#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'mspec/version' require 'mspec/utils/options' require 'mspec/utils/script' class MSpecTag < MSpecScript def initialize super config[:tagger] = :add config[:tag] = 'fails:' config[:outcome] = :fail config[:ltags] = [] end def options(argv = ARGV) options = MSpecOptions.new "mspec tag [options] (FILE|DIRECTORY|GLOB)+", 30, config options.doc " Ask yourself:" options.doc " 1. What specs to run?" options.doc " 2. How to modify the execution?" options.doc " 3. How to display the output?" options.doc " 4. What tag action to perform?" options.doc " 5. When to perform it?" options.doc "\n What specs to run" options.filters options.doc "\n How to modify the execution" options.configure { |f| load f } options.pretend options.unguarded options.interrupt options.timeout options.doc "\n How to display their output" options.formatters options.verbose options.doc "\n What action to perform and when to perform it" options.on("-N", "--add", "TAG", "Add TAG with format 'tag' or 'tag(comment)' (see -Q, -F, -L)") do |o| config[:tagger] = :add config[:tag] = "#{o}:" end options.on("-R", "--del", "TAG", "Delete TAG (see -Q, -F, -L)") do |o| config[:tagger] = :del config[:tag] = "#{o}:" config[:outcome] = :pass end options.on("-Q", "--pass", "Apply action to specs that pass (default for --del)") do config[:outcome] = :pass end options.on("-F", "--fail", "Apply action to specs that fail (default for --add)") do config[:outcome] = :fail end options.on("-L", "--all", "Apply action to all specs") do config[:outcome] = :all end options.on("--list", "TAG", "Display descriptions of any specs tagged with TAG") do |t| config[:tagger] = :list config[:ltags] << t end options.on("--list-all", "Display descriptions of any tagged specs") do config[:tagger] = :list_all end options.on("--purge", "Remove all tags not matching any specs") do config[:tagger] = :purge end options.doc "\n Help!" options.debug options.version MSpec::VERSION options.help options.doc "\n Custom options" custom_options options options.doc "\n How might this work in the real world?" options.doc "\n 1. To add the 'fails' tag to failing specs" options.doc "\n $ mspec tag path/to/the_file_spec.rb" options.doc "\n 2. To remove the 'fails' tag from passing specs" options.doc "\n $ mspec tag --del fails path/to/the_file_spec.rb" options.doc "\n 3. To display the descriptions for all specs tagged with 'fails'" options.doc "\n $ mspec tag --list fails path/to/the/specs" options.doc "" patterns = options.parse argv if patterns.empty? puts options puts "No files specified." exit 1 end @files = files patterns end def register require 'mspec/runner/actions' case config[:tagger] when :add, :del tag = SpecTag.new config[:tag] tagger = TagAction.new(config[:tagger], config[:outcome], tag.tag, tag.comment, config[:atags], config[:astrings]) when :list, :list_all tagger = TagListAction.new config[:tagger] == :list_all ? nil : config[:ltags] MSpec.register_mode :pretend config[:formatter] = false when :purge tagger = TagPurgeAction.new MSpec.register_mode :pretend MSpec.register_mode :unguarded config[:formatter] = false else raise ArgumentError, "No recognized action given" end tagger.register super end def run MSpec.register_tags_patterns config[:tags_patterns] MSpec.register_files @files MSpec.process exit MSpec.exit_code end end