# frozen_string_literal: false # # This file created by olegen.rb as following. # ruby olegen.rb 'Microsoft XML, version 2.0' > xml.rb # require 'win32ole' require 'win32ole/property' # module IXMLDOMImplementation include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BOOL hasFeature # BSTR arg0 --- feature [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- version [IN] def hasFeature(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(145, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # Core DOM node interface module IXMLDOMNode include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # Constants that define a node's type module OLEtagDOMNodeType include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs NODE_INVALID = 0 NODE_ELEMENT = 1 NODE_ATTRIBUTE = 2 NODE_TEXT = 3 NODE_CDATA_SECTION = 4 NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE = 5 NODE_ENTITY = 6 NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 7 NODE_COMMENT = 8 NODE_DOCUMENT = 9 NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 10 NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11 NODE_NOTATION = 12 end # module IXMLDOMNodeList include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # I4 length # number of nodes in the collection def length() ret = _getproperty(74, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # PTR item # collection of nodes # I4 arg0 --- index [IN] def item OLEProperty.new(self, 0, [VT_I4], [VT_I4, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) end # IXMLDOMNode nextNode # get next node from iterator def nextNode() ret = _invoke(76, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID reset # reset the position of iterator def reset() ret = _invoke(77, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # I4 length # number of nodes in the collection def length() ret = _getproperty(74, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # PTR item # collection of nodes # I4 arg0 --- index [IN] def item OLEProperty.new(self, 0, [VT_I4], [VT_I4, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) end # IXMLDOMNode getNamedItem # lookup item by name # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def getNamedItem(arg0) ret = _invoke(83, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode setNamedItem # set item by name # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newItem [IN] def setNamedItem(arg0) ret = _invoke(84, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeNamedItem # remove item by name # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def removeNamedItem(arg0) ret = _invoke(85, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode getQualifiedItem # lookup the item by name and namespace # BSTR arg0 --- baseName [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- namespaceURI [IN] def getQualifiedItem(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(87, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeQualifiedItem # remove the item by name and namespace # BSTR arg0 --- baseName [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- namespaceURI [IN] def removeQualifiedItem(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(88, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextNode # get next node from iterator def nextNode() ret = _invoke(89, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID reset # reset the position of iterator def reset() ret = _invoke(90, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMDocument include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocumentType doctype # node corresponding to the DOCTYPE def doctype() ret = _getproperty(38, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMImplementation implementation # info on this DOM implementation def implementation() ret = _getproperty(39, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMElement documentElement # the root of the tree def documentElement() ret = _getproperty(40, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 readyState # get the state of the XML document def readyState() ret = _getproperty(-525, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMParseError parseError # get the last parser error def parseError() ret = _getproperty(59, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR url # get the URL for the loaded XML document def url() ret = _getproperty(60, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL async # flag for asynchronous download def async() ret = _getproperty(61, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL validateOnParse # indicates whether the parser performs validation def validateOnParse() ret = _getproperty(65, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL resolveExternals # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema def resolveExternals() ret = _getproperty(66, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL preserveWhiteSpace # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace def preserveWhiteSpace() ret = _getproperty(67, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID async # flag for asynchronous download def async=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(61, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID validateOnParse # indicates whether the parser performs validation def validateOnParse=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(65, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID resolveExternals # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema def resolveExternals=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(66, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID preserveWhiteSpace # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace def preserveWhiteSpace=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(67, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID onreadystatechange # register a readystatechange event handler def onreadystatechange=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(68, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID ondataavailable # register an ondataavailable event handler def ondataavailable=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(69, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID ontransformnode # register an ontransformnode event handler def ontransformnode=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(70, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMElement createElement # create an Element node # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN] def createElement(arg0) ret = _invoke(41, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment # create a DocumentFragment node def createDocumentFragment() ret = _invoke(42, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMText createTextNode # create a text node # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def createTextNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(43, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMComment createComment # create a comment node # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def createComment(arg0) ret = _invoke(44, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMCDATASection createCDATASection # create a CDATA section node # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def createCDATASection(arg0) ret = _invoke(45, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction # create a processing instruction node # BSTR arg0 --- target [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN] def createProcessingInstruction(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(46, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMAttribute createAttribute # create an attribute node # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def createAttribute(arg0) ret = _invoke(47, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMEntityReference createEntityReference # create an entity reference node # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def