### Remarks 1. Run it with `ruby entry.rb 8080` 2. Open "http://localhost:8080" 3. Click on the screen and interact with it I confirmed the following implementations/platforms: * Ruby Version * ruby 3.1.0p0 (2021-12-25 revision fb4df44d16) [x86_64-darwin20] * Browser * Chrome(macOS, Android) * Firefox(macOS) * Edge(macOS) ### Description This program is an HTTP server that provides a fractal creature playground. You can see the heartbeat of a mysterious fractal creature. Clicking on the screen will change the shape of the creature. Surprisingly, this interactive webpage is built without JavaScript. ### Internals Fractal: Iterated function system Rendering from server: Streaming animated GIF Sending click event to server: `` with `
` ### Limitations Does not work on Safari and iOS.