# -*- ruby -*- $VERBOSE = false if (opt = ENV["RUBYOPT"]) and (opt = opt.dup).sub!(/(?:\A|\s)-w(?=\z|\s)/, '') ENV["RUBYOPT"] = opt end require "./rbconfig" unless defined?(RbConfig) load File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/ruby/default.mspec' OBJDIR = File.expand_path("spec/ruby/optional/capi/ext") class MSpecScript @testing_ruby = true builddir = Dir.pwd srcdir = ENV['SRCDIR'] srcdir ||= File.read("Makefile", encoding: "US-ASCII")[/^\s*srcdir\s*=\s*(.+)/i, 1] rescue nil config = RbConfig::CONFIG # The default implementation to run the specs. set :target, File.join(builddir, "miniruby#{config['exeext']}") set :prefix, File.expand_path('ruby', File.dirname(__FILE__)) if srcdir srcdir = File.expand_path(srcdir) set :flags, %W[ -I#{srcdir}/lib #{srcdir}/tool/runruby.rb --archdir=#{builddir} --extout=#{config['EXTOUT']} -- ] end end module MSpecScript::JobServer def cores(max = 1) if max > 1 and /(?:\A|\s)--jobserver-(?:auth|fds)=(?:(\d+),(\d+)|fifo:((?:\\.|\S)+))/ =~ ENV["MAKEFLAGS"] cores = 1 begin if fifo = $3 fifo.gsub!(/\\(?=.)/, '') r = File.open(fifo, IO::RDONLY|IO::NONBLOCK|IO::BINARY) w = File.open(fifo, IO::WRONLY|IO::NONBLOCK|IO::BINARY) else r = IO.for_fd($1.to_i(10), "rb", autoclose: false) w = IO.for_fd($2.to_i(10), "wb", autoclose: false) end r.close_on_exec = true w.close_on_exec = true jobtokens = r.read_nonblock(max - 1) cores = jobtokens.size if cores > 0 cores += 1 jobserver = w w = nil at_exit { jobserver.print(jobtokens) jobserver.close } MSpecScript::JobServer.module_eval do remove_method :cores define_method(:cores) do cores end end return cores end rescue Errno::EBADF ensure r&.close w&.close end end super end end class MSpecScript prepend JobServer end