createEntityReference(arg0) ret = _invoke(49, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList getElementsByTagName # build a list of elements by name # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN] def getElementsByTagName(arg0) ret = _invoke(50, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode createNode # create a node of the specified node type and name # VARIANT arg0 --- type [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- name [IN] # BSTR arg2 --- namespaceURI [IN] def createNode(arg0, arg1, arg2) ret = _invoke(54, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nodeFromID # retrieve node from it's ID # BSTR arg0 --- idString [IN] def nodeFromID(arg0) ret = _invoke(56, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL load # load document from the specified XML source # VARIANT arg0 --- xmlSource [IN] def load(arg0) ret = _invoke(58, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID abort # abort an asynchronous download def abort() ret = _invoke(62, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL loadXML # load the document from a string # BSTR arg0 --- bstrXML [IN] def loadXML(arg0) ret = _invoke(63, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID save # save the document to a specified destination # VARIANT arg0 --- destination [IN] def save(arg0) ret = _invoke(64, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMDocumentType include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR name # name of the document type (root of the tree) def name() ret = _getproperty(131, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap entities # a list of entities in the document def entities() ret = _getproperty(132, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap notations # a list of notations in the document def notations() ret = _getproperty(133, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMElement include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR tagName # get the tagName of the element def tagName() ret = _getproperty(97, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT getAttribute # look up the string value of an attribute by name # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def getAttribute(arg0) ret = _invoke(99, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID setAttribute # set the string value of an attribute by name # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- value [IN] def setAttribute(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(100, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID removeAttribute # remove an attribute by name # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def removeAttribute(arg0) ret = _invoke(101, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMAttribute getAttributeNode # look up the attribute node by name # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def getAttributeNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(102, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMAttribute setAttributeNode # set the specified attribute on the element # IXMLDOMAttribute arg0 --- DOMAttribute [IN] def setAttributeNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(103, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMAttribute removeAttributeNode # remove the specified attribute # IXMLDOMAttribute arg0 --- DOMAttribute [IN] def removeAttributeNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(104, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList getElementsByTagName # build a list of elements by name # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN] def getElementsByTagName(arg0) ret = _invoke(105, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID normalize # collapse all adjacent text nodes in sub-tree def normalize() ret = _invoke(106, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMAttribute include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR name # get name of the attribute def name() ret = _getproperty(118, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT value # string value of the attribute def value() ret = _getproperty(120, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID value # string value of the attribute def value=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(120, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMDocumentFragment include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMText include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR data # value of the node def data() ret = _getproperty(109, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 length # number of characters in value def length() ret = _getproperty(110, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID data # value of the node def data=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(109, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR substringData # retrieve substring of value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] def substringData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(111, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID appendData # append string to value # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def appendData(arg0) ret = _invoke(112, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID insertData # insert string into value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN] def insertData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(113, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID deleteData # delete string within the value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] def deleteData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(114, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID replaceData # replace string within the value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] # BSTR arg2 --- data [IN] def replaceData(arg0, arg1, arg2) ret = _invoke(115, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_I4, VT_I4, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMText splitText # split the text node into two text nodes at the position specified # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] def splitText(arg0) ret = _invoke(123, [arg0], [VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMCharacterData include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR data # value of the node def data() ret = _getproperty(109, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 length # number of characters in value def length() ret = _getproperty(110, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID data # value of the node def data=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(109, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR substringData # retrieve substring of value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] def substringData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(111, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID appendData # append string to value # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def appendData(arg0) ret = _invoke(112, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID insertData # insert string into value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN] def insertData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(113, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID deleteData # delete string within the value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] def deleteData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(114, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID replaceData # replace string within the value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] # BSTR arg2 --- data [IN] def replaceData(arg0, arg1, arg2) ret = _invoke(115, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_I4, VT_I4, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMComment include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR data # value of the node def data() ret = _getproperty(109, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 length # number of characters in value def length() ret = _getproperty(110, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID data # value of the node def data=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(109, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR substringData # retrieve substring of value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] def substringData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(111, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID appendData # append string to value # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def appendData(arg0) ret = _invoke(112, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID insertData # insert string into value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN] def insertData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(113, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID deleteData # delete string within the value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] def deleteData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(114, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID replaceData # replace string within the value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] # BSTR arg2 --- data [IN] def replaceData(arg0, arg1, arg2) ret = _invoke(115, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_I4, VT_I4, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMCDATASection include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR data # value of the node def data() ret = _getproperty(109, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 length # number of characters in value def length() ret = _getproperty(110, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID data # value of the node def data=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(109, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR substringData # retrieve substring of value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] def substringData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(111, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID appendData # append string to value # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def appendData(arg0) ret = _invoke(112, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID insertData # insert string into value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN] def insertData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(113, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID deleteData # delete string within the value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] def deleteData(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(114, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID replaceData # replace string within the value # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] # I4 arg1 --- count [IN] # BSTR arg2 --- data [IN] def replaceData(arg0, arg1, arg2) ret = _invoke(115, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_I4, VT_I4, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMText splitText # split the text node into two text nodes at the position specified # I4 arg0 --- offset [IN] def splitText(arg0) ret = _invoke(123, [arg0], [VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR target # the target def target() ret = _getproperty(127, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR data # the data def data() ret = _getproperty(128, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID data # the data def data=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(128, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMEntityReference include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # structure for reporting parser errors module IXMLDOMParseError include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # I4 errorCode # the error code def errorCode() ret = _getproperty(0, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR url # the URL of the XML document containing the error def url() ret = _getproperty(179, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR reason # the cause of the error def reason() ret = _getproperty(180, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR srcText # the data where the error occurred def srcText() ret = _getproperty(181, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 line # the line number in the XML document where the error occurred def line() ret = _getproperty(182, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 linepos # the character position in the line containing the error def linepos() ret = _getproperty(183, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 filepos # the absolute file position in the XML document containing the error def filepos() ret = _getproperty(184, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMNotation include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT publicId # the public ID def publicId() ret = _getproperty(136, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT systemId # the system ID def systemId() ret = _getproperty(137, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # module IXMLDOMEntity include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT publicId # the public ID def publicId() ret = _getproperty(140, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT systemId # the system ID def systemId() ret = _getproperty(141, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR notationName # the name of the notation def notationName() ret = _getproperty(142, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # XTL runtime object module IXTLRuntime include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = _getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = _getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = _getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = _getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = _getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = _getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = _getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = _getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = _getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = _getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = _getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = _getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = _getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = _getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = _getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = _getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = _invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = _invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = _invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = _invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 uniqueID # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- pNode [IN] def uniqueID(arg0) ret = _invoke(187, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 depth # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- pNode [IN] def depth(arg0) ret = _invoke(188, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 childNumber # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- pNode [IN] def childNumber(arg0) ret = _invoke(189, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 ancestorChildNumber # BSTR arg0 --- bstrNodeName [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- pNode [IN] def ancestorChildNumber(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(190, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 absoluteChildNumber # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- pNode [IN] def absoluteChildNumber(arg0) ret = _invoke(191, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR formatIndex # I4 arg0 --- lIndex [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- bstrFormat [IN] def