require 'spec_helper' require 'mspec/guards' describe Object, "#platform_is" do before :each do @guard = :dummy PlatformGuard.stub(:new).and_return(@guard) ScratchPad.clear end it "does not yield when #os? returns false" do PlatformGuard.stub(:os?).and_return(false) platform_is(:ruby) { ScratchPad.record :yield } ScratchPad.recorded.should_not == :yield end it "yields when #os? returns true" do PlatformGuard.stub(:os?).and_return(true) platform_is(:solarce) { ScratchPad.record :yield } ScratchPad.recorded.should == :yield end it "sets the name of the guard to :platform_is" do platform_is(:solarce) { } == :platform_is end it "calls #unregister even when an exception is raised in the guard block" do @guard.should_receive(:match?).and_return(true) @guard.should_receive(:unregister) lambda do platform_is(:solarce) { raise Exception } end.should raise_error(Exception) end end describe Object, "#platform_is_not" do before :each do @guard = :dummy PlatformGuard.stub(:new).and_return(@guard) ScratchPad.clear end it "does not yield when #os? returns true" do PlatformGuard.stub(:os?).and_return(true) platform_is_not(:ruby) { ScratchPad.record :yield } ScratchPad.recorded.should_not == :yield end it "yields when #os? returns false" do PlatformGuard.stub(:os?).and_return(false) platform_is_not(:solarce) { ScratchPad.record :yield } ScratchPad.recorded.should == :yield end it "sets the name of the guard to :platform_is_not" do platform_is_not(:solarce) { } == :platform_is_not end it "calls #unregister even when an exception is raised in the guard block" do @guard.should_receive(:match?).and_return(false) @guard.should_receive(:unregister) lambda do platform_is_not(:solarce) { raise Exception } end.should raise_error(Exception) end end describe Object, "#platform_is :wordsize => SIZE_SPEC" do before :each do @guard = :darwin, :wordsize => 32 PlatformGuard.stub(:os?).and_return(true) PlatformGuard.stub(:new).and_return(@guard) ScratchPad.clear end it "yields when #wordsize? returns true" do PlatformGuard.stub(:wordsize?).and_return(true) platform_is(:wordsize => 32) { ScratchPad.record :yield } ScratchPad.recorded.should == :yield end it "doesn not yield when #wordsize? returns false" do PlatformGuard.stub(:wordsize?).and_return(false) platform_is(:wordsize => 32) { ScratchPad.record :yield } ScratchPad.recorded.should_not == :yield end end describe Object, "#platform_is_not :wordsize => SIZE_SPEC" do before :each do @guard = :darwin, :wordsize => 32 PlatformGuard.stub(:os?).and_return(true) PlatformGuard.stub(:new).and_return(@guard) ScratchPad.clear end it "yields when #wordsize? returns false" do PlatformGuard.stub(:wordsize?).and_return(false) platform_is_not(:wordsize => 32) { ScratchPad.record :yield } ScratchPad.recorded.should == :yield end it "doesn not yield when #wordsize? returns true" do PlatformGuard.stub(:wordsize?).and_return(true) platform_is_not(:wordsize => 32) { ScratchPad.record :yield } ScratchPad.recorded.should_not == :yield end end describe PlatformGuard, ".implementation?" do before :all do @verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil end after :all do $VERBOSE = @verbose end before :each do @ruby_engine = Object.const_get :RUBY_ENGINE end after :each do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, @ruby_engine end it "returns true if passed :ruby and RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby'" do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'ruby' PlatformGuard.implementation?(:ruby).should == true end it "returns true if passed :rubinius and RUBY_ENGINE == 'rbx'" do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'rbx' PlatformGuard.implementation?(:rubinius).should == true end it "returns true if passed :jruby and RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby'" do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'jruby' PlatformGuard.implementation?(:jruby).should == true end it "returns true if passed :ironruby and RUBY_ENGINE == 'ironruby'" do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'ironruby' PlatformGuard.implementation?(:ironruby).should == true end it "returns true if passed :maglev and RUBY_ENGINE == 'maglev'" do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'maglev' PlatformGuard.implementation?(:maglev).should == true end it "returns true if passed :topaz and RUBY_ENGINE == 'topaz'" do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'topaz' PlatformGuard.implementation?(:topaz).should == true end it "returns true if passed :ruby and RUBY_ENGINE matches /^ruby/" do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'ruby' PlatformGuard.implementation?(:ruby).should == true Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'ruby1.8' PlatformGuard.implementation?(:ruby).should == true Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'ruby1.9' PlatformGuard.implementation?(:ruby).should == true end it "raises an error when passed an unrecognized name" do Object.const_set :RUBY_ENGINE, 'ruby' lambda { PlatformGuard.implementation?