# frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler/settings" RSpec.describe Bundler::Settings do subject(:settings) { described_class.new(bundled_app) } describe "#set_local" do context "when the local config file is not found" do subject(:settings) { described_class.new(nil) } it "raises a GemfileNotFound error with explanation" do expect { subject.set_local("foo", "bar") }. to raise_error(Bundler::GemfileNotFound, "Could not locate Gemfile") end end end describe "load_config" do let(:hash) do { "build.thrift" => "--with-cppflags=-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0", "build.libv8" => "--with-system-v8", "build.therubyracer" => "--with-v8-dir", "build.pg" => "--with-pg-config=/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql92/9.2.8_1/bin/pg_config", "gem.coc" => "false", "gem.mit" => "false", "gem.test" => "minitest", "thingy" => <<-EOS.tr("\n", " "), --asdf --fdsa --ty=oh man i hope this doesnt break bundler because that would suck --ehhh=oh geez it looks like i might have broken bundler somehow --very-important-option=DontDeleteRoo --very-important-option=DontDeleteRoo --very-important-option=DontDeleteRoo --very-important-option=DontDeleteRoo EOS "xyz" => "zyx", } end before do hash.each do |key, value| settings.set_local key, value end end it "can load the config" do loaded = settings.send(:load_config, bundled_app("config")) expected = Hash[hash.map do |k, v| [settings.send(:key_for, k), v.to_s] end] expect(loaded).to eq(expected) end context "when BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG is set" do before { ENV["BUNDLE_IGNORE_CONFIG"] = "TRUE" } it "ignores the config" do loaded = settings.send(:load_config, bundled_app("config")) expect(loaded).to eq({}) end end end describe "#global_config_file" do context "when $HOME is not accessible" do context "when $TMPDIR is not writable" do it "does not raise" do expect(Bundler.rubygems).to receive(:user_home).twice.and_return(nil) expect(Bundler).to receive(:tmp).twice.and_raise(Errno::EROFS, "Read-only file system @ dir_s_mkdir - /tmp/bundler") expect(subject.send(:global_config_file)).to be_nil end end end end describe "#[]" do context "when the local config file is not found" do subject(:settings) { described_class.new } it "does not raise" do expect do subject["foo"] end.not_to raise_error end end context "when not set" do context "when default value present" do it "retrieves value" do expect(settings[:retry]).to be 3 end end it "returns nil" do expect(settings[:buttermilk]).to be nil end end context "when is boolean" do it "returns a boolean" do settings.set_local :frozen, "true" expect(settings[:frozen]).to be true end context "when specific gem is configured" do it "returns a boolean" do settings.set_local "ignore_messages.foobar", "true" expect(settings["ignore_messages.foobar"]).to be true end end end context "when is number" do it "returns a number" do settings.set_local :ssl_verify_mode, "1" expect(settings[:ssl_verify_mode]).to be 1 end end context "when it's not possible to write to the file" do it "raises an PermissionError with explanation" do expect(::Bundler::FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with(settings.send(:local_config_file).dirname). and_raise(Errno::EACCES) expect { settings.set_local :frozen, "1" }. to raise_error(Bundler::PermissionError, /config/) end end end describe "#temporary" do it "reset after used" do allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:find_gemfile).and_return(bundled_app_gemfile) Bundler.settings.set_command_option :no_install, true Bundler.settings.temporary(:no_install => false) do expect(Bundler.settings[:no_install]).to eq false end expect(Bundler.settings[:no_install]).to eq true Bundler.settings.set_command_option :no_install, nil end it "returns the return value of the block" do ret = Bundler.settings.temporary({}) { :ret } expect(ret).to eq :ret end context "when called without a block" do it "leaves the setting changed" do Bundler.settings.temporary(:foo => :random) expect(Bundler.settings[:foo]).to eq "random" end it "returns nil" do expect(Bundler.settings.temporary(:foo => :bar)).to be_nil end end end describe "#set_global" do context "when it's not possible to write to the file" do it "raises an PermissionError with explanation" do expect(::Bundler::FileUtils).to receive(:mkdir_p).with(settings.send(:global_config_file).dirname). and_raise(Errno::EACCES) expect { settings.set_global(:frozen, "1") }. to raise_error(Bundler::PermissionError, %r{\.bundle/config}) end end end describe "#pretty_values_for" do it "prints the converted value rather than the raw string" do bool_key = described_class::BOOL_KEYS.first settings.set_local(bool_key, "false") expect(subject.pretty_values_for(bool_key)).to