require 'mspec/runner/filters/match' # ActionFilter is a base class for actions that are triggered by # specs that match the filter. The filter may be specified by # strings that match spec descriptions or by tags for strings # that match spec descriptions. # # Unlike TagFilter and RegexpFilter, ActionFilter instances do # not affect the specs that are run. The filter is only used to # trigger the action. class ActionFilter def initialize(tags = nil, descs = nil) @tags = Array(tags) descs = Array(descs) @sfilter = descs.empty? ? nil :, *descs) @tfilter = nil end def ===(string) @sfilter === string or @tfilter === string end def load return if @tags.empty? desc = MSpec.read_tags(@tags).map { |t| t.description } return if desc.empty? @tfilter =, *desc) end def register MSpec.register :load, self end def unregister MSpec.unregister :load, self end end