# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "bundle list", :bundler => "3" do before do install_gemfile <<-G source "file://#{gem_repo1}" gem "rack" gem "rspec", :group => [:test] G end context "with name-only and paths option" do it "raises an error" do bundle "list --name-only --paths" expect(out).to eq "The `--name-only` and `--paths` options cannot be used together" end end context "with without-group and only-group option" do it "raises an error" do bundle "list --without-group dev --only-group test" expect(out).to eq "The `--only-group` and `--without-group` options cannot be used together" end end describe "with without-group option" do context "when group is present" do it "prints the gems not in the specified group" do bundle! "list --without-group test" expect(out).to include(" * rack (1.0.0)") expect(out).not_to include(" * rspec (1.2.7)") end end context "when group is not found" do it "raises an error" do bundle "list --without-group random" expect(out).to eq "`random` group could not be found." end end end describe "with only-group option" do context "when group is present" do it "prints the gems in the specified group" do bundle! "list --only-group default" expect(out).to include(" * rack (1.0.0)") expect(out).not_to include(" * rspec (1.2.7)") end end context "when group is not found" do it "raises an error" do bundle "list --only-group random" expect(out).to eq "`random` group could not be found." end end end context "with name-only option" do it "prints only the name of the gems in the bundle" do bundle "list --name-only" expect(out).to include("rack") expect(out).to include("rspec") end end context "with paths option" do before do build_repo2 do build_gem "bar" end build_git "git_test", "1.0.0", :path => lib_path("git_test") build_lib("gemspec_test", :path => tmp.join("gemspec_test")) do |s| s.write("Gemfile", "source :rubygems\ngemspec") s.add_dependency "bar", "=1.0.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "file://#{gem_repo2}" gem "rack" gem "rails" gem "git_test", :git => "#{lib_path("git_test")}" gemspec :path => "#{tmp.join("gemspec_test")}" G bundle! "install" end it "prints the path of each gem in the bundle" do bundle "list --paths" expect(out).to match(%r{.*\/rails\-2\.3\.2}) expect(out).to match(%r{.*\/rack\-1\.2}) expect(out).to match(%r{.*\/git_test\-\w}) expect(out).to match(%r{.*\/gemspec_test}) end end context "when no gems are in the gemfile" do before do install_gemfile <<-G source "file://#{gem_repo1}" G end it "prints message saying no gems are in the bundle" do bundle "list" expect(out).to include("No gems in the Gemfile") end end it "lists gems installed in the bundle" do bundle "list" expect(out).to include(" * rack (1.0.0)") end it "aliases the ls command to list" do bundle "ls" expect(out).to include("Gems included by the bundle") end end