# frozen_string_literal: true # # sample program of expect.rb # # by A. Ito # # This program reports the latest version of Ruby interpreter # by connecting to ftp server at ruby-lang.org. # require 'pty' require 'expect' fnames = [] PTY.spawn("ftp ftp.ruby-lang.org") do |r_f,w_f,pid| w_f.sync = true $expect_verbose = false if !ENV['USER'].nil? username = ENV['USER'] elsif !ENV['LOGNAME'].nil? username = ENV['LOGNAME'] else username = 'guest' end r_f.expect(/^Name.*: /) do w_f.puts("ftp") end r_f.expect(/word:/) do w_f.puts("#{username}@") end r_f.expect(/> /) do w_f.puts("cd pub/ruby") end r_f.expect("> ") do w_f.print "pass\n" end r_f.expect("> ") do w_f.print "dir\n" end r_f.expect(/[^\-]> /) do |output| for x in output[0].split("\n") if x =~ /(ruby.*?\.tar\.gz)/ then fnames.push $1 end end end begin w_f.print "quit\n" rescue end end print "The latest ruby interpreter is " print fnames.sort.pop print "\n"