formatIndex(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(192, [arg0, arg1], [VT_I4, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR formatNumber # R8 arg0 --- dblNumber [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- bstrFormat [IN] def formatNumber(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(193, [arg0, arg1], [VT_R8, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR formatDate # VARIANT arg0 --- varDate [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- bstrFormat [IN] # VARIANT arg2 --- varDestLocale [IN] def formatDate(arg0, arg1, arg2=nil) ret = _invoke(194, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR formatTime # VARIANT arg0 --- varTime [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- bstrFormat [IN] # VARIANT arg2 --- varDestLocale [IN] def formatTime(arg0, arg1, arg2=nil) ret = _invoke(195, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # W3C-DOM XML Document class Microsoft_XMLDOM_1_0 # DOMDocument include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs attr_reader :dispatch attr_reader :clsid attr_reader :progid def initialize(obj = nil) @clsid = "{2933BF90-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}" @progid = "Microsoft.XMLDOM.1.0" if obj.nil? @dispatch = WIN32OLE.new(@progid) else @dispatch = obj end end def method_missing(cmd, *arg) @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg) end # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocumentType doctype # node corresponding to the DOCTYPE def doctype() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(38, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMImplementation implementation # info on this DOM implementation def implementation() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(39, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMElement documentElement # the root of the tree def documentElement() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(40, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 readyState # get the state of the XML document def readyState() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(-525, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMParseError parseError # get the last parser error def parseError() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(59, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR url # get the URL for the loaded XML document def url() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(60, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL async # flag for asynchronous download def async() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(61, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL validateOnParse # indicates whether the parser performs validation def validateOnParse() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(65, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL resolveExternals # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema def resolveExternals() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(66, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL preserveWhiteSpace # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace def preserveWhiteSpace() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(67, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID async # flag for asynchronous download def async=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(61, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID validateOnParse # indicates whether the parser performs validation def validateOnParse=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID resolveExternals # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema def resolveExternals=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(66, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID preserveWhiteSpace # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace def preserveWhiteSpace=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(67, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID onreadystatechange # register a readystatechange event handler def onreadystatechange=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(68, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID ondataavailable # register an ondataavailable event handler def ondataavailable=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(69, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID ontransformnode # register an ontransformnode event handler def ontransformnode=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(70, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = @dispatch._invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = @dispatch._invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = @dispatch._invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = @dispatch._invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMElement createElement # create an Element node # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN] def createElement(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(41, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment # create a DocumentFragment node def createDocumentFragment() ret = @dispatch._invoke(42, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMText createTextNode # create a text node # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def createTextNode(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(43, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMComment createComment # create a comment node # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def createComment(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(44, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMCDATASection createCDATASection # create a CDATA section node # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def createCDATASection(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(45, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction # create a processing instruction node # BSTR arg0 --- target [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN] def createProcessingInstruction(arg0, arg1) ret = @dispatch._invoke(46, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMAttribute createAttribute # create an attribute node # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def createAttribute(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(47, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMEntityReference createEntityReference # create an entity reference node # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def createEntityReference(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(49, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList getElementsByTagName # build a list of elements by name # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN] def getElementsByTagName(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(50, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode createNode # create a node of the specified node type and name # VARIANT arg0 --- type [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- name [IN] # BSTR arg2 --- namespaceURI [IN] def createNode(arg0, arg1, arg2) ret = @dispatch._invoke(54, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nodeFromID # retrieve node from it's ID # BSTR arg0 --- idString [IN] def nodeFromID(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(56, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL load # load document from the specified XML source # VARIANT arg0 --- xmlSource [IN] def load(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(58, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID abort # abort an asynchronous download def abort() ret = @dispatch._invoke(62, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL loadXML # load the document from a string # BSTR arg0 --- bstrXML [IN] def loadXML(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(63, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID