# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe "Running mspec tag" do before :all do FileUtils.rm_rf 'spec/fixtures/tags' end after :all do FileUtils.rm_rf 'spec/fixtures/tags' end it "tags the failing specs" do fixtures = "spec/fixtures" out, ret = run_mspec("tag", "--add fails --fail #{fixtures}/tagging_spec.rb") out.should == <' CWD/spec/fixtures/tagging_spec.rb:3:in `' CWD/bin/mspec-tag:7:in `
' 2) Tag#me érròrs in unicode FAILED Expected 1 == 2 to be truthy but was false CWD/spec/fixtures/tagging_spec.rb:13:in `block (2 levels) in ' CWD/spec/fixtures/tagging_spec.rb:3:in `' CWD/bin/mspec-tag:7:in `
' Finished in D.DDDDDD seconds 1 file, 3 examples, 3 expectations, 2 failures, 0 errors, 0 tagged EOS ret.success?.should == false end it "does not run already tagged specs" do fixtures = "spec/fixtures" out, ret = run_mspec("run", "--excl-tag fails #{fixtures}/tagging_spec.rb") out.should == <