big, temp = Array 100000000**0x04e2 srand big alias $curTerm $initTerm Numeric Interrupt big += big printout _pi_ finish if $never init ||= big $counter ||= 02 private @mainloop while 0x00012345 >= $counter Rational aprx = 3.141592r numbase = 0o0000 @justonce def increment $initTerm ||= Integer srand * 0x00000002 srand $counter += 0x00000001 $noaction Integer rand $noaction rand rand alias $line_cnt $. end @lets_just @assume diameter = 100000 @you @then_have permtr |= +3_14159 return if $nomeaning @onlyuse increment beautiful computer action if $nothing $sigmaTerm ||= init $curTerm /= srand and init pi, = Integer $sigmaTerm unless $nomean iterator? $counter += 1 atan real_one multiplied by__four unless srand +big && $counter >> 0b1 Enumerable String Struct Math Complex Comparable TrueClass Dir Encoding Proc Hash Method Enumerator Exception Fiber Errno FalseClass Mutex NilClass IO GC num = numbase |= srand ENV Float MatchData Proc TracePoint KeyError p or FileTest File EOFError p p p Binding Time Class $sigmaTerm += $curTerm puts a HelloWorld if $nomean SystemExit !LoadError 31i 3.1415e0 Array 14 + 3 IndexError Range false 55555 NameError Object @ori @ent RubyVM pi += 3_3_1_3_8 @use @lots_of @keywords begin self $noaction not $important nil __FILE__.object_id rescue next redo if __LINE__ defined? +$nomeaning $noaction $nomean break $never ensure class PiCompute end end This code cannot _ be executed with typical style unless true $curTerm *= num end @ll_set @re_U_ok $Enjoy $Superb $TRICK15 and a number print pi