save # save the document to a specified destination # VARIANT arg0 --- destination [IN] def save(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(64, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # HRESULT ondataavailable EVENT in XMLDOMDocumentEvents def ondataavailable() ret = @dispatch._invoke(198, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # HRESULT onreadystatechange EVENT in XMLDOMDocumentEvents def onreadystatechange() ret = @dispatch._invoke(-609, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # W3C-DOM XML Document (Apartment) class Microsoft_FreeThreadedXMLDOM_1_0 # DOMFreeThreadedDocument include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs attr_reader :dispatch attr_reader :clsid attr_reader :progid def initialize(obj = nil) @clsid = "{2933BF91-7B36-11D2-B20E-00C04F983E60}" @progid = "Microsoft.FreeThreadedXMLDOM.1.0" if obj.nil? @dispatch = WIN32OLE.new(@progid) else @dispatch = obj end end def method_missing(cmd, *arg) @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg) end # BSTR nodeName # name of the node def nodeName() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(2, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(3, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DOMNodeType nodeType # the node's type def nodeType() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode parentNode # parent of the node def parentNode() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList childNodes # the collection of the node's children def childNodes() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode firstChild # first child of the node def firstChild() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode lastChild # first child of the node def lastChild() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode previousSibling # left sibling of the node def previousSibling() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nextSibling # right sibling of the node def nextSibling() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap attributes # the collection of the node's attributes def attributes() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocument ownerDocument # document that contains the node def ownerDocument() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(18, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR nodeTypeString # the type of node in string form def nodeTypeString() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(21, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR text # text content of the node and subtree def text() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(24, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL specified # indicates whether node is a default value def specified() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(22, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode definition # pointer to the definition of the node in the DTD or schema def definition() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(23, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(25, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT dataType # the data type of the node def dataType() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(26, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR xml # return the XML source for the node and each of its descendants def xml() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(27, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL parsed # has sub-tree been completely parsed def parsed() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(31, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR namespaceURI # the URI for the namespace applying to the node def namespaceURI() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(32, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR prefix # the prefix for the namespace applying to the node def prefix() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(33, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR baseName # the base name of the node (nodename with the prefix stripped off) def baseName() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(34, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocumentType doctype # node corresponding to the DOCTYPE def doctype() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(38, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMImplementation implementation # info on this DOM implementation def implementation() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(39, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMElement documentElement # the root of the tree def documentElement() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(40, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 readyState # get the state of the XML document def readyState() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(-525, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMParseError parseError # get the last parser error def parseError() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(59, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR url # get the URL for the loaded XML document def url() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(60, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL async # flag for asynchronous download def async() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(61, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL validateOnParse # indicates whether the parser performs validation def validateOnParse() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(65, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL resolveExternals # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema def resolveExternals() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(66, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL preserveWhiteSpace # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace def preserveWhiteSpace() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(67, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeValue # value stored in the node def nodeValue=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(3, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID text # text content of the node and subtree def text=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(24, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID nodeTypedValue # get the strongly typed value of the node def nodeTypedValue=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(25, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID dataType # the data type of the node def dataType=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(26, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID async # flag for asynchronous download def async=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(61, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID validateOnParse # indicates whether the parser performs validation def validateOnParse=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID resolveExternals # indicates whether the parser resolves references to external DTD/Entities/Schema def resolveExternals=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(66, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID preserveWhiteSpace # indicates whether the parser preserves whitespace def preserveWhiteSpace=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(67, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID onreadystatechange # register a readystatechange event handler def onreadystatechange=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(68, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID ondataavailable # register an ondataavailable event handler def ondataavailable=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(69, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID ontransformnode # register an ontransformnode event handler def