class SpecEvaluate include MSpecMatchers def self.desc=(desc) @desc = desc end def self.desc @desc ||= "evaluates " end def initialize(ruby, desc) @ruby = ruby.rstrip @desc = desc || self.class.desc end # Formats the Ruby source code for reabable output in the -fs formatter # option. If the source contains no newline characters, wraps the source in # single quotes to set if off from the rest of the description string. If # the source does contain newline characters, sets the indent level to four # characters. def format(ruby, newline = true) if ruby.include?("\n") lines = ruby.each_line.to_a if /( *)/ =~ lines.first if $1.size > 4 dedent = $1.size - 4 ruby = { |l| l[dedent..-1] }.join else indent = " " * (4 - $1.size) ruby = { |l| "#{indent}#{l}" }.join end end "\n#{ruby}" else "'#{ruby.lstrip}'" end end def define(&block) ruby = @ruby desc = @desc evaluator = self specify "#{desc} #{format ruby}" do evaluator.instance_eval(ruby) evaluator.instance_eval(&block) end end end def evaluate(str, desc = nil, &block), desc).define(&block) end