require 'mspec/runner/formatters/dotted' require 'mspec/runner/actions/tally' class DescribeFormatter < DottedFormatter # Callback for the MSpec :finish event. Prints a summary of # the number of errors and failures for each +describe+ block. def finish describes = { |h,k| h[k] = } @exceptions.each do |exc| desc = describes[exc.describe] exc.failure? ? desc.failures! : desc.errors! end print "\n" describes.each do |d, t| text = d.size > 40 ? "#{d[0,37]}..." : d.ljust(40) print "\n#{text} #{t.failure}, #{t.error}" end print "\n" unless describes.empty? print "\n#{@timer.format}\n\n#{@tally.format}\n" end end