# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "the lockfile format" do before do build_repo2 end it "generates a simple lockfile for a single source, gem" do checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum(gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0") end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "rack" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "updates the lockfile's bundler version if current ver. is newer, and version was forced through BUNDLER_VERSION" do system_gems "bundler-1.8.2" lockfile <<-L GIT remote: git://github.com/nex3/haml.git revision: 8a2271f specs: GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES omg! rack BUNDLED WITH 1.8.2 L install_gemfile <<-G, :verbose => true, :env => { "BUNDLER_VERSION" => Bundler::VERSION } source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "rack" G expect(out).not_to include("Bundler #{Bundler::VERSION} is running, but your lockfile was generated with 1.8.2.") expect(out).to include("Using bundler #{Bundler::VERSION}") expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "does not update the lockfile's bundler version if nothing changed during bundle install, but uses the locked version", :rubygems => ">= 3.3.0.a", :realworld => true do version = "2.3.0" lockfile <<-L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack BUNDLED WITH #{version} L install_gemfile <<-G, :verbose => true, :artifice => "vcr" source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "rack" G expect(out).to include("Bundler #{Bundler::VERSION} is running, but your lockfile was generated with #{version}.") expect(out).to include("Using bundler #{version}") expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack BUNDLED WITH #{version} G end it "does not update the lockfile's bundler version if nothing changed during bundle install, and uses the latest version", :rubygems => "< 3.3.0.a" do version = "#{Bundler::VERSION.split(".").first}.0.0.a" checksums = checksums_section do |c| c.checksum(gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0") end lockfile <<-L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{version} L install_gemfile <<-G, :verbose => true source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "rack" G expect(out).not_to include("Bundler #{Bundler::VERSION} is running, but your lockfile was generated with #{version}.") expect(out).to include("Using bundler #{Bundler::VERSION}") expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{version} G end it "adds the BUNDLED WITH section if not present" do lockfile <<-L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack L install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "rack", "> 0" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack (> 0) BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "update the bundler major version just fine" do current_version = Bundler::VERSION older_major = previous_major(current_version) system_gems "bundler-#{older_major}" lockfile <<-L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack BUNDLED WITH #{older_major} L install_gemfile <<-G, :env => { "BUNDLER_VERSION" => Bundler::VERSION } source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack" G expect(err).to be_empty expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack BUNDLED WITH #{current_version} G end it "generates a simple lockfile for a single source, gem with dependencies" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack-obama" G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack-obama", "1.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) rack-obama (1.0) rack PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack-obama #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "generates a simple lockfile for a single source, gem with a version requirement" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack-obama", ">= 1.0" G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack-obama", "1.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) rack-obama (1.0) rack PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack-obama (>= 1.0) #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "generates a lockfile without credentials for a configured source" do bundle "config set http://localgemserver.test/ user:pass" install_gemfile(<<-G, :artifice => "endpoint_strict_basic_authentication", :quiet => true) source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" source "http://localgemserver.test/" do end source "http://user:pass@othergemserver.test/" do gem "rack-obama", ">= 1.0" end G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack-obama", "1.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: GEM remote: http://localgemserver.test/ specs: GEM remote: http://user:pass@othergemserver.test/ specs: rack (1.0.0) rack-obama (1.0) rack PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack-obama (>= 1.0)! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "generates lockfiles with multiple requirements" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "net-sftp" G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "net-sftp", "1.1.1" c.checksum gem_repo2, "net-ssh", "1.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: net-sftp (1.1.1) net-ssh (>= 1.0.0, < 1.99.0) net-ssh (1.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES net-sftp #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "net-sftp 1.1.1", "net-ssh 1.0.0" end it "generates a simple lockfile for a single pinned source, gem with a version requirement" do git = build_git "foo" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GIT remote: #{lib_path("foo-1.0")} revision: #{git.ref_for("main")} specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "does not asplode when a platform specific dependency is present and the Gemfile has not been resolved on that platform" do build_lib "omg", :path => lib_path("omg") gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" platforms :#{not_local_tag} do gem "omg", :path => "#{lib_path("omg")}" end gem "rack" G lockfile <<-L GIT remote: git://github.com/nex3/haml.git revision: 8a2271f specs: GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}// specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{not_local} DEPENDENCIES omg! rack BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} L bundle "install" expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0.0" end it "serializes global git sources" do git = build_git "foo" checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do gem "foo" end