# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "bundle install with git sources" do describe "when floating on master" do before :each do build_git "foo" do |s| s.executables = "foobar" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do gem 'foo' end G end it "fetches gems" do expect(the_bundle).to include_gems("foo 1.0") run <<-RUBY require 'foo' puts "WIN" unless defined?(FOO_PREV_REF) RUBY expect(out).to eq("WIN") end it "caches the git repo", :bundler => "< 3" do expect(Dir["#{default_bundle_path}/cache/bundler/git/foo-1.0-*"]).to have_attributes :size => 1 end it "caches the git repo globally and properly uses the cached repo on the next invocation" do simulate_new_machine bundle "config set global_gem_cache true" bundle :install expect(Dir["#{home}/.bundle/cache/git/foo-1.0-*"]).to have_attributes :size => 1 bundle "install --verbose" expect(err).to be_empty expect(out).to include("Using foo 1.0 from #{lib_path("foo")}") end it "caches the evaluated gemspec" do git = update_git "foo" do |s| s.executables = ["foobar"] # we added this the first time, so keep it now s.files = ["bin/foobar"] # updating git nukes the files list foospec = s.to_ruby.gsub(/s\.files.*/, 's.files = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0")') s.write "foo.gemspec", foospec end bundle "update foo" sha = git.ref_for("master", 11) spec_file = default_bundle_path.join("bundler/gems/foo-1.0-#{sha}/foo.gemspec").to_s ruby_code = Gem::Specification.load(spec_file).to_ruby file_code = File.read(spec_file) expect(file_code).to eq(ruby_code) end it "does not update the git source implicitly" do update_git "foo" install_gemfile bundled_app2("Gemfile"), <<-G, :dir => bundled_app2 source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do gem 'foo' end G run <<-RUBY require 'foo' puts "fail" if defined?(FOO_PREV_REF) RUBY expect(out).to be_empty end it "sets up git gem executables on the path" do bundle "exec foobar" expect(out).to eq("1.0") end it "complains if pinned specs don't exist in the git repo" do build_git "foo" install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", "1.1", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G expect(err).to include("The source contains the following versions of 'foo': 1.0") end it "complains with version and platform if pinned specs don't exist in the git repo" do simulate_platform "java" build_git "only_java" do |s| s.platform = "java" end install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" platforms :jruby do gem "only_java", "1.2", :git => "#{lib_path("only_java-1.0-java")}" end G expect(err).to include("The source contains the following versions of 'only_java': 1.0 java") end it "complains with multiple versions and platforms if pinned specs don't exist in the git repo" do simulate_platform "java" build_git "only_java", "1.0" do |s| s.platform = "java" end build_git "only_java", "1.1" do |s| s.platform = "java" s.write "only_java1-0.gemspec", File.read("#{lib_path("only_java-1.0-java")}/only_java.gemspec") end install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" platforms :jruby do gem "only_java", "1.2", :git => "#{lib_path("only_java-1.1-java")}" end G expect(err).to include("The source contains the following versions of 'only_java': 1.0 java, 1.1 java") end it "still works after moving the application directory" do bundle "config set --local path vendor/bundle" bundle "install" FileUtils.mv bundled_app, tmp("bundled_app.bck") expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "foo 1.0", :dir => tmp("bundled_app.bck") end it "can still install after moving the application directory" do bundle "config set --local path vendor/bundle" bundle "install" FileUtils.mv bundled_app, tmp("bundled_app.bck") update_git "foo", "1.1", :path => lib_path("foo-1.0") gemfile tmp("bundled_app.bck/Gemfile"), <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do gem 'foo' end gem "rack", "1.0" G bundle "update foo", :dir => tmp("bundled_app.bck") expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "foo 1.1", "rack 1.0", :dir => tmp("bundled_app.bck") end end describe "with an empty git block" do before do build_git "foo" gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do # this page left intentionally blank end G end it "does not explode" do bundle "install" expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0" end end describe "when specifying a revision" do before(:each) do build_git "foo" @revision = revision_for(lib_path("foo-1.0")) update_git "foo" end it "works" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :ref => "#{@revision}" do gem "foo" end G run <<-RUBY require 'foo' puts "WIN" unless defined?(FOO_PREV_REF) RUBY expect(out).to eq("WIN") end it "works when the revision is a symbol" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :ref => #{@revision.to_sym.inspect} do gem "foo" end G expect(err).to be_empty run <<-RUBY require 'foo' puts "WIN" unless defined?