# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe "bundle console", :bundler => "< 3", :readline => true do before :each do build_repo2 do # A minimal fake pry console build_gem "pry" do |s| s.write "lib/pry.rb", <<-RUBY class Pry class << self def toplevel_binding unless defined?(@toplevel_binding) && @toplevel_binding TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval %{ def self.__pry__; binding; end Pry.instance_variable_set(:@toplevel_binding, __pry__) class << self; undef __pry__; end } end @toplevel_binding.eval('private') @toplevel_binding end def __pry__ while line = gets begin puts eval(line, toplevel_binding).inspect.sub(/^"(.*)"$/, '=> \\1') rescue Exception => e puts "\#{e.class}: \#{e.message}" puts e.backtrace.first end end end alias start __pry__ end end RUBY end end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "rack" gem "activesupport", :group => :test gem "rack_middleware", :group => :development G end it "starts IRB with the default group loaded" do bundle "console" do |input, _, _| input.puts("puts RACK") input.puts("exit") end expect(out).to include("0.9.1") end it "uses IRB as default console" do bundle "console" do |input, _, _| input.puts("__method__") input.puts("exit") end expect(out).to include(":irb_binding") end it "starts another REPL if configured as such" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "pry" G bundle "config set console pry" bundle "console" do |input, _, _| input.puts("__method__") input.puts("exit") end expect(out).to include(":__pry__") end it "falls back to IRB if the other REPL isn't available" do bundle "config set console pry" # make sure pry isn't there bundle "console" do |input, _, _| input.puts("__method__") input.puts("exit") end expect(out).to include(":irb_binding") end it "doesn't load any other groups" do bundle "console" do |input, _, _| input.puts("puts ACTIVESUPPORT") input.puts("exit") end expect(out).to include("NameError") end describe "when given a group" do it "loads the given group" do bundle "console test" do |input, _, _| input.puts("puts ACTIVESUPPORT") input.puts("exit") end expect(out).to include("2.3.5") end it "loads the default group" do bundle "console test" do |input, _, _| input.puts("puts RACK") input.puts("exit") end expect(out).to include("0.9.1") end it "doesn't load other groups" do bundle "console test" do |input, _, _| input.puts("puts RACK_MIDDLEWARE") input.puts("exit") end expect(out).to include("NameError") end end it "performs an automatic bundle install" do gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo2)}" gem "rack" gem "activesupport", :group => :test gem "rack_middleware", :group => :development gem "foo" G bundle "config set auto_install 1" bundle :console do |input, _, _| input.puts("puts 'hello'") input.puts("exit") end expect(out).to include("Installing foo 1.0") expect(out).to include("hello") expect(the_bundle).to include_gems "foo 1.0" end end