G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GIT remote: #{lib_path("foo-1.0")} revision: #{git.ref_for("main")} specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "generates a lockfile with a ref for a single pinned source, git gem with a branch requirement" do git = build_git "foo" update_git "foo", :branch => "omg" checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :branch => "omg" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GIT remote: #{lib_path("foo-1.0")} revision: #{git.ref_for("omg")} branch: omg specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "generates a lockfile with a ref for a single pinned source, git gem with a tag requirement" do git = build_git "foo" update_git "foo", :tag => "omg" checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :tag => "omg" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GIT remote: #{lib_path("foo-1.0")} revision: #{git.ref_for("omg")} tag: omg specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "is conservative with dependencies of git gems" do build_repo4 do build_gem "orm_adapter", "0.4.1" build_gem "orm_adapter", "0.5.0" end FileUtils.mkdir_p lib_path("ckeditor/lib") @remote = build_git("ckeditor_remote", :bare => true) build_git "ckeditor", :path => lib_path("ckeditor") do |s| s.write "lib/ckeditor.rb", "CKEDITOR = '4.0.7'" s.version = "4.0.7" s.add_dependency "orm_adapter" end update_git "ckeditor", :path => lib_path("ckeditor"), :remote => file_uri_for(@remote.path) update_git "ckeditor", :path => lib_path("ckeditor"), :tag => "v4.0.7" old_git = update_git "ckeditor", :path => lib_path("ckeditor"), :push => "v4.0.7" update_git "ckeditor", :path => lib_path("ckeditor"), :gemspec => true do |s| s.write "lib/ckeditor.rb", "CKEDITOR = '4.0.8'" s.version = "4.0.8" s.add_dependency "orm_adapter" end update_git "ckeditor", :path => lib_path("ckeditor"), :tag => "v4.0.8" new_git = update_git "ckeditor", :path => lib_path("ckeditor"), :push => "v4.0.8" gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}" gem "ckeditor", :git => "#{@remote.path}", :tag => "v4.0.8" G lockfile <<~L GIT remote: #{@remote.path} revision: #{old_git.ref_for("v4.0.7")} tag: v4.0.7 specs: ckeditor (4.0.7) orm_adapter GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}/ specs: orm_adapter (0.4.1) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES ckeditor! BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} L bundle "lock" # Bumps the git gem, but keeps its dependency locked expect(lockfile).to eq <<~L GIT remote: #{@remote.path} revision: #{new_git.ref_for("v4.0.8")} tag: v4.0.8 specs: ckeditor (4.0.8) orm_adapter GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}/ specs: orm_adapter (0.4.1) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES ckeditor! BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} L end it "serializes pinned path sources to the lockfile" do build_lib "foo" checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :path => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G PATH remote: #{lib_path("foo-1.0")} specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "serializes pinned path sources to the lockfile even when packaging" do build_lib "foo" checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :path => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G bundle "config set cache_all true" bundle :cache bundle :install, :local => true expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G PATH remote: #{lib_path("foo-1.0")} specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "sorts serialized sources by type" do build_lib "foo" bar = build_git "bar" checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" c.no_checksum "bar", "1.0" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack" gem "foo", :path => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" gem "bar", :git => "#{lib_path("bar-1.0")}" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GIT remote: #{lib_path("bar-1.0")} revision: #{bar.ref_for("main")} specs: bar (1.0) PATH remote: #{lib_path("foo-1.0")} specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES bar! foo! rack #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "removes redundant sources" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack", :source => "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "lists gems alphabetically" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "thin" gem "actionpack" gem "rack-obama" G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "actionpack", "2.3.2" c.checksum gem_repo2, "activesupport", "2.3.2" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack-obama", "1.0" c.checksum gem_repo2, "thin", "1.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: actionpack (2.3.2) activesupport (= 2.3.2) activesupport (2.3.2) rack (1.0.0) rack-obama (1.0) rack thin (1.0) rack PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES actionpack rack-obama thin #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "orders dependencies' dependencies in alphabetical order" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rails" G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "actionmailer", "2.3.2" c.checksum gem_repo2, "actionpack", "2.3.2" c.checksum gem_repo2, "activerecord", "2.3.2" c.checksum gem_repo2, "activeresource", "2.3.2" c.checksum gem_repo2, "activesupport", "2.3.2" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rails", "2.3.2" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rake", "13.0.1" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: actionmailer (2.3.2) activesupport (= 2.3.2) actionpack (2.3.2) activesupport (= 2.3.2) activerecord (2.3.2) activesupport (= 2.3.2) activeresource (2.3.2) activesupport (= 2.3.2) activesupport (2.3.2) rails (2.3.2) actionmailer (= 2.3.2) actionpack (= 2.3.2) activerecord (= 2.3.2) activeresource (= 2.3.2) rake (= 13.0.1) rake (13.0.1) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rails #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "orders dependencies by version" do update_repo2 do # Capistrano did this (at least until version 2.5.10) # RubyGems 2.2 doesn't allow the specifying of a dependency twice # See https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems/commit/03dbac93a3396a80db258d9bc63500333c25bd2f build_gem "double_deps", "1.0", :skip_validation => true do |s| s.add_dependency "net-ssh", ">= 1.0.0" s.add_dependency "net-ssh" end end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem 'double_deps' G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "double_deps", "1.0" c.checksum gem_repo2, "net-ssh", "1.