(FOO_PREV_REF) RUBY expect(out).to eq("WIN") end it "works when the revision is a non-head ref" do # want to ensure we don't fallback to master update_git "foo", :path => lib_path("foo-1.0") do |s| s.write("lib/foo.rb", "raise 'FAIL'") end sys_exec("git update-ref -m \"Bundler Spec!\" refs/bundler/1 master~1", :dir => lib_path("foo-1.0")) # want to ensure we don't fallback to HEAD update_git "foo", :path => lib_path("foo-1.0"), :branch => "rando" do |s| s.write("lib/foo.rb", "raise 'FAIL_FROM_RANDO'") end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :ref => "refs/bundler/1" do gem "foo" end G expect(err).to be_empty run <<-RUBY require 'foo' puts "WIN" if defined?(FOO) RUBY expect(out).to eq("WIN") end it "works when the revision is a non-head ref and it was previously downloaded" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do gem "foo" end G # want to ensure we don't fallback to master update_git "foo", :path => lib_path("foo-1.0") do |s| s.write("lib/foo.rb", "raise 'FAIL'") end sys_exec("git update-ref -m \"Bundler Spec!\" refs/bundler/1 master~1", :dir => lib_path("foo-1.0")) # want to ensure we don't fallback to HEAD update_git "foo", :path => lib_path("foo-1.0"), :branch => "rando" do |s| s.write("lib/foo.rb", "raise 'FAIL_FROM_RANDO'") end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :ref => "refs/bundler/1" do gem "foo" end G expect(err).to be_empty run <<-RUBY require 'foo' puts "WIN" if defined?(FOO) RUBY expect(out).to eq("WIN") end it "does not download random non-head refs" do sys_exec("git update-ref -m \"Bundler Spec!\" refs/bundler/1 master~1", :dir => lib_path("foo-1.0")) bundle "config set global_gem_cache true" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do gem "foo" end G # ensure we also git fetch after cloning bundle :update, :all => true sys_exec("git ls-remote .", :dir => Dir[home(".bundle/cache/git/foo-*")].first) expect(out).not_to include("refs/bundler/1") end end describe "when specifying a branch" do let(:branch) { "branch" } let(:repo) { build_git("foo").path } it "works" do update_git("foo", :path => repo, :branch => branch) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{repo}", :branch => #{branch.dump} do gem "foo" end G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems("foo 1.0") end context "when the branch starts with a `#`" do let(:branch) { "#149/redirect-url-fragment" } it "works" do skip "git does not accept this" if Gem.win_platform? update_git("foo", :path => repo, :branch => branch) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{repo}", :branch => #{branch.dump} do gem "foo" end G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems("foo 1.0") end end context "when the branch includes quotes" do let(:branch) { %('") } it "works" do skip "git does not accept this" if Gem.win_platform? update_git("foo", :path => repo, :branch => branch) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{repo}", :branch => #{branch.dump} do gem "foo" end G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems("foo 1.0") end end end describe "when specifying a tag" do let(:tag) { "tag" } let(:repo) { build_git("foo").path } it "works" do update_git("foo", :path => repo, :tag => tag) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{repo}", :tag => #{tag.dump} do gem "foo" end G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems("foo 1.0") end context "when the tag starts with a `#`" do let(:tag) { "#149/redirect-url-fragment" } it "works" do skip "git does not accept this" if Gem.win_platform? update_git("foo", :path => repo, :tag => tag) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{repo}", :tag => #{tag.dump} do gem "foo" end G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems("foo 1.0") end end context "when the tag includes quotes" do let(:tag) { %('") } it "works" do skip "git does not accept this" if Gem.win_platform? update_git("foo", :path => repo, :tag => tag) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{repo}", :tag => #{tag.dump} do gem "foo" end G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems("foo 1.0") end end end describe "when specifying local override" do it "uses the local repository instead of checking a new one out" do # We don't generate it because we actually don't need it # build_git "rack", "0.8" build_git "rack", "0.8", :path => lib_path("local-rack") do |s| s.write "lib/rack.rb", "puts :LOCAL" end gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}", :branch => "master" G bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) bundle :install run "require 'rack'" expect(out).to eq("LOCAL") end it "chooses the local repository on runtime" do build_git "rack", "0.8" FileUtils.cp_r("#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}/.", lib_path("local-rack")) update_git "rack", "0.8", :path => lib_path("local-rack") do |s| s.write "lib/rack.rb", "puts :LOCAL" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}", :branch => "master" G bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) run "require 'rack'" expect(out).to eq("LOCAL") end it "unlocks the source when the dependencies have changed while switching to the local" do build_git "rack", "0.8" FileUtils.cp_r("#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}/.", lib_path("local-rack")) update_git "rack", "0.8", :path => lib_path("local-rack") do |s| s.write "rack.gemspec", build_spec("rack", "0.8") { runtime "rspec", "> 0" }.first.to_ruby s.write "lib/rack.rb", "puts :LOCAL" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}", :branch => "master" G bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) bundle :install run "require 'rack'" expect(out).to eq("LOCAL") end it "updates specs on runtime" do system_gems "nokogiri-1.4.2" build_git "rack", "0.8" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}", :branch => "master" G lockfile0 = File.read(bundled_app_lock) FileUtils.cp_r("#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}/.", lib_path("local-rack")) update_git "rack", "0.8", :path => lib_path("local-rack") do |s| s.add_dependency "nokogiri", "1.4.2" end bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) run "require 'rack'" lockfile1 = File.read(bundled_app_lock) expect(lockfile1).not_to eq(lockfile0) end it "updates ref on install" do build_git "rack", "0.8" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}", :branch => "master" G lockfile0 = File.read(bundled_app_lock) FileUtils.cp_r("#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}/.", lib_path("local-rack")) update_git "rack", "0.8", :path => lib_path("local-rack") bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) bundle :install lockfile1 = File.read(bundled_app_lock) expect(lockfile1).not_to eq(lockfile0) end it "explodes and gives correct solution if given path does not exist on install" do build_git "rack", "0.8" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}", :branch => "master" G bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) bundle :install, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to match(/Cannot use local override for rack-0.8 because #{Regexp.escape(lib_path('local-rack').to_s)} does not exist/) solution = "config unset local.rack" expect(err).to match(/Run `bundle #{solution}` to remove the local override/) bundle solution bundle :install expect(err).to be_empty end it "explodes and gives correct solution if branch is not given on install" do build_git "rack", "0.8" FileUtils.cp_r("#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}/.", lib_path("local-rack")) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}" G bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) bundle :install, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to match(/Cannot use local override for rack-0.8 at #{Regexp.escape(lib_path('local-rack').to_s)} because :branch is not specified in Gemfile/) solution = "config unset local.rack" expect(err).to match(/Specify a branch or run `bundle #{solution}` to remove the local override/) bundle solution bundle :install expect(err).to be_empty end it "does not explode if disable_local_branch_check is given" do build_git "rack", "0.8" FileUtils.cp_r("#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}/.", lib_path("local-rack")) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}" G bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) bundle %(config set disable_local_branch_check true) bundle :install expect(out).to match(/Bundle complete!/) end it "explodes on different branches on install" do build_git "rack", "0.8" FileUtils.cp_r("#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}/.", lib_path("local-rack")) update_git "rack", "0.8", :path => lib_path("local-rack"), :branch => "another" do |s| s.write "lib/rack.rb", "puts :LOCAL" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}", :branch => "master" G bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) bundle :install, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to match(/is using branch another but Gemfile specifies master/) end it "explodes on invalid revision on install" do build_git "rack", "0.8" build_git "rack", "0.8", :path => lib_path("local-rack") do |s| s.write "lib/rack.rb", "puts :LOCAL" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}", :branch => "master" G bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) bundle :install, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to match(/The Gemfile lock is pointing to revision \w+/) end it "does not explode on invalid revision on install" do build_git "rack", "0.8" build_git "rack", "0.8", :path => lib_path("local-rack") do |s| s.write "lib/rack.rb", "puts :LOCAL" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}", :branch => "master" G bundle %(config set local.rack #{lib_path("local-rack")}) bundle %(config set disable_local_revision_check true) bundle :install expect(out).to match(/Bundle complete!