require 'spec_helper' require 'mspec/expectations/expectations' require 'mspec/matchers' class HSMMSpecs def self.singleton_method end end RSpec.describe HaveSingletonMethodMatcher do it "inherits from MethodMatcher" do expect( be_kind_of(MethodMatcher) end it "matches when the class has a singleton method" do matcher = :singleton_method expect(matcher.matches?(HSMMSpecs)).to be_truthy end it "matches when the object has a singleton method" do obj = double("HSMMSpecs") def obj.singleton_method; end matcher = :singleton_method expect(matcher.matches?(obj)).to be_truthy end it "provides a failure message for #should" do matcher = :some_method matcher.matches?(HSMMSpecs) expect(matcher.failure_message).to eq([ "Expected HSMMSpecs to have singleton method 'some_method'", "but it does not" ]) end it "provides a failure message for #should_not" do matcher = :singleton_method matcher.matches?(HSMMSpecs) expect(matcher.negative_failure_message).to eq([ "Expected HSMMSpecs NOT to have singleton method 'singleton_method'", "but it does" ]) end end