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: double_deps (1.0) net-ssh net-ssh (>= 1.0.0) net-ssh (1.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES double_deps #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "does not add the :require option to the lockfile" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack-obama", ">= 1.0", :require => "rack/obama" G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack-obama", "1.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) rack-obama (1.0) rack PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack-obama (>= 1.0) #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "does not add the :group option to the lockfile" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack-obama", ">= 1.0", :group => :test G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0" c.checksum gem_repo2, "rack-obama", "1.0" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) rack-obama (1.0) rack PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack-obama (>= 1.0) #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "stores relative paths when the path is provided in a relative fashion and in Gemfile dir" do build_lib "foo", :path => bundled_app("foo") checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" path "foo" do gem "foo" end G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G PATH remote: foo specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "stores relative paths when the path is provided in a relative fashion and is above Gemfile dir" do build_lib "foo", :path => bundled_app(File.join("..", "foo")) checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" path "../foo" do gem "foo" end G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G PATH remote: ../foo specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "stores relative paths when the path is provided in an absolute fashion but is relative" do build_lib "foo", :path => bundled_app("foo") checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" path File.expand_path("foo", __dir__) do gem "foo" end G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G PATH remote: foo specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "stores relative paths when the path is provided for gemspec" do build_lib("foo", :path => tmp.join("foo")) checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "foo", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gemspec :path => "../foo" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G PATH remote: ../foo specs: foo (1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "keeps existing platforms in the lockfile" do checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.no_checksum "rack", "1.0.0" end lockfile <<-G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS java DEPENDENCIES rack #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack" G checksums.checksum(gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0") expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms("java", local_platform, :defaults => [])} DEPENDENCIES rack #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "persists the spec's specific platform to the lockfile" do build_repo2 do build_gem "platform_specific", "1.0" do |s| s.platform = Gem::Platform.new("universal-java-16") end end simulate_platform "universal-java-16" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "platform_specific" G checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum gem_repo2, "platform_specific", "1.0", "universal-java-16" end expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: platform_specific (1.0-universal-java-16) PLATFORMS universal-java-16 DEPENDENCIES platform_specific #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "does not add duplicate gems" do checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum(gem_repo2, "activesupport", "2.3.5") c.checksum(gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0") end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack" G install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack" gem "activesupport" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: activesupport (2.3.5) rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES activesupport rack #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "does not add duplicate dependencies" do checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum(gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0") end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack" gem "rack" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "does not add duplicate dependencies with versions" do checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum(gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0") end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack", "1.0" gem "rack", "1.0" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack (= 1.0) #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "does not add duplicate dependencies in different groups" do checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum(gem_repo2, "rack", "1.0.0") end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack", "1.0", :group => :one gem "rack", "1.0", :group => :two G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack (= 1.0) #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "raises if two different versions are used" do install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack", "1.0" gem "rack", "1.1" G expect(bundled_app_lock).not_to exist expect(err).to include "rack (= 1.0) and rack (= 1.1)" end it "raises if two different sources are used" do install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack" gem "rack", :git => "git://hubz.com" G expect(bundled_app_lock).not_to exist expect(err).to include "rack (>= 0) should come from an unspecified source and git://hubz.com" end it "works correctly with multiple version dependencies" do checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum(gem_repo2, "rack", "0.9.1") end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack", "> 0.9", "< 1.0" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (0.9.1) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack (> 0.9, < 1.0) #{checksums} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "captures the Ruby version in the lockfile" do checksums = checksums_section_when_existing do |c| c.checksum(gem_repo2, "rack", "0.9.1") end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" ruby '#{Gem.ruby_version}' gem "rack", "> 0.9", "< 1.0" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack (0.9.1) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack (> 0.9, < 1.0) #{checksums} RUBY VERSION #{Bundler::RubyVersion.system} BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "raises a helpful error message when the lockfile is missing deps" do lockfile <<-L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/ specs: rack_middleware (1.