# # The Dining Philosophers - thread example # require "thread" srand #srand N=9 # number of philosophers $forks = [] for i in 0..N-1 $forks[i] = Mutex.new end $state = "-o"*N def wait sleep rand(20)/10.0 end def think(n) wait end def eat(n) wait end def philosopher(n) while TRUE think n $forks[n].lock if not $forks[(n+1)%N].try_lock $forks[n].unlock # avoid deadlock next end $state[n*2] = ?|; $state[(n+1)%N*2] = ?|; $state[n*2+1] = ?*; print $state, "\n" eat(n) $state[n*2] = ?-; $state[(n+1)%N*2] = ?-; $state[n*2+1] = ?o; print $state, "\n" $forks[n].unlock $forks[(n+1)%N].unlock end end for i in 0..N-1 Thread.start{philosopher(i)} sleep 0.1 end sleep