eq [ "Set for your local app (#{bundled_app("config")}): false", ] end end describe "#mirror_for" do let(:uri) { Bundler::URI("https://rubygems.org/") } context "with no configured mirror" do it "returns the original URI" do expect(settings.mirror_for(uri)).to eq(uri) end it "converts a string parameter to a URI" do expect(settings.mirror_for("https://rubygems.org/")).to eq(uri) end end context "with a configured mirror" do let(:mirror_uri) { Bundler::URI("https://rubygems-mirror.org/") } before { settings.set_local "mirror.https://rubygems.org/", mirror_uri.to_s } it "returns the mirror URI" do expect(settings.mirror_for(uri)).to eq(mirror_uri) end it "converts a string parameter to a URI" do expect(settings.mirror_for("https://rubygems.org/")).to eq(mirror_uri) end it "normalizes the URI" do expect(settings.mirror_for("https://rubygems.org")).to eq(mirror_uri) end it "is case insensitive" do expect(settings.mirror_for("HTTPS://RUBYGEMS.ORG/")).to eq(mirror_uri) end context "with a file URI" do let(:mirror_uri) { Bundler::URI("file:/foo/BAR/baz/qUx/") } it "returns the mirror URI" do expect(settings.mirror_for(uri)).to eq(mirror_uri) end it "converts a string parameter to a URI" do expect(settings.mirror_for("file:/foo/BAR/baz/qUx/")).to eq(mirror_uri) end it "normalizes the URI" do expect(settings.mirror_for("file:/foo/BAR/baz/qUx")).to eq(mirror_uri) end end end end describe "#credentials_for" do let(:uri) { Bundler::URI("https://gemserver.example.org/") } let(:credentials) { "username:password" } context "with no configured credentials" do it "returns nil" do expect(settings.credentials_for(uri)).to be_nil end end context "with credentials configured by URL" do before { settings.set_local "https://gemserver.example.org/", credentials } it "returns the configured credentials" do expect(settings.credentials_for(uri)).to eq(credentials) end end context "with credentials configured by hostname" do before { settings.set_local "gemserver.example.org", credentials } it "returns the configured credentials" do expect(settings.credentials_for(uri)).to eq(credentials) end end end describe "URI normalization" do it "normalizes HTTP URIs in credentials configuration" do settings.set_local "http://gemserver.example.org", "username:password" expect(settings.all).to include("http://gemserver.example.org/") end it "normalizes HTTPS URIs in credentials configuration" do settings.set_local "https://gemserver.example.org", "username:password" expect(settings.all).to include("https://gemserver.example.org/") end it "normalizes HTTP URIs in mirror configuration" do settings.set_local "mirror.http://rubygems.org", "http://rubygems-mirror.org" expect(settings.all).to include("mirror.http://rubygems.org/") end it "normalizes HTTPS URIs in mirror configuration" do settings.set_local "mirror.https://rubygems.org", "http://rubygems-mirror.org" expect(settings.all).to include("mirror.https://rubygems.org/") end it "does not normalize other config keys that happen to contain 'http'" do settings.set_local "local.httparty", home("httparty") expect(settings.all).to include("local.httparty") end it "does not normalize other config keys that happen to contain 'https'" do settings.set_local "local.httpsmarty", home("httpsmarty") expect(settings.all).to include("local.httpsmarty") end it "reads older keys without trailing slashes" do settings.set_local "mirror.https://rubygems.org", "http://rubygems-mirror.org" expect(settings.mirror_for("https://rubygems.org/")).to eq( Bundler::URI("http://rubygems-mirror.org/") ) end it "normalizes URIs with a fallback_timeout option" do settings.set_local "mirror.https://rubygems.org/.fallback_timeout", "true" expect(settings.all).to include("mirror.https://rubygems.org/.fallback_timeout") end it "normalizes URIs with a fallback_timeout option without a trailing slash" do settings.set_local "mirror.https://rubygems.org.fallback_timeout", "true" expect(settings.all).to include("mirror.https://rubygems.org/.fallback_timeout") end end describe "BUNDLE_ keys format" do let(:settings) { described_class.new(bundled_app(".bundle")) } it "converts older keys without double dashes" do config("BUNDLE_MY__PERSONAL.RACK" => "~/Work/git/rack") expect(settings["my.personal.rack"]).to eq("~/Work/git/rack") end it "converts older keys without trailing slashes and double dashes" do config("BUNDLE_MIRROR__HTTPS://RUBYGEMS.ORG" => "http://rubygems-mirror.org") expect(settings["mirror.https://rubygems.org/"]).to eq("http://rubygems-mirror.org") end it "reads newer keys format properly" do config("BUNDLE_MIRROR__HTTPS://RUBYGEMS__ORG/" => "http://rubygems-mirror.org") expect(settings["mirror.https://rubygems.org/"]).to eq("http://rubygems-mirror.org") end end end