/) end end describe "specified inline" do # TODO: Figure out how to write this test so that it is not flaky depending # on the current network situation. # it "supports private git URLs" do # gemfile <<-G # gem "thingy", :git => "git@notthere.fallingsnow.net:somebody/thingy.git" # G # # bundle :install # # # p out # # p err # puts err unless err.empty? # This spec fails randomly every so often # err.should include("notthere.fallingsnow.net") # err.should include("ssh") # end it "installs from git even if a newer gem is available elsewhere" do build_git "rack", "0.8" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-0.8")}" G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 0.8" end it "installs dependencies from git even if a newer gem is available elsewhere" do system_gems "rack-1.0.0" build_lib "rack", "1.0", :path => lib_path("nested/bar") do |s| s.write "lib/rack.rb", "puts 'WIN OVERRIDE'" end build_git "foo", :path => lib_path("nested") do |s| s.add_dependency "rack", "= 1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("nested")}" G run "require 'rack'" expect(out).to eq("WIN OVERRIDE") end it "correctly unlocks when changing to a git source" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", "0.9.1" G build_git "rack", :path => lib_path("rack") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", "1.0.0", :git => "#{lib_path("rack")}" G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.0.0" end it "correctly unlocks when changing to a git source without versions" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack" G build_git "rack", "1.2", :path => lib_path("rack") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", :git => "#{lib_path("rack")}" G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rack 1.2" end end describe "block syntax" do it "pulls all gems from a git block" do build_lib "omg", :path => lib_path("hi2u/omg") build_lib "hi2u", :path => lib_path("hi2u") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" path "#{lib_path("hi2u")}" do gem "omg" gem "hi2u" end G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "omg 1.0", "hi2u 1.0" end end it "uses a ref if specified" do build_git "foo" @revision = revision_for(lib_path("foo-1.0")) update_git "foo" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :ref => "#{@revision}" G run <<-RUBY require 'foo' puts "WIN" unless defined?(FOO_PREV_REF) RUBY expect(out).to eq("WIN") end it "correctly handles cases with invalid gemspecs" do build_git "foo" do |s| s.summary = nil end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" gem "rails", "2.3.2" G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "foo 1.0" expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rails 2.3.2" end it "runs the gemspec in the context of its parent directory" do build_lib "bar", :path => lib_path("foo/bar"), :gemspec => false do |s| s.write lib_path("foo/bar/lib/version.rb"), %(BAR_VERSION = '1.0') s.write "bar.gemspec", <<-G $:.unshift Dir.pwd require 'lib/version' Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'bar' s.author = 'no one' s.version = BAR_VERSION s.summary = 'Bar' s.files = Dir["lib/**/*.rb"] end G end build_git "foo", :path => lib_path("foo") do |s| s.write "bin/foo", "" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "bar", :git => "#{lib_path("foo")}" gem "rails", "2.3.2" G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "bar 1.0" expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "rails 2.3.2" end it "installs from git even if a rubygems gem is present" do build_gem "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("fake_foo"), :to_system => true do |s| s.write "lib/foo.rb", "raise 'FAIL'" end build_git "foo", "1.0" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", "1.0", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "foo 1.0" end it "fakes the gem out if there is no gemspec" do build_git "foo", :gemspec => false install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", "1.0", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" gem "rails", "2.3.2" G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems("foo 1.0") expect(the_bundle).to include_gems("rails 2.3.2") end it "catches git errors and spits out useful output" do gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", "1.0", :git => "omgomg" G bundle :install, :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to include("Git error:") expect(err).to include("fatal") expect(err).to include("omgomg") end it "works when the gem path has spaces in it" do build_git "foo", :path => lib_path("foo space-1.0") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo space-1.0")}" G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "foo 1.0" end it "handles repos that have been force-pushed" do build_git "forced", "1.0" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("forced-1.0")}" do gem 'forced' end G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "forced 1.0" update_git "forced" do |s| s.write "lib/forced.rb", "FORCED = '1.1'" end bundle "update", :all => true expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "forced 1.1" sys_exec("git reset --hard HEAD^", :dir => lib_path("forced-1.0")) bundle "update", :all => true expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "forced 1.0" end it "ignores submodules if :submodule is not passed" do build_git "submodule", "1.0" build_git "has_submodule", "1.0" do |s| s.add_dependency "submodule" end sys_exec "git submodule add #{lib_path("submodule-1.0")} submodule-1.0", :dir => lib_path("has_submodule-1.0") sys_exec "git commit -m \"submodulator\"", :dir => lib_path("has_submodule-1.0") install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("has_submodule-1.0")}" do gem "has_submodule" end G expect(err).to match(/could not find gem 'submodule/i) expect(the_bundle).not_to include_gems "has_submodule 1.0" end it "handles repos with submodules" do build_git "submodule", "1.0" build_git "has_submodule", "1.0" do |s| s.add_dependency "submodule" end sys_exec "git submodule add #{lib_path("submodule-1.0")} submodule-1.0", :dir => lib_path("has_submodule-1.0") sys_exec "git commit -m \"submodulator\"", :dir => lib_path("has_submodule-1.0") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("has_submodule-1.0")}", :submodules => true do gem "has_submodule" end G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "has_submodule 1.0" end it "does not warn when deiniting submodules" do build_git "submodule", "1.0" build_git "has_submodule", "1.0" sys_exec "git submodule add #{lib_path("submodule-1.0")} submodule-1.0", :dir => lib_path("has_submodule-1.0") sys_exec "git commit -m \"submodulator\"", :dir => lib_path("has_submodule-1.0") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("has_submodule-1.0")}" do gem "has_submodule" end G expect(err).to be_empty expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "has_submodule 1.0" expect(the_bundle).to_not include_gems "submodule 1.0" end it "handles implicit updates when modifying the source info" do git = build_git "foo" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do gem "foo" end G update_git "foo" update_git "foo" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :ref => "#{git.ref_for("HEAD^")}" do gem "foo" end G run <<-RUBY require 'foo' puts "WIN" if FOO_PREV_REF == '#{git.ref_for("HEAD^^")}' RUBY expect(out).to eq("WIN") end it "does not to a remote fetch if the revision is cached locally" do build_git "foo" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G FileUtils.rm_rf(lib_path("foo-1.0")) bundle "install" expect(out).not_to match(/updating/i) end it "doesn't blow up if bundle install is run twice in a row" do build_git "foo" gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G bundle "install" bundle "install" end it "prints a friendly error if a file blocks the git repo" do build_git "foo" FileUtils.mkdir_p(default_bundle_path) FileUtils.touch(default_bundle_path("bundler")) install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G expect(exitstatus).to_not eq(0) expect(err).to include("Bundler could not install a gem because it " \ "needs to create a directory, but a file exists " \ "- #{default_bundle_path("bundler")}") end it "does not duplicate git gem sources" do build_lib "foo", :path => lib_path("nested/foo") build_lib "bar", :path => lib_path("nested/bar") build_git "foo", :path => lib_path("nested") build_git "bar", :path => lib_path("nested") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("nested")}" gem "bar", :git => "#{lib_path("nested")}" G expect(File.read(bundled_app_lock).scan("GIT").size).to eq(1) end describe "switching sources" do it "doesn't explode when switching Path to Git sources" do build_gem "foo", "1.0", :to_system => true do |s| s.write "lib/foo.rb", "raise 'fail'" end build_lib "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("bar/foo") build_git "bar", "1.0", :path => lib_path("bar") do |s| s.add_dependency "foo" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "bar", :path => "#{lib_path("bar")}" G install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "bar", :git => "#{lib_path("bar")}" G expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "foo 1.0", "bar 1.0" end it "doesn't explode when switching Gem to Git source" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack-obama" gem "rack", "1.0.0" G build_git "rack", "1.0" do |s| s.write "lib/new_file.rb", "puts 'USING GIT'" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack-obama" gem "rack", "1.0.0", :git => "#{lib_path("rack-1.0")}" G run "require 'new_file'" expect(out).to eq("USING GIT") end end describe "bundle install after the remote has been updated" do it "installs" do build_git "valim" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "valim", :git => "#{file_uri_for(lib_path("valim-1.0"))}" G old_revision = revision_for(lib_path("valim-1.0")) update_git "valim" new_revision = revision_for(lib_path("valim-1.0")) old_lockfile = File.read(bundled_app_lock) lockfile(bundled_app_lock, old_lockfile.gsub(/revision: #{old_revision}/, "revision: #{new_revision}")) bundle "install" run <<-R require "valim" puts VALIM_PREV_REF R expect(out).to eq(old_revision) end it "gives a helpful error message when the remote ref no longer exists" do build_git "foo" revision = revision_for(lib_path("foo-1.0")) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{file_uri_for(lib_path("foo-1.0"))}", :ref => "#{revision}" G expect(out).to_not match(/Revision.*does not exist/) install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{file_uri_for(lib_path("foo-1.0"))}", :ref => "deadbeef" G expect(err).to include("Revision deadbeef does not exist in the repository") end end describe "bundle install with deployment mode configured and git sources" do it "works" do build_git "valim", :path => lib_path("valim") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "valim", "= 1.0", :git => "#{lib_path("valim")}" G simulate_new_machine bundle "config set --local deployment true" bundle :install end end describe "gem install hooks" do it "runs pre-install hooks" do build_git "foo" gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G File.open(lib_path("install_hooks.rb"), "w") do |h| h.write <<-H Gem.pre_install_hooks << lambda do |inst| STDERR.puts "Ran pre-install hook: \#{inst.spec.full_name}" end H end bundle :install, :requires => [lib_path("install_hooks.rb")] expect(err_without_deprecations).to eq("Ran pre-install hook: foo-1.0") end it "runs post-install hooks" do build_git "foo" gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G File.open(lib_path("install_hooks.rb"), "w") do |h| h.write <<-H Gem.post_install_hooks << lambda do |inst| STDERR.puts "Ran post-install hook: \#{inst.spec.full_name}" end H end bundle :install, :requires => [lib_path("install_hooks.rb")] expect(err_without_deprecations).to eq("Ran post-install hook: foo-1.0") end it "complains if the install hook fails" do build_git "foo" gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G File.open(lib_path("install_hooks.rb"), "w") do |h| h.write <<-H Gem.pre_install_hooks << lambda do |inst| false end H end bundle :install, :requires => [lib_path("install_hooks.rb")], :raise_on_error => false expect(err).to include("failed for foo-1.0") end end context "with an extension" do it "installs the extension" do build_git "foo" do |s| s.add_dependency "rake" s.extensions << "Rakefile" s.write "Rakefile", <<-RUBY task :default do path = File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) File.open("\#{path}/foo.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts "FOO = 'YES'" end end RUBY end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G run <<-R require 'foo' puts FOO R expect(out).to eq("YES") run <<-R puts $:.grep(/ext/) R expect(out).to include(Pathname.glob(default_bundle_path("bundler/gems/extensions/**/foo-1.0-*")).first.to_s) end it "does not use old extension after ref changes", :ruby_repo do git_reader = build_git "foo", :no_default => true do |s| s.extensions = ["ext/extconf.rb"] s.write "ext/extconf.rb", <<-RUBY require "mkmf" create_makefile("foo") RUBY s.write "ext/foo.c", "void Init_foo() {}" end 2.times do |i| File.open(git_reader.path.join("ext/foo.c"), "w") do |file| file.write <<-C #include "ruby.h" VALUE foo() { return INT2FIX(#{i}); } void Init_foo() { rb_define_global_function("foo", &foo, 0); } C end sys_exec("git commit -m \"commit for iteration #{i}\" ext/foo.c", :dir => git_reader.path) git_commit_sha = git_reader.ref_for("HEAD") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :ref => "#{git_commit_sha}" G run <<-R require 'foo' puts foo R expect(out).to eq(i.to_s) end end it "does not prompt to gem install if extension fails" do build_git "foo" do |s| s.add_dependency "rake" s.extensions << "Rakefile" s.write "Rakefile", <<-RUBY task :default do raise end RUBY end install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G expect(err).to end_with(<<-M.strip) An error occurred while installing foo (1.0), and Bundler cannot continue. In Gemfile: foo M expect(out).not_to include("gem install foo") end it "does not reinstall the extension" do build_git "foo" do |s| s.add_dependency "rake" s.extensions << "Rakefile" s.write "Rakefile", <<-RUBY task :default do path = File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) cur_time = Time.now.to_f.to_s File.open("\#{path}/foo.