ontransformnode=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(70, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode insertBefore # insert a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- refChild [IN] def insertBefore(arg0, arg1) ret = @dispatch._invoke(13, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode replaceChild # replace a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] # IXMLDOMNode arg1 --- oldChild [IN] def replaceChild(arg0, arg1) ret = @dispatch._invoke(14, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode removeChild # remove a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- childNode [IN] def removeChild(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(15, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode appendChild # append a child node # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- newChild [IN] def appendChild(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(16, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL hasChildNodes def hasChildNodes() ret = @dispatch._invoke(17, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode cloneNode # BOOL arg0 --- deep [IN] def cloneNode(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(19, [arg0], [VT_BOOL]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR transformNode # apply the stylesheet to the subtree # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] def transformNode(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(28, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList selectNodes # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectNodes(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(29, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode selectSingleNode # execute query on the subtree # BSTR arg0 --- queryString [IN] def selectSingleNode(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(30, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID transformNodeToObject # apply the stylesheet to the subtree, returning the result through a document or a stream # IXMLDOMNode arg0 --- stylesheet [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- outputObject [IN] def transformNodeToObject(arg0, arg1) ret = @dispatch._invoke(35, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMElement createElement # create an Element node # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN] def createElement(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(41, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMDocumentFragment createDocumentFragment # create a DocumentFragment node def createDocumentFragment() ret = @dispatch._invoke(42, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMText createTextNode # create a text node # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def createTextNode(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(43, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMComment createComment # create a comment node # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def createComment(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(44, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMCDATASection createCDATASection # create a CDATA section node # BSTR arg0 --- data [IN] def createCDATASection(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(45, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction createProcessingInstruction # create a processing instruction node # BSTR arg0 --- target [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- data [IN] def createProcessingInstruction(arg0, arg1) ret = @dispatch._invoke(46, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMAttribute createAttribute # create an attribute node # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def createAttribute(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(47, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMEntityReference createEntityReference # create an entity reference node # BSTR arg0 --- name [IN] def createEntityReference(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(49, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNodeList getElementsByTagName # build a list of elements by name # BSTR arg0 --- tagName [IN] def getElementsByTagName(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(50, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode createNode # create a node of the specified node type and name # VARIANT arg0 --- type [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- name [IN] # BSTR arg2 --- namespaceURI [IN] def createNode(arg0, arg1, arg2) ret = @dispatch._invoke(54, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # IXMLDOMNode nodeFromID # retrieve node from it's ID # BSTR arg0 --- idString [IN] def nodeFromID(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(56, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL load # load document from the specified XML source # VARIANT arg0 --- xmlSource [IN] def load(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(58, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID abort # abort an asynchronous download def abort() ret = @dispatch._invoke(62, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BOOL loadXML # load the document from a string # BSTR arg0 --- bstrXML [IN] def loadXML(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(63, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID save # save the document to a specified destination # VARIANT arg0 --- destination [IN] def save(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(64, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # HRESULT ondataavailable EVENT in XMLDOMDocumentEvents def ondataavailable() ret = @dispatch._invoke(198, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # HRESULT onreadystatechange EVENT in XMLDOMDocumentEvents def onreadystatechange() ret = @dispatch._invoke(-609, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # IXMLHttpRequest Interface module IXMLHttpRequest include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs # I4 status # Get HTTP status code def status() ret = _getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR statusText # Get HTTP status text def statusText() ret = _getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DISPATCH responseXML # Get response body def responseXML() ret = _getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR responseText # Get response body def responseText() ret = _getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT responseBody # Get response body def responseBody() ret = _getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT responseStream # Get response body def responseStream() ret = _getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 readyState # Get ready state def readyState() ret = _getproperty(13, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID onreadystatechange # Register a complete event handler def onreadystatechange=(arg0) ret = _setproperty(14, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID open # Open HTTP connection # BSTR arg0 --- bstrMethod [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- bstrUrl [IN] # VARIANT arg2 --- varAsync [IN] # VARIANT arg3 --- bstrUser [IN] # VARIANT arg4 --- bstrPassword [IN] def open(arg0, arg1, arg2=nil, arg3=nil, arg4=nil) ret = _invoke(1, [arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID setRequestHeader # Add HTTP request header # BSTR arg0 --- bstrHeader [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- bstrValue [IN] def setRequestHeader(arg0, arg1) ret = _invoke(2, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR getResponseHeader # Get HTTP response header # BSTR arg0 --- bstrHeader [IN] def getResponseHeader(arg0) ret = _invoke(3, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR getAllResponseHeaders # Get all HTTP response headers def getAllResponseHeaders() ret = _invoke(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID send # Send HTTP request # VARIANT arg0 --- varBody [IN] def send(arg0=nil) ret = _invoke(5, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID abort # Abort HTTP request def abort() ret = _invoke(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # XML HTTP Request class. class Microsoft_XMLHTTP_1 # XMLHTTPRequest include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs attr_reader :dispatch attr_reader :clsid attr_reader :progid def initialize(obj = nil) @clsid = "{ED8C108E-4349-11D2-91A4-00C04F7969E8}" @progid = "Microsoft.XMLHTTP.1" if obj.nil? @dispatch = WIN32OLE.new(@progid) else @dispatch = obj end end def method_missing(cmd, *arg) @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg) end # I4 status # Get HTTP status code def status() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(7, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR statusText # Get HTTP status text def statusText() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(8, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # DISPATCH responseXML # Get response body def responseXML() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(9, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR responseText # Get response body def responseText() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(10, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT responseBody # Get response body def responseBody() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(11, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VARIANT responseStream # Get response body def responseStream() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(12, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 readyState # Get ready state def readyState() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(13, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID onreadystatechange # Register a complete event handler def onreadystatechange=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(14, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID open # Open HTTP connection # BSTR arg0 --- bstrMethod [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- bstrUrl [IN] # VARIANT arg2 --- varAsync [IN] # VARIANT arg3 --- bstrUser [IN] # VARIANT arg4 --- bstrPassword [IN] def open(arg0, arg1, arg2=nil, arg3=nil, arg4=nil) ret = @dispatch._invoke(1, [arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID setRequestHeader # Add HTTP request header # BSTR arg0 --- bstrHeader [IN] # BSTR arg1 --- bstrValue [IN] def setRequestHeader(arg0, arg1) ret = @dispatch._invoke(2, [arg0, arg1], [VT_BSTR, VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR getResponseHeader # Get HTTP response header # BSTR arg0 --- bstrHeader [IN] def getResponseHeader(arg0) ret = @dispatch._invoke(3, [arg0], [VT_BSTR]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # BSTR getAllResponseHeaders # Get all HTTP response headers def getAllResponseHeaders() ret = @dispatch._invoke(4, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID send # Send HTTP request # VARIANT arg0 --- varBody [IN] def send(arg0=nil) ret = @dispatch._invoke(5, [arg0], [VT_VARIANT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID abort # Abort HTTP request def abort() ret = @dispatch._invoke(6, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # XML Data Source Object class Microsoft_XMLDSO_1_0 # XMLDSOControl include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs attr_reader :dispatch attr_reader :clsid attr_reader :progid def initialize(obj = nil) @clsid = "{550DDA30-0541-11D2-9CA9-0060B0EC3D39}" @progid = "Microsoft.XMLDSO.1.0" if obj.nil? @dispatch = WIN32OLE.new(@progid) else @dispatch = obj end end def method_missing(cmd, *arg) @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg) end # IXMLDOMDocument XMLDocument def XMLDocument() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(65537, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 JavaDSOCompatible def JavaDSOCompatible() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(65538, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # I4 readyState def readyState() ret = @dispatch._getproperty(-525, [], []) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID XMLDocument def XMLDocument=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65537, [arg0], [VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # VOID JavaDSOCompatible def JavaDSOCompatible=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65538, [arg0], [VT_I4]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end # Constants that define types for IXMLElement. module OLEtagXMLEMEM_TYPE include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs XMLELEMTYPE_ELEMENT = 0 XMLELEMTYPE_TEXT = 1 XMLELEMTYPE_COMMENT = 2 XMLELEMTYPE_DOCUMENT = 3 XMLELEMTYPE_DTD = 4 XMLELEMTYPE_PI = 5 XMLELEMTYPE_OTHER = 6 end # XMLDocument extends IXML Document. It is obsolete. You should use DOMDocument. This object should not be confused with the XMLDocument property on the XML data island. class Msxml # XMLDocument include WIN32OLE::VARIANT attr_reader :lastargs attr_reader :dispatch attr_reader :clsid attr_reader :progid def initialize(obj = nil) @clsid = "{CFC399AF-D876-11D0-9C10-00C04FC99C8E}" @progid = "Msxml" if obj.nil? @dispatch = WIN32OLE.new(@progid) else @dispatch = obj end end def method_missing(cmd, *arg) @dispatch.method_missing(cmd, *arg) end # HRESULT url # set URL to load an XML document from the URL. # BSTR arg0 --- p [IN] def url=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65641, [arg0], [VT_BSTR, VT_HRESULT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # HRESULT charset # get encoding. # BSTR arg0 --- p [IN] def charset=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65645, [arg0], [VT_BSTR, VT_HRESULT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # HRESULT async # get asynchronous loading flag. # BOOL arg0 --- pf [IN] def async=(arg0) ret = @dispatch._setproperty(65649, [arg0], [VT_BOOL, VT_HRESULT]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end # HRESULT root # get root IXMLElement of the XML document. # IXMLElement2,IXMLElement2 arg0 --- p [OUT] def root OLEProperty.new(@dispatch, 65637, [VT_BYREF|VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH], [VT_BYREF|VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH, VT_HRESULT]) end # HRESULT url # set URL to load an XML document from the URL. # BSTR arg0 --- p [OUT] def url OLEProperty.new(@dispatch, 65641, [VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR], [VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR, VT_HRESULT]) end # HRESULT readyState # get ready state. # I4 arg0 --- pl [OUT] def readyState OLEProperty.new(@dispatch, 65643, [VT_BYREF|VT_I4], [VT_BYREF|VT_I4, VT_HRESULT]) end # HRESULT charset # get encoding. # BSTR arg0 --- p [OUT] def charset OLEProperty.new(@dispatch, 65645, [VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR], [VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR, VT_HRESULT]) end # HRESULT version # get XML version number. # BSTR arg0 --- p [OUT] def version OLEProperty.new(@dispatch, 65646, [VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR], [VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR, VT_HRESULT]) end # HRESULT doctype # get document type. # BSTR arg0 --- p [OUT] def doctype OLEProperty.new(@dispatch, 65647, [VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR], [VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR, VT_HRESULT]) end # HRESULT async # get asynchronous loading flag. # BOOL arg0 --- pf [OUT] def async OLEProperty.new(@dispatch, 65649, [VT_BYREF|VT_BOOL], [VT_BYREF|VT_BOOL, VT_HRESULT]) end # HRESULT createElement # create different types of IXMLElements. # VARIANT arg0 --- vType [IN] # VARIANT arg1 --- var1 [IN] # IXMLElement2,IXMLElement2 arg2 --- ppElem [OUT] def createElement(arg0, arg1=nil, arg2=nil) ret = @dispatch._invoke(65644, [arg0, arg1, arg2], [VT_VARIANT, VT_VARIANT, VT_BYREF|VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH]) @lastargs = WIN32OLE::ARGV ret end end