require 'spec_helper' require 'yaml' require 'mspec/commands/mspec' RSpec.describe MSpecMain, "#options" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option allow(MSpecOptions).to receive(:new).and_return(@options) @script = allow(@script).to receive(:config).and_return(@config) allow(@script).to receive(:load) end it "enables the configure option" do expect(@options).to receive(:configure) @script.options end it "provides a custom action (block) to the config option" do @script.options ["-B", "config"] expect(@config[:options]).to include("-B", "config") end it "loads the file specified by the config option" do expect(@script).to receive(:load).with("config") @script.options ["-B", "config"] end it "enables the target options" do expect(@options).to receive(:targets) @script.options end it "sets config[:options] to all argv entries that are not registered options" do @options.on "-X", "--exclude", "ARG", "description" @script.options [".", "-G", "fail", "-X", "ARG", "--list", "unstable", "some/file.rb"] expect(@config[:options]).to eq([".", "-G", "fail", "--list", "unstable", "some/file.rb"]) end it "calls #custom_options" do expect(@script).to receive(:custom_options).with(@options) @script.options end end RSpec.describe MSpecMain, "#run" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option allow(MSpecOptions).to receive(:new).and_return(@options) @script = allow(@script).to receive(:config).and_return(@config) allow(@script).to receive(:exec) @err = $stderr $stderr = end after :each do $stderr = @err end it "uses exec to invoke the runner script" do expect(@script).to receive(:exec).with("ruby", "#{MSPEC_HOME}/bin/mspec-run", close_others: false) @script.options [] end it "shows the command line on stderr" do expect(@script).to receive(:exec).with("ruby", "#{MSPEC_HOME}/bin/mspec-run", close_others: false) @script.options [] expect($stderr.to_s).to eq("$ ruby #{Dir.pwd}/bin/mspec-run\n") end it "adds config[:launch] to the exec options" do expect(@script).to receive(:exec).with("ruby", "-Xlaunch.option", "#{MSPEC_HOME}/bin/mspec-run", close_others: false) @config[:launch] << "-Xlaunch.option" @script.options [] expect($stderr.to_s).to eq("$ ruby -Xlaunch.option #{Dir.pwd}/bin/mspec-run\n") end it "calls #multi_exec if the command is 'ci' and the multi option is passed" do expect(@script).to receive(:multi_exec) do |argv| expect(argv).to eq(["ruby", "#{MSPEC_HOME}/bin/mspec-ci"]) end @script.options ["ci", "-j"] expect do raise_error(SystemExit) end end RSpec.describe "The --warnings option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option allow(MSpecOptions).to receive(:new).and_return(@options) @script = allow(@script).to receive(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do allow(@options).to receive(:on) expect(@options).to receive(:on).with("--warnings", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "sets flags to -w" do @config[:flags] = [] @script.options ["--warnings"] expect(@config[:flags]).to include("-w") end it "set OUTPUT_WARNINGS = '1' in the environment" do ENV['OUTPUT_WARNINGS'] = '0' @script.options ["--warnings"] expect(ENV['OUTPUT_WARNINGS']).to eq('1') end end RSpec.describe "The -j, --multi option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option allow(MSpecOptions).to receive(:new).and_return(@options) @script = allow(@script).to receive(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do allow(@options).to receive(:on) expect(@options).to receive(:on).with("-j", "--multi", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "sets the multiple process option" do ["-j", "--multi"].each do |opt| @config[:multi] = nil @script.options [opt] expect(@config[:multi]).to eq(true) end end end RSpec.describe "The -h, --help option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option allow(MSpecOptions).to receive(:new).and_return(@options) @script = allow(@script).to receive(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do allow(@options).to receive(:on) expect(@options).to receive(:on).with("-h", "--help", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "passes the option to the subscript" do ["-h", "--help"].each do |opt| @config[:options] = [] @script.options ["ci", opt] expect(@config[:options].sort).to eq(["-h"]) end end it "prints help and exits" do expect(@script).to receive(:puts).twice expect(@script).to receive(:exit).twice ["-h", "--help"].each do |opt| @script.options [opt] end end end RSpec.describe "The -v, --version option" do before :each do @options, @config = new_option allow(MSpecOptions).to receive(:new).and_return(@options) @script = allow(@script).to receive(:config).and_return(@config) end it "is enabled by #options" do allow(@options).to receive(:on) expect(@options).to receive(:on).with("-v", "--version", an_instance_of(String)) @script.options end it "passes the option to the subscripts" do ["-v", "--version"].each do |opt| @config[:options] = [] @script.options ["ci", opt] expect(@config[:options].sort).to eq(["-v"]) end end it "prints the version and exits if no subscript is invoked" do @config[:command] = nil allow(File).to receive(:basename).and_return("mspec") expect(@script).to receive(:puts).twice.with("mspec #{MSpec::VERSION}") expect(@script).to receive(:exit).twice ["-v", "--version"].each do |opt| @script.options [opt] end end end