# # iseq_loader.rb - sample of compiler/loader for binary compiled file # # Usage as a compiler: ruby iseq_loader.rb [file or directory] ... # # It compiles and stores specified files. # If directories are specified, then compiles and stores all *.rb files. # (using Dir.glob) # # TODO: add remove option # TODO: add verify option # # Usage as a loader: simply require this file with the following setting. # # Setting with environment variables. # # * RUBY_ISEQ_LOADER_STORAGE to select storage type # * dbm: use dbm # * fs: [default] use file system. locate a compiled binary files in same # directory of scripts like Rubinius. foo.rb.yarb will be created for foo.rb. # * fs2: use file system. locate compiled file in specified directory. # * nothing: do nothing. # # * RUBY_ISEQ_LOADER_STORAGE_DIR to select directory # * default: ~/.ruby_binaries/ # # * RUBY_ISEQ_LOADER_STORAGE_COMPILE_IF_NOT_COMPILED # * true: store compiled file if compiled data is not available. # * false: [default] do nothing if there is no compiled iseq data. class RubyVM::InstructionSequence $ISEQ_LOADER_LOADED = 0 $ISEQ_LOADER_COMPILED = 0 $ISEQ_LOADER_IGNORED = 0 LAUNCHED_TIME = Time.now COMPILE_FILE_ENABLE = false || true COMPILE_VERBOSE = $VERBOSE || false # || true COMPILE_DEBUG = ENV['RUBY_ISEQ_LOADER_DEBUG'] COMPILE_IF_NOT_COMPILED = ENV['RUBY_ISEQ_LOADER_STORAGE_COMPILE_IF_NOT_COMPILED'] == 'true' at_exit{ STDERR.puts "[ISEQ_LOADER] #{Process.pid} time: #{Time.now - LAUNCHED_TIME}, " + "loaded: #{$ISEQ_LOADER_LOADED}, " + "compiled: #{$ISEQ_LOADER_COMPILED}, " + "ignored: #{$ISEQ_LOADER_IGNORED}" } if COMPILE_VERBOSE unless cf_dir = ENV['RUBY_ISEQ_LOADER_STORAGE_DIR'] cf_dir = File.expand_path("~/.ruby_binaries") unless File.exist?(cf_dir) Dir.mkdir(cf_dir) end end CF_PREFIX = "#{cf_dir}/cb." class NullStorage def load_iseq fname; end def compile_and_save_isq fname; end def unlink_compiled_iseq; end end class BasicStorage def initialize require 'digest/sha1' end def load_iseq fname iseq_key = iseq_key_name(fname) if compiled_iseq_exist?(fname, iseq_key) && compiled_iseq_is_younger?(fname, iseq_key) $ISEQ_LOADER_LOADED += 1 STDERR.puts "[ISEQ_LOADER] #{Process.pid} load #{fname} from #{iseq_key}" if COMPILE_DEBUG binary = read_compiled_iseq(fname, iseq_key) iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary(binary) # p [extra_data(iseq.path), RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary_extra_data(binary)] # raise unless extra_data(iseq.path) == RubyVM::InstructionSequence.load_from_binary_extra_data(binary) iseq elsif COMPILE_IF_NOT_COMPILED compile_and_save_iseq(fname, iseq_key) else $ISEQ_LOADER_IGNORED += 1 # p fname nil end end def extra_data fname "SHA-1:#{::Digest::SHA1.file(fname).digest}" end def compile_and_save_iseq fname, iseq_key = iseq_key_name(fname) $ISEQ_LOADER_COMPILED += 1 STDERR.puts "[RUBY_COMPILED_FILE] compile #{fname}" if COMPILE_DEBUG iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_file(fname) binary = iseq.to_binary(extra_data(fname)) write_compiled_iseq(fname, iseq_key, binary) iseq end # def unlink_compiled_iseq; nil; end # should implement at sub classes private def iseq_key_name fname fname end # should implement at sub classes # def compiled_iseq_younger? fname, iseq_key; end # def compiled_iseq_exist? fname, iseq_key; end # def read_compiled_file fname, iseq_key; end # def write_compiled_file fname, iseq_key, binary; end end class FSStorage < BasicStorage def initialize super require 'fileutils' @dir = CF_PREFIX + "files" unless File.directory?(@dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@dir) end end def unlink_compiled_iseq File.unlink(compile_file_path) end private def iseq_key_name fname "#{fname}.yarb" # same directory end def compiled_iseq_exist? fname, iseq_key File.exist?(iseq_key) end def compiled_iseq_is_younger? fname, iseq_key File.mtime(iseq_key) >= File.mtime(fname) end def read_compiled_iseq fname, iseq_key open(iseq_key, 'rb'){|f| f.read} end def write_compiled_iseq fname, iseq_key, binary open(iseq_key, 'wb'){|f| f.write(binary)} end end class FS2Storage < FSStorage def iseq_key_name fname @dir + fname.gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9\._-]/){|c| '%02x' % c.ord} # special directory end end class DBMStorage < BasicStorage def initialize require 'dbm' @db = DBM.open(CF_PREFIX+'db') end def unlink_compiled_iseq @db.delete fname end private def date_key_name fname "date.#{fname}" end def iseq_key_name fname "body.#{fname}" end def compiled_iseq_exist? fname, iseq_key @db.has_key? iseq_key end def compiled_iseq_is_younger? fname, iseq_key date_key = date_key_name(fname) if @db.has_key? date_key @db[date_key].to_i >= File.mtime(fname).to_i end end def read_compiled_iseq fname, iseq_key @db[iseq_key] end def write_compiled_iseq fname, iseq_key, binary date_key = date_key_name(fname) @db[iseq_key] = binary @db[date_key] = Time.now.to_i end end STORAGE = case ENV['RUBY_ISEQ_LOADER_STORAGE'] when 'dbm' DBMStorage.new when 'fs' FSStorage.new when 'fs2' FS2Storage.new when 'null' NullStorage.new else FSStorage.new end STDERR.puts "[ISEQ_LOADER] use #{STORAGE.class} " if COMPILE_VERBOSE def self.load_iseq fname STORAGE.load_iseq(fname) end def self.compile_and_save_iseq fname STORAGE.compile_and_save_iseq fname end def self.unlink_compiled_iseq fname STORAGE.unlink_compiled_iseq fname end end if __FILE__ == $0 ARGV.each{|path| if File.directory?(path) pattern = File.join(path, '**/*.rb') Dir.glob(pattern){|file| begin RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_and_save_iseq(file) rescue SyntaxError => e STDERR.puts e end } else RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile_and_save_iseq(path) end } end