(:python) }.should raise_error(/unknown implementation/) end end describe PlatformGuard, ".standard?" do it "returns true if implementation? returns true" do PlatformGuard.should_receive(:implementation?).with(:ruby).and_return(true) PlatformGuard.standard?.should be_true end it "returns false if implementation? returns false" do PlatformGuard.should_receive(:implementation?).with(:ruby).and_return(false) PlatformGuard.standard?.should be_false end end describe PlatformGuard, ".wordsize?" do it "returns true when arg is 32 and 1.size is 4" do PlatformGuard.wordsize?(32).should == (1.size == 4) end it "returns true when arg is 64 and 1.size is 8" do PlatformGuard.wordsize?(64).should == (1.size == 8) end end describe PlatformGuard, ".os?" do before :each do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'solarce' end it "returns false when arg does not match the platform" do PlatformGuard.os?(:ruby).should == false end it "returns false when no arg matches the platform" do PlatformGuard.os?(:ruby, :jruby, :rubinius, :maglev).should == false end it "returns true when arg matches the platform" do PlatformGuard.os?(:solarce).should == true end it "returns true when any arg matches the platform" do PlatformGuard.os?(:ruby, :jruby, :solarce, :rubinius, :maglev).should == true end it "returns true when arg is :windows and the platform contains 'mswin'" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'mswin32' PlatformGuard.os?(:windows).should == true end it "returns true when arg is :windows and the platform contains 'mingw'" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'i386-mingw32' PlatformGuard.os?(:windows).should == true end it "returns false when arg is not :windows and RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] contains 'mswin'" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'i386-mswin32' PlatformGuard.os?(:linux).should == false end it "returns false when arg is not :windows and RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] contains 'mingw'" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'i386-mingw32' PlatformGuard.os?(:linux).should == false end end describe PlatformGuard, ".os? on JRuby" do before :all do @verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil end after :all do $VERBOSE = @verbose end before :each do @ruby_platform = Object.const_get :RUBY_PLATFORM Object.const_set :RUBY_PLATFORM, 'java' end after :each do Object.const_set :RUBY_PLATFORM, @ruby_platform end it "raises an error when testing for a :java platform" do lambda { PlatformGuard.os?(:java) }.should raise_error(":java is not a valid OS") end it "returns true when arg is :windows and RUBY_PLATFORM contains 'java' and os?(:windows) is true" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'mswin32' PlatformGuard.os?(:windows).should == true end it "returns true when RUBY_PLATFORM contains 'java' and os?(argument) is true" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'amiga' PlatformGuard.os?(:amiga).should == true end end describe PlatformGuard, ".os?" do before :each do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'unreal' end it "returns true if argument matches RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os']" do PlatformGuard.os?(:unreal).should == true end it "returns true if any argument matches RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os']" do PlatformGuard.os?(:bsd, :unreal, :amiga).should == true end it "returns false if no argument matches RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os']" do PlatformGuard.os?(:bsd, :netbsd, :amiga, :msdos).should == false end it "returns false if argument does not match RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os']" do PlatformGuard.os?(:amiga).should == false end it "returns true when arg is :windows and RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] contains 'mswin'" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'i386-mswin32' PlatformGuard.os?(:windows).should == true end it "returns true when arg is :windows and RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] contains 'mingw'" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'i386-mingw32' PlatformGuard.os?(:windows).should == true end it "returns false when arg is not :windows and RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] contains 'mswin'" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'i386-mingw32' PlatformGuard.os?(:linux).should == false end it "returns false when arg is not :windows and RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] contains 'mingw'" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'i386-mingw32' PlatformGuard.os?(:linux).should == false end end describe PlatformGuard, ".windows?" do it "returns true on windows" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'i386-mingw32' == true end it "returns false on non-windows" do stub_const 'PlatformGuard::HOST_OS', 'i586-linux' == false end end