# frozen_string_literal: true require "net/http" require "bundler/compact_index_client" require "bundler/compact_index_client/updater" RSpec.describe Bundler::CompactIndexClient::Updater do let(:fetcher) { double(:fetcher) } let(:local_path) { Pathname("/tmp/localpath") } let(:remote_path) { double(:remote_path) } subject(:updater) { described_class.new(fetcher) } context "when the ETag header is missing" do # Regression test for https://github.com/bundler/bundler/issues/5463 let(:response) { double(:response, :body => "") } it "MisMatchedChecksumError is raised" do # Twice: #update retries on failure expect(response).to receive(:[]).with("Content-Encoding").twice { "" } expect(response).to receive(:[]).with("ETag").twice { nil } expect(fetcher).to receive(:call).twice { response } expect do updater.update(local_path, remote_path) end.to raise_error(Bundler::CompactIndexClient::Updater::MisMatchedChecksumError) end end context "when the download is corrupt" do let(:response) { double(:response, :body => "") } it "raises HTTPError" do expect(response).to receive(:[]).with("Content-Encoding") { "gzip" } expect(fetcher).to receive(:call) { response } expect do updater.update(local_path, remote_path) end.to raise_error(Bundler::HTTPError) end end context "when bundler doesn't have permissions on Dir.tmpdir" do let(:response) { double(:response, :body => "") } it "Errno::EACCES is raised" do allow(Dir).to receive(:mktmpdir) { raise Errno::EACCES } expect do updater.update(local_path, remote_path) end.to raise_error(Bundler::PermissionError) end end end