class SpecVersion # If beginning implementations have a problem with this include, we can # manually implement the relational operators that are needed. include Comparable # SpecVersion handles comparison correctly for the context by filling in # missing version parts according to the value of +ceil+. If +ceil+ is # +false+, 0 digits fill in missing version parts. If +ceil+ is +true+, 9 # digits fill in missing parts. (See e.g. VersionGuard and BugGuard.) def initialize(version, ceil = false) @version = version @ceil = ceil @integer = nil end def to_s @version end def to_str to_s end # Converts a string representation of a version major.minor.tiny # to an integer representation so that comparisons can be made. For example, # "2.2.10" < "2.2.2" would be false if compared as strings. def to_i unless @integer major, minor, tiny = @version.split "." if @ceil tiny = 99 unless tiny end parts = [major, minor, tiny].map { |x| x.to_i } @integer = ("1%02d%02d%02d" % parts).to_i end @integer end def to_int to_i end def <=>(other) if other.respond_to? :to_int other = Integer(other.to_int) else other = end self.to_i <=> other end end