#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This file is a sample based on AmazonSearchServiceClient.rb, which can be # generated by WSDL file and wsdl2ruby.rb. # # $ wsdl2ruby.rb --type client --force \ # --wsdl http://soap.amazon.com/schemas2/AmazonWebServices.wsdl # # See wsdlDriver.rb to use WSDL file directly (slow). require 'AmazonSearchDriver.rb' endpoint_url = ARGV.shift obj = AmazonSearchPort.new(endpoint_url) # Uncomment the below line to see SOAP wiredumps. # obj.wiredump_dev = STDERR # SYNOPSIS # KeywordSearchRequest(keywordSearchRequest) # # ARGS # keywordSearchRequest KeywordRequest - {urn:PI/DevCentral/SoapService}KeywordRequest # # RETURNS # return ProductInfo - {urn:PI/DevCentral/SoapService}ProductInfo # # RAISES # N/A # keywordSearchRequest = KeywordRequest.new("Ruby Object", "1", "books", "webservices-20", "lite", "", "+salesrank") obj.keywordSearchRequest(keywordSearchRequest).Details.each do |detail| puts "== #{detail.ProductName}" puts "Author: #{detail.Authors.join(", ")}" puts "Release date: #{detail.ReleaseDate}" puts "List price: #{detail.ListPrice}, our price: #{detail.OurPrice}" puts end