# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "bundle install" do context "with gem sources" do before do build_repo2 do build_gem "has_funding_and_other_metadata" do |s| s.metadata = { "bug_tracker_uri" => "https://example.com/user/bestgemever/issues", "changelog_uri" => "https://example.com/user/bestgemever/CHANGELOG.md", "documentation_uri" => "https://www.example.info/gems/bestgemever/0.0.1", "homepage_uri" => "https://bestgemever.example.io", "mailing_list_uri" => "https://groups.example.com/bestgemever", "funding_uri" => "https://example.com/has_funding_and_other_metadata/funding", "source_code_uri" => "https://example.com/user/bestgemever", "wiki_uri" => "https://example.com/user/bestgemever/wiki", } end build_gem "has_funding", "1.2.3" do |s| s.metadata = { "funding_uri" => "https://example.com/has_funding/funding", } end build_gem "gem_with_dependent_funding", "1.0" do |s| s.add_dependency "has_funding" end end end context "when gems include a fund URI" do it "displays the plural fund message after installing" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem 'has_funding_and_other_metadata' gem 'has_funding' gem 'rack-obama' G expect(out).to include("2 installed gems you directly depend on are looking for funding.") end it "displays the singular fund message after installing" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem 'has_funding' gem 'rack-obama' G expect(out).to include("1 installed gem you directly depend on is looking for funding.") end end context "when gems do not include fund messages" do it "does not display any fund messages" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "activesupport" G expect(out).not_to include("gem you depend on") end end context "when a dependency includes a fund message" do it "does not display the fund message" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem 'gem_with_dependent_funding' G expect(out).not_to include("gem you depend on") end end end context "with git sources" do context "when gems include fund URI" do it "displays the fund message after installing" do build_git "also_has_funding" do |s| s.metadata = { "funding_uri" => "https://example.com/also_has_funding/funding", } end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem 'also_has_funding', :git => '#{lib_path("also_has_funding-1.0")}' G expect(out).to include("1 installed gem you directly depend on is looking for funding.") end it "displays the fund message if repo is updated" do build_git "also_has_funding" do |s| s.metadata = { "funding_uri" => "https://example.com/also_has_funding/funding", } end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem 'also_has_funding', :git => '#{lib_path("also_has_funding-1.0")}' G build_git "also_has_funding", "1.1" do |s| s.metadata = { "funding_uri" => "https://example.com/also_has_funding/funding", } end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem 'also_has_funding', :git => '#{lib_path("also_has_funding-1.1")}' G expect(out).to include("1 installed gem you directly depend on is looking for funding.") end it "displays the fund message if repo is not updated" do build_git "also_has_funding" do |s| s.metadata = { "funding_uri" => "https://example.com/also_has_funding/funding", } end gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem 'also_has_funding', :git => '#{lib_path("also_has_funding-1.0")}' G bundle :install expect(out).to include("1 installed gem you directly depend on is looking for funding.") bundle :install expect(out).to include("1 installed gem you directly depend on is looking for funding.") end end end end