# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.shared_examples "bundle install --standalone" do shared_examples "common functionality" do it "still makes the gems available to normal bundler" do args = expected_gems.map {|k, v| "#{k} #{v}" } expect(the_bundle).to include_gems(*args) end it "still makes system gems unavailable to normal bundler" do system_gems "rack-1.0.0" expect(the_bundle).to_not include_gems("rack") end it "generates a bundle/bundler/setup.rb" do expect(bundled_app("bundle/bundler/setup.rb")).to exist end it "makes the gems available without bundler" do testrb = String.new <<-RUBY $:.unshift File.expand_path("bundle") require "bundler/setup" RUBY expected_gems.each do |k, _| testrb << "\nrequire \"#{k}\"" testrb << "\nputs #{k.upcase}" end ruby testrb expect(out).to eq(expected_gems.values.join("\n")) end it "makes the gems available without bundler nor rubygems" do testrb = String.new <<-RUBY $:.unshift File.expand_path("bundle") require "bundler/setup" RUBY expected_gems.each do |k, _| testrb << "\nrequire \"#{k}\"" testrb << "\nputs #{k.upcase}" end sys_exec %(#{Gem.ruby} --disable-gems -w -e #{testrb.shellescape}) expect(out).to eq(expected_gems.values.join("\n")) end it "makes the gems available without bundler via Kernel.require" do testrb = String.new <<-RUBY $:.unshift File.expand_path("bundle") require "bundler/setup" RUBY expected_gems.each do |k, _| testrb << "\nKernel.require \"#{k}\"" testrb << "\nputs #{k.upcase}" end ruby testrb expect(out).to eq(expected_gems.values.join("\n")) end it "makes system gems unavailable without bundler" do system_gems "rack-1.0.0" testrb = String.new <<-RUBY $:.unshift File.expand_path("bundle") require "bundler/setup" begin require "rack" rescue LoadError puts "LoadError" end RUBY ruby testrb expect(out).to eq("LoadError") end it "works on a different system" do begin FileUtils.mv(bundled_app, "#{bundled_app}2") rescue Errno::ENOTEMPTY puts "Couldn't rename test app since the target folder has these files: #{Dir.glob("#{bundled_app}2/*")}" raise end testrb = String.new <<-RUBY $:.unshift File.expand_path("bundle") require "bundler/setup" RUBY expected_gems.each do |k, _| testrb << "\nrequire \"#{k}\"" testrb << "\nputs #{k.upcase}" end ruby testrb, :dir => "#{bundled_app}2" expect(out).to eq(expected_gems.values.join("\n")) end end describe "with simple gems" do before do gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rails" G bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" bundle :install, :standalone => true, :dir => cwd end let(:expected_gems) do { "actionpack" => "2.3.2", "rails" => "2.3.2", } end include_examples "common functionality" end describe "with default gems and a lockfile", :ruby_repo do before do skip "does not work on rubygems versions where `--install_dir` doesn't respect --default" unless Gem::Installer.for_spec(loaded_gemspec, :install_dir => "/foo").default_spec_file == "/foo/specifications/default/bundler-#{Bundler::VERSION}.gemspec" # Since rubygems 3.2.0.rc.2 skip "does not work on old rubies because the realworld gems that need to be installed don't support them" if RUBY_VERSION < "2.7.0" if Gem.win_platform? && RUBY_VERSION < "3.1.0" default_fiddle_version = ruby "require 'fiddle'; puts Gem.loaded_specs['fiddle'].version" realworld_system_gems "fiddle --version #{default_fiddle_version}" end realworld_system_gems "tsort --version 0.1.0" necessary_system_gems = ["optparse --version 0.1.1", "psych --version 3.3.2", "logger --version 1.4.3", "etc --version 1.2.0", "stringio --version 3.0.1"] necessary_system_gems += ["shellwords --version 0.1.0", "base64 --version 0.1.0", "resolv --version 0.2.1"] if Gem.rubygems_version < Gem::Version.new("3.3.a") necessary_system_gems += ["yaml --version 0.1.1"] if Gem.rubygems_version < Gem::Version.new("3.4.a") realworld_system_gems(*necessary_system_gems, :path => scoped_gem_path(bundled_app("bundle"))) build_gem "foo", "1.0.0", :to_system => true, :default => true do |s| s.add_dependency "bar" end build_gem "bar", "1.0.0", :to_system => true, :default => true build_repo4 do build_gem "foo", "1.0.0" do |s| s.add_dependency "bar" end build_gem "bar", "1.0.0" end gemfile <<-G source "https://gem.repo4" gem "foo" G bundle "lock", :dir => cwd, :artifice => "compact_index" end it "works and points to the vendored copies, not to the default copies" do bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" bundle :install, :standalone => true, :dir => cwd, :artifice => "compact_index", :env => { "BUNDLER_GEM_DEFAULT_DIR" => system_gem_path.to_s } load_path_lines = bundled_app("bundle/bundler/setup.rb").read.split("\n").select {|line| line.start_with?("$:.unshift") } expect(load_path_lines).to eq [ '$:.unshift File.expand_path("#{__dir__}/../#{RUBY_ENGINE}/#{Gem.ruby_api_version}/gems/bar-1.0.0/lib")', '$:.unshift File.expand_path("#{__dir__}/../#{RUBY_ENGINE}/#{Gem.ruby_api_version}/gems/foo-1.0.0/lib")', ] end end describe "with Gemfiles using path sources and resulting bundle moved to a folder hierarchy with different nesting" do before do build_lib "minitest", "1.0.0", :path => lib_path("minitest") Dir.mkdir bundled_app("app") gemfile bundled_app("app/Gemfile"), <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "minitest", :path => "#{lib_path("minitest")}" G bundle "install", :standalone => true, :dir => bundled_app("app") Dir.mkdir tmp("one_more_level") FileUtils.mv bundled_app, tmp("one_more_level") end it "also works" do ruby <<-RUBY, :dir => tmp("one_more_level/bundled_app/app") require "./bundle/bundler/setup" require "minitest" puts MINITEST RUBY expect(out).to eq("1.0.0") expect(err).to be_empty end end describe "with gems with native extension" do before do bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" install_gemfile <<-G, :standalone => true, :dir => cwd source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "very_simple_binary" G end it "generates a bundle/bundler/setup.rb with the proper paths" do expected_path = bundled_app("bundle/bundler/setup.rb") script_content = File.read(expected_path) expect(script_content).to include("def self.ruby_api_version") expect(script_content).to include("def self.extension_api_version") extension_line = script_content.each_line.find {|line| line.include? "/extensions/" }.strip platform = Gem::Platform.local expect(extension_line).to start_with '$:.unshift File.expand_path("#{__dir__}/../#{RUBY_ENGINE}/#{Gem.ruby_api_version}/extensions/' expect(extension_line).to end_with platform.to_s + '/#{Gem.extension_api_version}/very_simple_binary-1.0")' end end describe "with gem that has an invalid gemspec" do before do build_git "bar", :gemspec => false do |s| s.write "lib/bar/version.rb", %(BAR_VERSION = '1.0') s.write "bar.gemspec", <<-G lib = File.expand_path('lib/', __dir__) $:.unshift lib unless $:.include?(lib) require 'bar/version' Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'bar' s.version = BAR_VERSION s.summary = 'Bar' s.files = Dir["lib/**/*.rb"] s.author = 'Anonymous' s.require_path = [1,2] end G end bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" install_gemfile <<-G, :standalone => true, :dir => cwd, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "bar", :git => "#{lib_path("bar-1.0")}" G end it "outputs a helpful error message" do expect(err).to include("You have one or more invalid gemspecs that need to be fixed.") expect(err).to include("bar 1.0 has an invalid gemspec") end end describe "with a combination of gems and git repos" do before do build_git "devise", "1.0" gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rails" gem "devise", :git => "#{lib_path("devise-1.0")}" G bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" bundle :install, :standalone => true, :dir => cwd end let(:expected_gems) do { "actionpack" => "2.3.2", "devise" => "1.0", "rails" => "2.3.2", } end include_examples "common functionality" end describe "with