require 'spec_helper' require 'mspec/expectations/expectations' require 'mspec/matchers' class IVarModMock def self.class_variables [:@foo] end end describe HaveClassVariableMatcher, "on RUBY_VERSION >= 1.9" do it "matches when mod has the class variable, given as string" do matcher ='@foo') matcher.matches?(IVarModMock).should be_true end it "matches when mod has the class variable, given as symbol" do matcher = matcher.matches?(IVarModMock).should be_true end it "does not match when mod hasn't got the class variable, given as string" do matcher ='@bar') matcher.matches?(IVarModMock).should be_false end it "does not match when mod hasn't got the class variable, given as symbol" do matcher = matcher.matches?(IVarModMock).should be_false end it "provides a failure message for #should" do matcher = matcher.matches?(IVarModMock) matcher.failure_message.should == [ "Expected IVarModMock to have class variable '@bar'", "but it does not" ] end it "provides a failure messoge for #should_not" do matcher = matcher.matches?(IVarModMock) matcher.negative_failure_message.should == [ "Expected IVarModMock NOT to have class variable '@bar'", "but it does" ] end end