require 'spec_helper' require 'mspec/guards' require 'mspec/helpers' describe IOStub do before :each do @out = @sep = $\ end after :each do $\ = @sep end it "provides a write method" do @out.write "this" @out.should == "this" end it "concatenates the arguments sent to write" do @out.write "flim ", "flam" @out.should == "flim flam" end it "provides a print method that appends the default separator" do $\ = " [newline] " @out.print "hello" @out.print "world" @out.should == "hello [newline] world [newline] " end it "provides a puts method that appends the default separator" do @out.puts "hello", 1, 2, 3 @out.should == "hello\n1\n2\n3\n" end it "provides a puts method that appends separator if argument not given" do @out.puts @out.should == "\n" end it "provides a printf method" do @out.printf "%-10s, %03d, %2.1f", "test", 42, 4.2 @out.should == "test , 042, 4.2" end it "provides a flush method that does nothing and returns self" do @out.flush.should == @out end end describe Object, "#new_fd" do before :each do @name = tmp("io_specs") @io = nil end after :each do @io.close if @io and not @io.closed? rm_r @name end it "returns a Integer that can be used to create an IO instance" do fd = new_fd @name fd.should be_kind_of(Integer) @io = fd, fmode('w:utf-8') @io.sync = true @io.print "io data" == "io data" end it "accepts an options Hash" do FeatureGuard.stub(:enabled?).and_return(true) fd = new_fd @name, { :mode => 'w:utf-8' } fd.should be_kind_of(Integer) @io = fd, fmode('w:utf-8') @io.sync = true @io.print "io data" == "io data" end it "raises an ArgumentError if the options Hash does not include :mode" do FeatureGuard.stub(:enabled?).and_return(true) lambda { new_fd @name, { :encoding => "utf-8" } }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe Object, "#new_io" do before :each do @name = tmp("io_specs.txt") end after :each do @io.close if @io and !@io.closed? rm_r @name end it "returns an IO instance" do @io = new_io @name @io.should be_an_instance_of(IO) end it "opens the IO for reading if passed 'r'" do touch(@name) { |f| f.print "io data" } @io = new_io @name, "r" == "io data" lambda { @io.puts "more data" }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "opens the IO for writing if passed 'w'" do @io = new_io @name, "w" @io.sync = true @io.print "io data" == "io data" end it "opens the IO for reading if passed { :mode => 'r' }" do touch(@name) { |f| f.print "io data" } @io = new_io @name, { :mode => "r" } == "io data" lambda { @io.puts "more data" }.should raise_error(IOError) end it "opens the IO for writing if passed { :mode => 'w' }" do @io = new_io @name, { :mode => "w" } @io.sync = true @io.print "io data" == "io data" end end describe Object, "#fmode" do it "returns the argument unmodified if :encoding feature is enabled" do FeatureGuard.should_receive(:enabled?).with(:encoding).and_return(true) fmode("rb:binary:utf-8").should == "rb:binary:utf-8" end it "returns only the file access mode if :encoding feature is not enabled" do FeatureGuard.should_receive(:enabled?).with(:encoding).and_return(false) fmode("rb:binary:utf-8").should == "rb" end end describe Object, "#options_or_mode" do describe "if passed a Hash" do it "returns a mode string if :encoding feature is not enabled" do FeatureGuard.should_receive(:enabled?).with(:encoding).twice.and_return(false) options_or_mode(:mode => "rb:binary").should == "rb" end it "returns a Hash if :encoding feature is enabled" do FeatureGuard.should_receive(:enabled?).with(:encoding).and_return(true) options_or_mode(:mode => "rb:utf-8").should == { :mode => "rb:utf-8" } end end describe "if passed a String" do it "returns only the file access mode if :encoding feature is not enabled" do FeatureGuard.should_receive(:enabled?).with(:encoding).and_return(false) options_or_mode("rb:binary:utf-8").should == "rb" end it "returns the argument unmodified if :encoding feature is enabled" do FeatureGuard.should_receive(:enabled?).with(:encoding).and_return(true) options_or_mode("rb:binary:utf-8").should == "rb:binary:utf-8" end end end