require 'mspec/helpers/tmp' # Lower-level output speccing mechanism for a single # output stream. Unlike OutputMatcher which provides # methods to capture the output, we actually replace # the FD itself so that there is no reliance on a # certain method being used. class OutputToFDMatcher def initialize(expected, to) @to, @expected = to, expected case @to when STDOUT @to_name = "STDOUT" when STDERR @to_name = "STDERR" when IO @to_name = @to.object_id.to_s else raise ArgumentError, "#{@to.inspect} is not a supported output target" end end def with_tmp path = tmp("mspec_output_to_#{$$}_#{}"), 'w+') { |io| yield(io) } ensure File.delete path if path end def matches?(block) old_to = @to.dup with_tmp do |out| # Replacing with a file handle so that Readline etc. work @to.reopen out begin ensure @to.reopen old_to old_to.close end out.rewind @actual = case @expected when Regexp !(@actual =~ @expected).nil? else @actual == @expected end end end def failure_message() ["Expected (#{@to_name}): #{@expected.inspect}\n", "#{'but got'.rjust(@to_name.length + 10)}: #{@actual.inspect}\nBacktrace"] end def negative_failure_message() ["Expected output (#{@to_name}) to NOT be:\n", @actual.inspect] end end class Object def output_to_fd(what, where = STDOUT) what, where end end