAML documents and does not match if they're not equivalent" do expect(@matcher.matches?("--- \nbar: foo\n")).to eq(false) expect(@matcher.matches?("--- \nfoo: \nbar\n")).to eq(false) end it "also receives objects that respond_to to_yaml" do matcher ="some string") expect(matcher.matches?("some string")).to eq(true) matcher =['a', 'b']) expect(matcher.matches?("--- \n- a\n- b\n")).to eq(true) matcher ="foo" => "bar") expect(matcher.matches?("--- \nfoo: bar\n")).to eq(true) end it "matches documents with trailing whitespace" do expect(@matcher.matches?("--- \nfoo: bar \n")).to eq(true) expect(@matcher.matches?("--- \nfoo: bar \n")).to eq(true) end it "fails with a descriptive error message" do expect(@matcher.matches?("foo")).to eq(false) expect(@matcher.failure_message).to eq(["Expected \"foo\"", " to match \"--- \\nfoo: bar\\n\""]) end end