require 'mspec/guards/guard' require 'mspec/guards/version' require 'mspec/utils/warnings' # MSpecScript provides a skeleton for all the MSpec runner scripts. class MSpecScript # Returns the config object. Maintained at the class # level to easily enable simple config files. See the # class method +set+. def self.config @config ||= { :path => ['.', 'spec'], :config_ext => '.mspec' } end # Associates +value+ with +key+ in the config object. Enables # simple config files of the form: # # class MSpecScript # set :target, "ruby" # set :files, ["one_spec.rb", "two_spec.rb"] # end def self.set(key, value) config[key] = value end # Gets the value of +key+ from the config object. Simplifies # getting values in a config file: # # class MSpecScript # set :a, 1 # set :b, 2 # set :c, get(:a) + get(:b) # end def self.get(key) config[key] end def initialize check_version! config[:formatter] = nil config[:includes] = [] config[:excludes] = [] config[:patterns] = [] config[:xpatterns] = [] config[:tags] = [] config[:xtags] = [] config[:profiles] = [] config[:xprofiles] = [] config[:atags] = [] config[:astrings] = [] config[:ltags] = [] config[:abort] = true @loaded = [] end # Returns the config object maintained by the instance's class. # See the class methods +set+ and +config+. def config MSpecScript.config end # Returns +true+ if the file was located in +config[:path]+, # possibly appending +config[:config_ext]. Returns +false+ # otherwise. def try_load(target) names = [target] unless target[-6..-1] == config[:config_ext] names << target + config[:config_ext] end names.each do |name| config[:path].each do |dir| file = File.expand_path name, dir if @loaded.include?(file) return true elsif File.exist? file value = Kernel.load(file) @loaded << file return value end end end false end def load(target) try_load(target) or abort "Could not load config file #{target}" end # Attempts to load a default config file. First tries to load # 'default.mspec'. If that fails, attempts to load a config # file name constructed from the value of RUBY_ENGINE and the # first two numbers in RUBY_VERSION. For example, on MRI 1.8.6, # the file name would be 'ruby.1.8.mspec'. def load_default try_load 'default.mspec' if Object.const_defined?(:RUBY_ENGINE) engine = RUBY_ENGINE else engine = 'ruby' end try_load "#{engine}.#{SpecGuard.ruby_version}.mspec" try_load "#{engine}.mspec" end # Callback for enabling custom options. This version is a no-op. # Provide an implementation specific version in a config file. # Called by #options after the MSpec-provided options are added. def custom_options(options) options.doc " No custom options registered" end # Registers all filters and actions. def register require 'mspec/runner/formatters/dotted' require 'mspec/runner/formatters/spinner' require 'mspec/runner/formatters/file' require 'mspec/runner/filters' if formatter = config_formatter formatter.register MSpec.formatter = formatter end, *config[:includes]).register unless config[:includes].empty?, *config[:excludes]).register unless config[:excludes].empty?, *config[:patterns]).register unless config[:patterns].empty?, *config[:xpatterns]).register unless config[:xpatterns].empty?, *config[:tags]).register unless config[:tags].empty?, *config[:xtags]).register unless config[:xtags].empty?, *config[:profiles]).register unless config[:profiles].empty?, *config[:xprofiles]).register unless config[:xprofiles].empty?[:atags], config[:astrings]).register if config[:debugger] custom_register end # Makes a formatter specified by :formatter option. def config_formatter if config[:formatter].nil? config[:formatter] = STDOUT.tty? ? SpinnerFormatter : @files.size < 50 ? DottedFormatter : FileFormatter end if config[:formatter] config[:formatter].new(config[:output]) end end # Callback for enabling custom actions, etc. This version is a # no-op. Provide an implementation specific version in a config # file. Called by #register. def custom_register end # Sets up signal handlers. Only a handler for SIGINT is # registered currently. def signals if config[:abort] Signal.trap "INT" do MSpec.actions :abort puts "\nProcess aborted!" exit! 1 end end end # Attempts to resolve +partial+ as a file or directory name in the # following order: # # 1. +partial+ # 2. +partial+ + "_spec.rb" # 3. File.join(config[:prefix], partial) # 4. File.join(config[:prefix], partial + "_spec.rb") # # If it is a file name, returns the name as an entry in an array. # If it is a directory, returns all *_spec.rb files in the # directory and subdirectories. # # If unable to resolve +partial+, +Kernel.abort+ is called. def entries(partial) file = partial + "_spec.rb" patterns = [partial, file] if config[:prefix] patterns << File.join(config[:prefix], partial) patterns << File.join(config[:prefix], file) end patterns.each do |pattern| begin expanded = File.realpath(pattern) rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ENOTDIR next end if File.file?(expanded) && expanded.end_with?('.rb') return [expanded] elsif specs = Dir["#{expanded}/**/*_spec.rb"].sort return specs unless specs.empty? end end abort "Could not find spec file #{partial}" end # Resolves each entry in +patterns+ to a set of files. # # If the pattern has a leading '^' character, the list of files # is subtracted from the list of files accumulated to that point. # # If the entry has a leading ':' character, the corresponding # key is looked up in the config object and the entries in the # value retrieved are processed through #entries. def files(patterns) list = [] patterns.each do |pattern| case pattern[0] when ?^ list -= entries(pattern[1..-1]) when ?: key = pattern[1..-1].to_sym value = config[key] abort "Key #{pattern} not found in mspec config." unless value list += files(Array(value)) else list += entries(pattern) end end list end def files_from_patterns(patterns) unless $0.end_with?("_spec.rb") if patterns.empty? patterns = config[:files] end if patterns.empty? and "./spec" patterns = ["spec/"] end end list = files(patterns) abort "No files specified." if list.empty? list end def cores(max) require 'etc' [Etc.nprocessors, max].min end def setup_env ENV['MSPEC_RUNNER'] = '1' unless ENV['RUBY_EXE'] ENV['RUBY_EXE'] = config[:target] if config[:target] end unless ENV['RUBY_FLAGS'] ENV['RUBY_FLAGS'] = config[:flags].join(" ") if config[:flags] end end # Instantiates an instance and calls the series of methods to # invoke the script. def self.main script = new script.load_default script.try_load '~/.mspecrc' script.options script.signals script.register script.setup_env require 'mspec' end private def check_version! ruby_version_is ""..."2.6" do warn "MSpec is supported for Ruby 2.6 and above only" end end end