#!/usr/local/bin/ruby # # This script generates a directory browser, which lists the working # directory and allows you to open files or subdirectories by # double-clicking. # Create a scrollbar on the right side of the main window and a listbox # on the left side. require "tkscrollbox" list = TkScrollbox.new { relief 'raised' width 20 height 20 setgrid 'yes' pack } # The procedure below is invoked to open a browser on a given file; if the # file is a directory then another instance of this program is invoked; if # the file is a regular file then the Mx editor is invoked to display # the file. def browse (dir, file) if dir != "." file="#{dir}/#{file}" if File.isdirectory? file system "browse #{file} &" else if File.isfile? file if ENV['EDITOR'] system format("%s %s&", ENV['EDITOR'], file) else sysmte "xedit #{file}&" end else STDERR.print "\"#{file}\" isn't a directory or regular file" end end end end # Fill the listbox with a list of all the files in the directory (run # the "ls" command to get that information). if $ARGV.length>0 dir = $ARGV[0] else dir="." end list.insert 'end', *`ls #{dir}`.split # Set up bindings for the browser. list.focus list.bind "Control-q", proc{exit} list.bind "Control-c", proc{exit} list.bind "Control-p", proc{ print "selection <", TkSelection.get, ">\n" } list.bind "Double-Button-1", proc{ for i in TkSelection.get.split print "clicked ", i, "\n" browse dir, i end } Tk.mainloop