# Adapted from ruby's test/lib/leakchecker.rb. # Ruby's 2-clause BSDL follows. # Copyright (C) 1993-2013 Yukihiro Matsumoto. All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. class LeakError < StandardError end class LeakChecker attr_reader :leaks def initialize @fd_info = find_fds @tempfile_info = find_tempfiles @thread_info = find_threads @env_info = find_env @argv_info = find_argv @globals_info = find_globals @encoding_info = find_encodings end def check(state) @state = state @leaks = [] check_fd_leak check_tempfile_leak check_thread_leak check_process_leak check_env check_argv check_globals check_encodings check_tracepoints GC.start unless @leaks.empty? @leaks.empty? end private def find_fds fd_dir = "/proc/self/fd" if File.directory?(fd_dir) fds = Dir.open(fd_dir) {|d| a = d.grep(/\A\d+\z/, &:to_i) if d.respond_to? :fileno a -= [d.fileno] end a } fds.sort else [] end end def check_fd_leak live1 = @fd_info if IO.respond_to?(:console) and (m = IO.method(:console)).arity.nonzero? m[:close] end live2 = find_fds fd_closed = live1 - live2 if !fd_closed.empty? fd_closed.each {|fd| leak "Closed file descriptor: #{fd}" } end fd_leaked = live2 - live1 if !fd_leaked.empty? h = {} ObjectSpace.each_object(IO) {|io| inspect = io.inspect begin autoclose = io.autoclose? fd = io.fileno rescue IOError # closed IO object next end (h[fd] ||= []) << [io, autoclose, inspect] } fd_leaked.each {|fd| str = '' if h[fd] str << ' :' h[fd].map {|io, autoclose, inspect| s = ' ' + inspect s << "(not-autoclose)" if !autoclose s }.sort.each {|s| str << s } end leak "Leaked file descriptor: #{fd}#{str}" } #system("lsof -p #$$") if !fd_leaked.empty? h.each {|fd, list| next if list.length <= 1 if 1 < list.count {|io, autoclose, inspect| autoclose } str = list.map {|io, autoclose, inspect| " #{inspect}" + (autoclose ? "(autoclose)" : "") }.sort.join leak "Multiple autoclose IO object for a file descriptor:#{str}" end } end @fd_info = live2 end def extend_tempfile_counter return if defined? LeakChecker::TempfileCounter m = Module.new { @count = 0 class << self attr_accessor :count end def new(data) LeakChecker::TempfileCounter.count += 1 super(data) end } LeakChecker.const_set(:TempfileCounter, m) class << Tempfile::Remover prepend LeakChecker::TempfileCounter end end def find_tempfiles(prev_count = -1) return [prev_count, []] unless defined? Tempfile extend_tempfile_counter count = TempfileCounter.count if prev_count == count [prev_count, []] else tempfiles = ObjectSpace.each_object(Tempfile).find_all {|t| t.path } [count, tempfiles] end end def check_tempfile_leak return false unless defined? Tempfile count1, initial_tempfiles = @tempfile_info count2, current_tempfiles = find_tempfiles(count1) tempfiles_leaked = current_tempfiles - initial_tempfiles if !tempfiles_leaked.empty? list = tempfiles_leaked.map {|t| t.inspect }.sort list.each {|str| leak "Leaked tempfile: #{str}" } tempfiles_leaked.each {|t| t.close! } end @tempfile_info = [count2, initial_tempfiles] end def find_threads Thread.list.find_all {|t| t != Thread.current && t.alive? && !(t.thread_variable?(:"\0__detached_thread__") && t.thread_variable_get(:"\0__detached_thread__")) } end def check_thread_leak live1 = @thread_info live2 = find_threads thread_finished = live1 - live2 if !thread_finished.empty? list = thread_finished.map {|t| t.inspect }.sort list.each {|str| leak "Finished thread: #{str}" } end thread_leaked = live2 - live1 if !thread_leaked.empty? list = thread_leaked.map {|t| t.inspect }.sort list.each {|str| leak "Leaked thread: #{str}" } end @thread_info = live2 end def check_process_leak subprocesses_leaked = Process.waitall subprocesses_leaked.each { |pid, status| leak "Leaked subprocess: #{pid}: #{status}" } end def find_env ENV.to_h end def check_env old_env = @env_info new_env = find_env return if old_env == new_env (old_env.keys | new_env.keys).sort.each {|k| if old_env.has_key?(k) if new_env.has_key?(k) if old_env[k] != new_env[k] leak "Environment variable changed : #{k.inspect} changed : #{old_env[k].inspect} -> #{new_env[k].inspect}" end else leak "Environment variable changed: #{k.inspect} deleted" end else if new_env.has_key?