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack_middleware L install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "rack_middleware" G expect(err).to include("Downloading rack_middleware-1.0 revealed dependencies not in the API or the lockfile (#{Gem::Dependency.new("rack", "= 0.9.1")})."). and include("Running `bundle update rack_middleware` should fix the problem.") end it "regenerates a lockfile with no specs" do build_repo4 do build_gem "indirect_dependency", "1.2.3" do |s| s.metadata["funding_uri"] = "https://example.com/donate" end build_gem "direct_dependency", "4.5.6" do |s| s.add_dependency "indirect_dependency", ">= 0" end end lockfile <<-G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}/ specs: PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES direct_dependency BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}" gem "direct_dependency" G expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}/ specs: direct_dependency (4.5.6) indirect_dependency indirect_dependency (1.2.3) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms("ruby", generic_local_platform, :defaults => [])} DEPENDENCIES direct_dependency BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end shared_examples_for "a lockfile missing dependent specs" do it "auto-heals" do build_repo4 do build_gem "minitest-bisect", "1.6.0" do |s| s.add_dependency "path_expander", "~> 1.1" end build_gem "path_expander", "1.1.1" end gemfile <<~G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}" gem "minitest-bisect" G # Corrupt lockfile (completely missing path_expander) lockfile <<~L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}/ specs: minitest-bisect (1.6.0) PLATFORMS #{platforms} DEPENDENCIES minitest-bisect BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} L cache_gems "minitest-bisect-1.6.0", "path_expander-1.1.1", :gem_repo => gem_repo4 bundle :install expect(lockfile).to eq <<~L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}/ specs: minitest-bisect (1.6.0) path_expander (~> 1.1) path_expander (1.1.1) PLATFORMS #{platforms} DEPENDENCIES minitest-bisect BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} L end end context "with just specific platform" do let(:platforms) { lockfile_platforms } it_behaves_like "a lockfile missing dependent specs" end context "with both ruby and specific platform" do let(:platforms) { lockfile_platforms("ruby") } it_behaves_like "a lockfile missing dependent specs" end it "auto-heals when the lockfile is missing specs" do build_repo4 do build_gem "minitest-bisect", "1.6.0" do |s| s.add_dependency "path_expander", "~> 1.1" end build_gem "path_expander", "1.1.1" end gemfile <<~G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}" gem "minitest-bisect" G lockfile <<~L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}/ specs: minitest-bisect (1.6.0) path_expander (~> 1.1) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES minitest-bisect BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} L bundle "install --verbose" expect(out).to include("re-resolving dependencies because your lock file is missing \"minitest-bisect\"") expect(lockfile).to eq <<~L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}/ specs: minitest-bisect (1.6.0) path_expander (~> 1.1) path_expander (1.1.1) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES minitest-bisect BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} L end describe "a line ending" do def set_lockfile_mtime_to_known_value time = Time.local(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) File.utime(time, time, bundled_app_lock) end before(:each) do build_repo2 install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "rack" G set_lockfile_mtime_to_known_value end it "generates Gemfile.lock with \\n line endings" do expect(File.read(bundled_app_lock)).not_to match("\r\n") expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0" end context "during updates" do it "preserves Gemfile.lock \\n line endings" do update_repo2 do build_gem "rack", "1.2" do |s| s.executables = "rackup" end end expect { bundle "update", :all => true }.to change { File.mtime(bundled_app_lock) } expect(File.read(bundled_app_lock)).not_to match("\r\n") expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.2" end it "preserves Gemfile.lock \\n\\r line endings" do skip "needs to be adapted" if Gem.win_platform? update_repo2 do build_gem "rack", "1.2" do |s| s.executables = "rackup" end end win_lock = File.read(bundled_app_lock).gsub(/\n/, "\r\n") File.open(bundled_app_lock, "wb") {|f| f.puts(win_lock) } set_lockfile_mtime_to_known_value expect { bundle "update", :all => true }.to change { File.mtime(bundled_app_lock) } expect(File.read(bundled_app_lock)).to match("\r\n") expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.2" end end context "when nothing changes" do it "preserves Gemfile.lock \\n line endings" do expect do ruby <<-RUBY require 'bundler' Bundler.setup RUBY end.not_to change { File.mtime(bundled_app_lock) } end it "preserves Gemfile.lock \\n\\r line endings" do win_lock = File.read(bundled_app_lock).gsub(/\n/, "\r\n") File.open(bundled_app_lock, "wb") {|f| f.puts(win_lock) } set_lockfile_mtime_to_known_value expect do ruby <<-RUBY require 'bundler' Bundler.setup RUBY end.not_to change { File.mtime(bundled_app_lock) } end end end it "refuses to install if Gemfile.lock contains conflict markers" do lockfile <<-L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}// specs: <<<<<<< rack (1.0.0) ======= rack (1.0.1) >>>>>>> PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES rack BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} L install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}/" gem "rack" G expect(err).to match(/your Gemfile.lock contains merge conflicts/i) expect(err).to match(/git checkout HEAD -- Gemfile.lock/i) end private def prerelease?(version) Gem::Version.new(version).prerelease? end def previous_major(version) version.split(".").map.with_index {|v, i| i == 0 ? v.to_i - 1 : v }.join(".") end def bump_minor(version) bump(version, 1) end def bump(version, segment) version.split(".").map.with_index {|v, i| i == segment ? v.to_i + 1 : v }.join(".") end end