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts "FOO = \#{cur_time}" end end RUBY end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G run <<-R require 'foo' puts FOO R installed_time = out expect(installed_time).to match(/\A\d+\.\d+\z/) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G run <<-R require 'foo' puts FOO R expect(out).to eq(installed_time) end it "does not reinstall the extension when changing another gem" do build_git "foo" do |s| s.add_dependency "rake" s.extensions << "Rakefile" s.write "Rakefile", <<-RUBY task :default do path = File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) cur_time = Time.now.to_f.to_s File.open("\#{path}/foo.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts "FOO = \#{cur_time}" end end RUBY end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", "0.9.1" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G run <<-R require 'foo' puts FOO R installed_time = out expect(installed_time).to match(/\A\d+\.\d+\z/) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "rack", "1.0.0" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G run <<-R require 'foo' puts FOO R expect(out).to eq(installed_time) end it "does reinstall the extension when changing refs" do build_git "foo" do |s| s.add_dependency "rake" s.extensions << "Rakefile" s.write "Rakefile", <<-RUBY task :default do path = File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__) FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) cur_time = Time.now.to_f.to_s File.open("\#{path}/foo.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts "FOO = \#{cur_time}" end end RUBY end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" G run <<-R require 'foo' puts FOO R installed_time = out update_git("foo", :branch => "branch2") expect(installed_time).to match(/\A\d+\.\d+\z/) install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}", :branch => "branch2" G run <<-R require 'foo' puts FOO R expect(out).not_to eq(installed_time) installed_time = out update_git("foo") bundle "update foo" run <<-R require 'foo' puts FOO R expect(out).not_to eq(installed_time) end end it "ignores git environment variables" do build_git "xxxxxx" do |s| s.executables = "xxxxxxbar" end Bundler::SharedHelpers.with_clean_git_env do ENV["GIT_DIR"] = "bar" ENV["GIT_WORK_TREE"] = "bar" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("xxxxxx-1.0")}" do gem 'xxxxxx' end G expect(ENV["GIT_DIR"]).to eq("bar") expect(ENV["GIT_WORK_TREE"]).to eq("bar") end end describe "without git installed" do it "prints a better error message" do build_git "foo" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do gem 'foo' end G with_path_as("") do bundle "update", :all => true, :raise_on_error => false end expect(err). to include("You need to install git to be able to use gems from git repositories. For help installing git, please refer to GitHub's tutorial at https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git") end it "installs a packaged git gem successfully" do build_git "foo" install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "#{lib_path("foo-1.0")}" do gem 'foo' end G bundle "config set cache_all true" bundle :cache simulate_new_machine bundle "install", :env => { "PATH" => "" } expect(out).to_not include("You need to install git to be able to use gems from git repositories.") end end describe "when the git source is overridden with a local git repo" do before do bundle "config set --global local.foo #{lib_path("foo")}" end describe "and git output is colorized" do before do File.open("#{ENV["HOME"]}/.gitconfig", "w") do |f| f.write("[color]\n\tui = always\n") end end it "installs successfully" do build_git "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("foo") gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :git => "#{lib_path("foo")}", :branch => "master" G bundle :install expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "foo 1.0" end end end context "git sources that include credentials" do context "that are username and password" do let(:credentials) { "user1:password1" } it "does not display the password" do install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "https://#{credentials}@github.com/company/private-repo" do gem "foo" end G expect(last_command.stdboth).to_not include("password1") expect(out).to include("Fetching https://user1@github.com/company/private-repo") end end context "that is an oauth token" do let(:credentials) { "oauth_token" } it "displays the oauth scheme but not the oauth token" do install_gemfile <<-G, :raise_on_error => false source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" git "https://#{credentials}:x-oauth-basic@github.com/company/private-repo" do gem "foo" end G expect(last_command.stdboth).to_not include("oauth_token") expect(out).to include("Fetching https://x-oauth-basic@github.com/company/private-repo") end end end end