groups" do before do build_git "devise", "1.0" gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rails" group :test do gem "rspec" gem "rack-test" end G bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" bundle :install, :standalone => true, :dir => cwd end let(:expected_gems) do { "actionpack" => "2.3.2", "rails" => "2.3.2", } end include_examples "common functionality" it "allows creating a standalone file with limited groups" do bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" bundle :install, :standalone => "default", :dir => cwd load_error_ruby <<-RUBY, "spec" $:.unshift File.expand_path("bundle") require "bundler/setup" require "actionpack" puts ACTIONPACK require "spec" RUBY expect(out).to eq("2.3.2") expect(err).to eq("ZOMG LOAD ERROR") end it "allows `without` configuration to limit the groups used in a standalone" do bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" bundle "config set --local without test" bundle :install, :standalone => true, :dir => cwd load_error_ruby <<-RUBY, "spec" $:.unshift File.expand_path("bundle") require "bundler/setup" require "actionpack" puts ACTIONPACK require "spec" RUBY expect(out).to eq("2.3.2") expect(err).to eq("ZOMG LOAD ERROR") end it "allows `path` configuration to change the location of the standalone bundle" do bundle "config set --local path path/to/bundle" bundle "install", :standalone => true, :dir => cwd ruby <<-RUBY $:.unshift File.expand_path("path/to/bundle") require "bundler/setup" require "actionpack" puts ACTIONPACK RUBY expect(out).to eq("2.3.2") end it "allows `without` to limit the groups used in a standalone" do bundle "config set --local without test" bundle :install, :dir => cwd bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" bundle :install, :standalone => true, :dir => cwd load_error_ruby <<-RUBY, "spec" $:.unshift File.expand_path("bundle") require "bundler/setup" require "actionpack" puts ACTIONPACK require "spec" RUBY expect(out).to eq("2.3.2") expect(err).to eq("ZOMG LOAD ERROR") end end describe "with gemcutter's dependency API" do let(:source_uri) { "http://localgemserver.test" } describe "simple gems" do before do gemfile <<-G source "#{source_uri}" gem "rails" G bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" bundle :install, :standalone => true, :artifice => "endpoint", :dir => cwd end let(:expected_gems) do { "actionpack" => "2.3.2", "rails" => "2.3.2", } end include_examples "common functionality" end end describe "with --binstubs", :bundler => "< 3" do before do gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rails" G bundle "config set --local path #{bundled_app("bundle")}" bundle :install, :standalone => true, :binstubs => true, :dir => cwd end let(:expected_gems) do { "actionpack" => "2.3.2", "rails" => "2.3.2", } end include_examples "common functionality" it "creates stubs that use the standalone load path" do expect(sys_exec("bin/rails -v").chomp).to eql "2.3.2" end it "creates stubs that can be executed from anywhere" do require "tmpdir" sys_exec(%(#{bundled_app("bin/rails")} -v), :dir => Dir.tmpdir) expect(out).to eq("2.3.2") end it "creates stubs that can be symlinked" do skip "symlinks unsupported" if Gem.win_platform? symlink_dir = tmp("symlink") FileUtils.mkdir_p(symlink_dir) symlink = File.join(symlink_dir, "rails") File.symlink(bundled_app("bin/rails"), symlink) sys_exec("#{symlink} -v") expect(out).to eq("2.3.2") end it "creates stubs with the correct load path" do extension_line = File.read(bundled_app("bin/rails")).each_line.find {|line| line.include? "$:.unshift" }.strip expect(extension_line).to eq %($:.unshift File.expand_path "../bundle", __dir__) end end end RSpec.describe "bundle install --standalone" do let(:cwd) { bundled_app } include_examples("bundle install --standalone") end RSpec.describe "bundle install --standalone run in a subdirectory" do let(:cwd) { bundled_app("bob").tap(&:mkpath) } include_examples("bundle install --standalone") end