class EqualElementMatcher def initialize(element, attributes = nil, content = nil, options = {}) @element = element @attributes = attributes @content = content @options = options end def matches?(actual) @actual = actual matched = true if @options[:not_closed] matched &&= actual =~ /^#{Regexp.quote("<" + @element)}.*#{Regexp.quote(">" + (@content || ''))}$/ else matched &&= actual =~ /^#{Regexp.quote("<" + @element)}/ matched &&= actual =~ /#{Regexp.quote("")}$/ matched &&= actual =~ /#{Regexp.quote(">" + @content + ")/).size == 1) else matched &&= (actual.scan(%Q{ #{key}="#{value}"}).size == 1) end end end end !!matched end def failure_message ["Expected #{MSpec.format(@actual)}", "to be a '#{@element}' element with #{attributes_for_failure_message} and #{content_for_failure_message}"] end def negative_failure_message ["Expected #{MSpec.format(@actual)}", "not to be a '#{@element}' element with #{attributes_for_failure_message} and #{content_for_failure_message}"] end def attributes_for_failure_message if @attributes if @attributes.empty? "no attributes" else @attributes.inject([]) { |memo, n| memo << %Q{#{n[0]}="#{n[1]}"} }.join(" ") end else "any attributes" end end def content_for_failure_message if @content if @content.empty? "no content" else "#{@content.inspect} as content" end else "any content" end end end module MSpecMatchers private def equal_element(*args)*args) end end