class TimeoutAction def initialize(timeout) @timeout = timeout @queue = @started = now end def register MSpec.register :start, self MSpec.register :before, self MSpec.register :finish, self end private def now Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end private def fetch_item @queue.pop(true) rescue ThreadError nil end def start @thread = do loop do if action = fetch_item else wakeup_at = @started + @timeout left = wakeup_at - now sleep left if left > 0 Thread.pass # Let the main thread run if @queue.empty? elapsed = now - @started if elapsed > @timeout STDERR.puts "\n#{@current_state.description}" STDERR.flush abort "Example took longer than the configured timeout of #{@timeout}s" end end end end end end def before(state = nil) time = now @queue << -> do @current_state = state @started = time end end def finish @thread.kill @thread.join end end