require "" Coverage.start ext = ENV["COVERUBY_EXT"] || ".cov" accum = ENV["COVERUBY_ACCUM"] accum = !accum || accum == "" || !(%w(f n 0).include?(accum[0])) pwd = Dir.pwd at_exit do exit_exc = $! Dir.chdir(pwd) do Coverage.result.each do |sfile, covs| cfile = sfile + ext writable = proc do |f| File.writable?(f) || File.writable?(File.dirname(f)) end unless writable[cfile] cfile = cfile.gsub(File::PATH_SEPARATOR, "#") next unless writable[cfile] end readlines = proc do |f|"ASCII-8BIT").lines.to_a end sources = (readlines[sfile] rescue []) pcovs = [] if accum pcovs = (readlines[cfile] rescue []).map.with_index do |line, idx| if line[/^\s*(?:(#####)|(\d+)|-):\s*\d+:(.*)$/n] cov, line = $1 ? 0 : ($2 ? $2.to_i : nil), $3 if !sources[idx] || sources[idx].chomp != line.chomp warn("source file changed, ignoring: `#{ cfile }'") break [] end cov else p line warn("coverage file corrupted, ignoring: #{ cfile }") break [] end end unless pcovs.empty? || pcovs.size == covs.size warn("coverage file changed, ignoring: `#{ cfile }'") pcovs = [] end end open(cfile, "w") do |out|, pcovs).each_with_index do |(cov, line, pcov), idx| cov += pcov || 0 if cov cov = (cov ? (cov == 0 ? "#####" : cov.to_s) : "-").rjust(9) out.puts("%s:% 5d:%s" % [cov, idx + 1, line]) end end end end raise exit_exc if exit_exc end /option> The Ruby Programming Language
path: root/tool/gen-github-release.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-02-10Enhancement github releases generatorHiroshi SHIBATA
2023-02-09Avoid to duplicate entries that own redmine and github idsHiroshi SHIBATA
2023-02-09Added helper script for generate github releasesHiroshi SHIBATA