# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" require "rake" require "bundler/gem_helper" RSpec.describe Bundler::GemHelper do let(:app_name) { "lorem__ipsum" } let(:app_path) { bundled_app app_name } let(:app_gemspec_path) { app_path.join("#{app_name}.gemspec") } before(:each) do global_config "BUNDLE_GEM__MIT" => "false", "BUNDLE_GEM__TEST" => "false", "BUNDLE_GEM__COC" => "false" bundle "gem #{app_name}" end context "determining gemspec" do subject { Bundler::GemHelper.new(app_path) } context "fails" do it "when there is no gemspec" do FileUtils.rm app_gemspec_path expect { subject }.to raise_error(/Unable to determine name/) end it "when there are two gemspecs and the name isn't specified" do FileUtils.touch app_path.join("#{app_name}-2.gemspec") expect { subject }.to raise_error(/Unable to determine name/) end end context "interpolates the name" do before do # Remove exception that prevents public pushes on older RubyGems versions if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("2.0") content = File.read(app_gemspec_path) content.sub!(/raise "RubyGems 2\.0 or newer.*/, "") File.open(app_gemspec_path, "w") {|f| f.write(content) } end end it "when there is only one gemspec" do expect(subject.gemspec.name).to eq(app_name) end it "for a hidden gemspec" do FileUtils.mv app_gemspec_path, app_path.join(".gemspec") expect(subject.gemspec.name).to eq(app_name) end end it "handles namespaces and converts them to CamelCase" do bundle "gem #{app_name}-foo_bar" underscore_path = bundled_app "#{app_name}-foo_bar" lib = underscore_path.join("lib/#{app_name}/foo_bar.rb").read expect(lib).to include("module LoremIpsum") expect(lib).to include("module FooBar") end end context "gem management" do def mock_confirm_message(message) expect(Bundler.ui).to receive(:confirm).with(message) end def mock_build_message(name, version) message = "#{name} #{version} built to pkg/#{name}-#{version}.gem." mock_confirm_message message end subject! { Bundler::GemHelper.new(app_path) } let(:app_version) { "0.1.0" } let(:app_gem_dir) { app_path.join("pkg") } let(:app_gem_path) { app_gem_dir.join("#{app_name}-#{app_version}.gem") } let(:app_gemspec_content) { remove_push_guard(File.read(app_gemspec_path)) } before(:each) do content = app_gemspec_content.gsub("TODO: ", "") content.sub!(/homepage\s+= ".*"/, 'homepage = ""') File.open(app_gemspec_path, "w") {|file| file << content } end def remove_push_guard(gemspec_content) # Remove exception that prevents public pushes on older RubyGems versions if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) < Gem::Version.new("2.0") gemspec_content.sub!(/raise "RubyGems 2\.0 or newer.*/, "") end gemspec_content end it "uses a shell UI for output" do expect(Bundler.ui).to be_a(Bundler::UI::Shell) end describe "#install" do let!(:rake_application) { Rake.application } before(:each) do Rake.application = Rake::Application.new end after(:each) do Rake.application = rake_application end context "defines Rake tasks" do let(:task_names) do %w(build install release release:guard_clean release:source_control_push release:rubygem_push) end context "before installation" do it "raises an error with appropriate message" do task_names.each do |name| expect { Rake.application[name] }. to raise_error(/^Don't know how to build task '#{name}'/) end end end context "after installation" do before do subject.install end it "adds Rake tasks successfully" do task_names.each do |name| expect { Rake.application[name] }.not_to raise_error expect(Rake.application[name]).to be_instance_of Rake::Task end end it "provides a way to access the gemspec object" do expect(subject.gemspec.name).to eq(app_name) end end end end describe "#build_gem" do context "when build failed" do it "raises an error with appropriate message" do # break the gemspec by adding back the TODOs File.open(app_gemspec_path, "w") {|file| file << app_gemspec_content } expect { subject.build_gem }.to raise_error(/TODO/) end end context "when build was successful" do it "creates .gem file" do mock_build_message app_name, app_version subject.build_gem expect(app_gem_path).to exist end end end describe "#install_gem" do context "when installation was successful" do it "gem is installed" do mock_build_message app_name, app_version mock_confirm_message "#{app_name} (#{app_version}) installed." subject.install_gem(nil, :local) expect(app_gem_path).to exist gem_command! :list expect(out).to include("#{app_name} (#{app_version})") end end context "when installation fails" do it "raises an error with appropriate message" do # create empty gem file in order to simulate install failure allow(subject).to receive(:build_gem) do FileUtils.mkdir_p(app_gem_dir) FileUtils.touch app_gem_path app_gem_path end expect { subject.install_gem }.to raise_error(/Couldn't install gem/) end end end describe "rake release" do let!(:rake_application) { Rake.application } before(:each) do Rake.application = Rake::Application.new subject.install end after(:each) do Rake.application = rake_application end before do Dir.chdir(app_path) do `git init` `git config user.email "you@example.com"` `git config user.name "name"` `git config push.default simple` end # silence messages allow(Bundler.ui).to receive(:confirm) allow(Bundler.ui).to receive(:error) end context "fails" do it "when there are unstaged files" do expect { Rake.application["release"].invoke }. to raise_error("There are files that need to be committed first.") end it "when there are uncommitted files" do Dir.chdir(app_path) { `git add .` } expect { Rake.application["release"].invoke }. to raise_error("There are files that need to be committed first.") end it "when there is no git remote" do Dir.chdir(app_path) { `git commit -a -m "initial commit"` } expect { Rake.application["release"].invoke }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end context "succeeds" do before do Dir.chdir(gem_repo1) { `git init --bare` } Dir.chdir(app_path) do `git remote add origin file://#{gem_repo1}` `git commit -a -m "initial commit"` end end it "on releasing" do mock_build_message app_name, app_version mock_confirm_message "Tagged v#{app_version}." mock_confirm_message "Pushed git commits and tags." expect(subject).to receive(:rubygem_push).with(app_gem_path.to_s) Dir.chdir(app_path) { sys_exec("git push -u origin master") } Rake.application["release"].invoke end it "even if tag already exists" do mock_build_message app_name, app_version mock_confirm_message "Tag v#{app_version} has already been created." expect(subject).to receive(:rubygem_push).with(app_gem_path.to_s) Dir.chdir(app_path) do `git tag -a -m \"Version #{app_version}\" v#{app_version}` end Rake.application["release"].invoke end end end end end