(k) leak "Environment variable changed: #{k.inspect} added" else flunk "unreachable" end end } @env_info = new_env end def find_argv ARGV.map { |e| e.dup } end def check_argv old_argv = @argv_info new_argv = find_argv if new_argv != old_argv leak "ARGV changed: #{old_argv.inspect} to #{new_argv.inspect}" @argv_info = new_argv end end def find_globals { verbose: $VERBOSE, debug: $DEBUG } end def check_globals old_globals = @globals_info new_globals = find_globals if new_globals != old_globals leak "Globals changed: #{old_globals.inspect} to #{new_globals.inspect}" @globals_info = new_globals end end def find_encodings [Encoding.default_internal, Encoding.default_external] end def check_encodings old_internal, old_external = @encoding_info new_internal, new_external = find_encodings if new_internal != old_internal leak "Encoding.default_internal changed: #{old_internal.inspect} to #{new_internal.inspect}" end if new_external != old_external leak "Encoding.default_external changed: #{old_external.inspect} to #{new_external.inspect}" end @encoding_info = [new_internal, new_external] end def check_tracepoints ObjectSpace.each_object(TracePoint) do |tp| if tp.enabled? leak "TracePoint is still enabled: #{tp.inspect}" end end end def leak(message) if @leaks.empty? $stderr.puts "\n" $stderr.puts @state.description end @leaks << message $stderr.puts message end end class LeakCheckerAction def register MSpec.register :start, self MSpec.register :after, self end def start disable_nss_modules @checker = LeakChecker.new end def after(state) unless @checker.check(state) leak_messages = @checker.leaks location = state.description if state.example location = "#{location}\n#{state.example.source_location.join(':')}" end MSpec.protect(location) do raise LeakError, leak_messages.join("\n") end end end private # This function is intended to disable all NSS modules when ruby is compiled # against glibc. NSS modules allow the system administrator to load custom # shared objects into all processes using glibc, and use them to customise # the behaviour of username, groupname, hostname, etc lookups. This is # normally configured in the file /etc/nsswitch.conf. # These modules often do things like open cache files or connect to system # daemons like sssd or dbus, which of course means they have open file # descriptors of their own. This can cause the leak-checking functionality # in this file to report that such descriptors have been leaked, and fail # the test suite. # This function uses glibc's __nss_configure_lookup function to override any # configuration in /etc/nsswitch.conf, and just use the built in files/dns # name lookup functionality (which is of course perfectly sufficient for # running ruby/spec). def disable_nss_modules begin require 'fiddle' rescue LoadError # Make sure it's possible to run the test suite on a ruby implementation # which does not (yet?) have Fiddle. return end begin libc = Fiddle.dlopen(nil) # Older versions of fiddle don't have Fiddle::Type (and instead rely on Fiddle::TYPE_) # Even older versions of fiddle don't have CONST_STRING, string_type = defined?(Fiddle::TYPE_CONST_STRING) ? Fiddle::TYPE_CONST_STRING : Fiddle::TYPE_VOIDP nss_configure_lookup = Fiddle::Function.new( libc['__nss_configure_lookup'], [string_type, string_type], Fiddle::TYPE_INT ) rescue Fiddle::DLError # We're not running with glibc - no need to do this. return end nss_configure_lookup.call 'passwd', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'shadow', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'group', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'hosts', 'files dns' nss_configure_lookup.call 'services', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'netgroup', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'automount', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'aliases', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'ethers', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'gshadow', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'initgroups', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'networks', 'files dns' nss_configure_lookup.call 'protocols', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'publickey', 'files' nss_configure_lookup.call 'rpc', 'files' end end