# frozen_string_literal: true require "bundler/definition" RSpec.describe Bundler::Definition do describe "#lock" do before do allow(Bundler).to receive(:settings) { Bundler::Settings.new(".") } allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:find_gemfile) { Pathname.new("Gemfile") } allow(Bundler).to receive(:ui) { double("UI", :info => "", :debug => "") } end context "when it's not possible to write to the file" do subject { Bundler::Definition.new(nil, [], Bundler::SourceList.new, []) } it "raises an PermissionError with explanation" do allow(File).to receive(:open).and_call_original expect(File).to receive(:open).with("Gemfile.lock", "wb"). and_raise(Errno::EACCES) expect { subject.lock("Gemfile.lock") }. to raise_error(Bundler::PermissionError, /Gemfile\.lock/) end end context "when a temporary resource access issue occurs" do subject { Bundler::Definition.new(nil, [], Bundler::SourceList.new, []) } it "raises a TemporaryResourceError with explanation" do allow(File).to receive(:open).and_call_original expect(File).to receive(:open).with("Gemfile.lock", "wb"). and_raise(Errno::EAGAIN) expect { subject.lock("Gemfile.lock") }. to raise_error(Bundler::TemporaryResourceError, /temporarily unavailable/) end end context "when Bundler::Definition.no_lock is set to true" do subject { Bundler::Definition.new(nil, [], Bundler::SourceList.new, []) } before { Bundler::Definition.no_lock = true } after { Bundler::Definition.no_lock = false } it "does not create a lock file" do subject.lock("Gemfile.lock") expect(File.file?("Gemfile.lock")).to eq false end end end describe "detects changes" do it "for a path gem with changes" do build_lib "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("foo") install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :path => "#{lib_path("foo")}" G build_lib "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("foo") do |s| s.add_dependency "rack", "1.0" end bundle :install, :env => { "DEBUG" => "1" } expect(out).to match(/re-resolving dependencies/) expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G PATH remote: #{lib_path("foo")} specs: foo (1.0) rack (= 1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "with an explicit update" do build_repo4 do build_gem("ffi", "1.9.23") {|s| s.platform = "java" } build_gem("ffi", "1.9.23") end gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}" gem "ffi" G bundle "lock --add-platform java" bundle "update ffi", :env => { "DEBUG" => "1" } expect(out).to match(/because bundler is unlocking gems: \(ffi\)/) end it "for a path gem with deps and no changes" do build_lib "foo", "1.0", :path => lib_path("foo") do |s| s.add_dependency "rack", "1.0" s.add_development_dependency "net-ssh", "1.0" end install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo", :path => "#{lib_path("foo")}" G bundle :check, :env => { "DEBUG" => "1" } expect(out).to match(/using resolution from the lockfile/) expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G PATH remote: #{lib_path("foo")} specs: foo (1.0) rack (= 1.0) GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: rack (1.0.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo! BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "for a locked gem for another platform" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "only_java", platform: :jruby G bundle "lock --add-platform java" bundle :check, :env => { "DEBUG" => "1" } expect(out).to match(/using resolution from the lockfile/) expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: only_java (1.1-java) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms_for(["java", specific_local_platform])} DEPENDENCIES only_java BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end it "for a rubygems gem" do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo" G bundle :check, :env => { "DEBUG" => "1" } expect(out).to match(/using resolution from the lockfile/) expect(lockfile).to eq <<~G GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}/ specs: foo (1.0) PLATFORMS #{lockfile_platforms} DEPENDENCIES foo BUNDLED WITH #{Bundler::VERSION} G end end describe "initialize" do context "gem version promoter" do context "with lockfile" do before do install_gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo1)}" gem "foo" G allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:find_gemfile).and_return(bundled_app_gemfile) end it "should get a locked specs list when updating all" do definition = Bundler::Definition.new(bundled_app_lock, [], Bundler::SourceList.new, true) locked_specs = definition.gem_version_promoter.locked_specs expect(locked_specs.to_a.map(&:name)).to eq ["foo"] expect(definition.instance_variable_get("@locked_specs").empty?).to eq true end end context "without gemfile or lockfile" do it "should not attempt to parse empty lockfile contents" do definition = Bundler::Definition.new(nil, [], mock_source_list, true) expect(definition.gem_version_promoter.locked_specs.to_a).to eq [] end end context "eager unlock" do let(:source_list) do Bundler::SourceList.new.tap do |source_list| source_list.add_global_rubygems_remote(file_uri_for(gem_repo4)) end end before do gemfile <<-G source "#{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)}" gem 'isolated_owner' gem 'shared_owner_a' gem 'shared_owner_b' G lockfile <<-L GEM remote: #{file_uri_for(gem_repo4)} specs: isolated_dep (2.0.1) isolated_owner (1.0.1) isolated_dep (~> 2.0) shared_dep (5.0.1) shared_owner_a (3.0.1) shared_dep (~> 5.0) shared_owner_b (4.0.1) shared_dep (~> 5.0) PLATFORMS ruby DEPENDENCIES shared_owner_a shared_owner_b isolated_owner BUNDLED WITH 1.13.0 L allow(Bundler::SharedHelpers).to receive(:find_gemfile).and_return(bundled_app_gemfile) end it "should not eagerly unlock shared dependency with bundle install conservative updating behavior" do updated_deps_in_gemfile = [Bundler::Dependency.new("isolated_owner", ">= 0"), Bundler::Dependency.new("shared_owner_a", "3.0.2"), Bundler::Dependency.new("shared_owner_b", ">= 0")] unlock_hash_for_bundle_install = {} definition = Bundler::Definition.new( bundled_app_lock, updated_deps_in_gemfile, source_list, unlock_hash_for_bundle_install ) locked = definition.send(:converge_locked_specs).map(&:name) expect(locked).to include "shared_dep" end it "should not eagerly unlock shared dependency with bundle update conservative updating behavior" do updated_deps_in_gemfile = [Bundler::Dependency.new("isolated_owner", ">= 0"), Bundler::Dependency.new("shared_owner_a", ">= 0"), Bundler::Dependency.new("shared_owner_b", ">= 0")] definition = Bundler::Definition.new( bundled_app_lock, updated_deps_in_gemfile, source_list, :gems => ["shared_owner_a"], :conservative => true ) locked = definition.send(:converge_locked_specs).map(&:name) expect(locked).to eq %w[isolated_dep isolated_owner shared_dep shared_owner_b] expect(locked.include?("shared_dep")).to be_truthy end end end end def mock_source_list Class.new do def all_sources [] end def path_sources [] end def rubygems_remotes [] end def replace_sources!(arg) nil end end.new end end